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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. I saw this suit last night and it was real nice. Not insulated though.
  2. Health officials on tv are warning to not even touch the water, I would hold off.
  3. Speaking for my boat (14.5'), I can throw in an extra 100$ and have a snap cover made with support poles, which comes with a 5year warranty on the cover. I would consider that if I was you Mike the Pike.
  4. Please do tell which company it is if you know. Its 13 years old its antique enough
  5. $300 is somewhere on the bottom of jack lake in 8' of water. I dove in and couldn't find it. Did cudz actually dive 30' down or did he grab it as it was sinking?
  6. Nothing wrong with keeping a walleye that size. Nice mixed bag.
  7. Wow what is this world coming to.
  8. Reading these theft reports makes my decision firm to go with a real heavy motor for my next boat purchase. Good excuse for the wife too
  9. trying being 6'4" and 300
  10. i drive my jetta as a daily driver and the truck strictly just to tow the boat on the weekends
  11. For a second I thought it was 60lbs
  12. check pm
  13. Brilliant idea. They should even make it like a demerit point system for a drivers license and jail time if your caught fishing while your license is suspended.
  14. They should make the piggers do more patrolling . Of course only during down time, where crime would be priority. Come the end of the month their going to be tired of giving warnings for cell phone use while driving. Then 3 months after the warning blitz its ticket time, 6 points might I add .
  15. Dont give them any ideas, they do read these threads . They should be looking more into the fact that some private store owners will only accept cash for license purchases. Isn't that interesting? I have been refused a debit license purchase because it was not cash, when the store owner did have debit. I wont mention store names, but he knows who he is.
  16. I own 2 vehicles, one of which is used to tow the boat on weekends. Is there such thing as weekend car insurance? If so which insurance companies offer it? I have herd of this before but I think it was primarily used for hot rods/collector cars.
  17. He mentioned its 92-93 model year. That motor on kijiji is 94.
  18. They got all the time they need when its in an underground facility. The other day I saw an older bowrider UNLOCKED in a GO carpool lot. My co-workers are telling me its been there for months too.
  19. if its outdoor, the going rate is 40$/month
  20. my condolonces
  21. I fished beside a guy on Nipissing who was dragging a lindy rig on bottom and his shaft length on the trolling motor was too short, thus his prop was splashing on the top of the surface, and he caught more pickerel than me in the same spot, while I was using the same set up (with proper shaft length). He does well too as he catches almost every outing. Go figure eh
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