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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. As you live in the Creek like me, there is an Interstate shop on Garden ave near the service rd that sells refurbished interstate batteries. Call them up and see if they have any deep cycles. They may charge you 50$ or so. They still give you the warranty as well. By refurbished were talking they were scratched on the assembly line, thus Interstate wont put their name on it. If your going to spend the money, do it right. Im sure you will get a much longer life out of it too. Just a thought.
  2. Use chicken liver, and leave it out in the sun as your fishing to get real stinky.
  3. For those who have been, does the park have docks where you can keep your boat or do you have to pull it out and keep it at your campsite?
  4. Nice report and thanks for sharing. I wonder if the locals are struggling to catch fish as well.
  5. The bear can still pick up the scent even if you have the fillets in your cooler. I read a MNR bear report that suggested you should even change your clothes that you went fishing in before you go to sleep in a tent.
  6. Check your email LucG I sent those pics. By the way, is that front compartment on your boat used as storage or a livewell? On my boat the battery is located in that exact spot and sits in a battery box.
  7. Agreed, and you can drink as much as you can handle and still not feel bloated
  8. well said, but I have seen a guy on Nipissing fishing pickerel with a trolling motor that had too short of a shaft and the propeller would splash on the surface of the water and he would still catch more then me .
  9. Based on my experiences, I would change one thing about what you just said: Wire the fishfinder so it is on the same battery as the trolling motor. Not sure if something is wrong with my set up but sometimes when I go to start the motor it shuts off the fish finder. This can eventually blow the fuse on the fish finder. Its just a hassle more than anything to have to replace the fuse. Just a precautionary measure. As for your trolling motor mounting, wait for me to get home, I will show you a pic how Princecraft made it out of the factory.
  10. It all depends how much you want to spend. If it were me I would do the 12v 55lb thrust Minn Kota Terrova with Auto Pilot and optima blue top battery and a CTEK charger. This set up will set you back $1300 ish + tax. As for choosing between 12v or 24v I would consider: how long you fish for when your on the water, do you use a separate starting battery for your motor, or is it pull start, do you intend to use the trolling motor to troll or just to position yourself. I use one battery for starting my motor, fishfinder, and I use the trolling motor for 4-5 hrs continuously to move slowly while pickerel fishing and I have yet to run out of battery. Thats with a interstate battery. I don't like the added weight of another battery and I find for how long I fish at a time, it is not necessary.
  11. Very interesting how he only comes around in the spring/summer time too
  12. Thats a good price their 4-5+$ a pop at BPS.
  13. This charger was recommended to me by a guy who works in the Interstate warehouse. Said its one of the best out there.
  14. You should never drain the battery entirely, unless circumstances force you to. After your done using it, just charge it back up again at a low amperage. When I went to the Interstate warehouse the guy recommended using a CTEK charger.
  15. Amen.
  16. Cinnamon takes away the smell of mould. Dont kid yourself for a second, that is the exact reason they did it.
  17. I looked into buying the CRD Liberty before my 4Runner actually. After reading the reviews I was steered away. I also work with a guy who owned one and he lived at the dealership. He sold it within a year. It is also tiny. Not looking to start an arguement here fellas just giving Raf my opinion.
  18. Worst thing you could do. They are unbelievably unreliable. Leave it to a German to make a diesel engine. If I was you Raf, I would be looking at a Cherokee CRD (with the Mercedes motor) or a 4runner. I have a 96 4Runner myself, and it had the most trunk space of all SUV's I looked at in its class. Not to mention, I get 13L/100km towing a 14.5 w/40hp and full camping gear. I can make it to Lakair from Hamilton on 1 tank. It could use a litte more power I will admit, but you have a smaller boat like me so it will serve you just fine.
  19. That guy is facing dangerous driving 8 points, no doubt. He deserves jail time!
  20. It is beyong me why this bothers you. You have too much money if your going to spend money because you need to pull a pin...lol
  21. Thats nothing. I know guys who have a smoke hanging out their mouth and pump other peoples gas
  22. Now you have to do all the tests listed in that MinnKota repair manaul to see what the problem is.
  23. call aikmans and see if they have any parts trolling motors they can take it off of.
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