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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Seeing as the motor is attached to the boat, take it for a ride and see how it works. Make sure the existing owner did not warm up the motor before you came to see it, incase it has starting problems. If it starts after a couple tries, runs good and idles ok, I would give it the green light. If it runs rough don't believe the guy when he says "it just needs a tune up". Hope this helps.
  2. What he said, this is usually the case. To be on the safe side, I would stay approx 15-20 ft away from the tracks on both sides. Or if you really want to play it safe, contact CNR.
  3. Costco had a Wetskins winterjacket (waterproof) and bib pants for 60$ a while back. I bought it but later returned it because I was soaked whenever I took off the jacket because it does not breathe at all. Didn't try to take the fleece liner out to see if that made a difference. It would only be good for spring/summer then though.
  4. CNR right of way would mean property that CNR owns. Kind of hard to determine that, unless you ask them for a plan showing their right of way.
  5. Keep a positive attitude and all will work out. Go to a video rental store and rent a documentary called "The Secret". It is a documentary about how positive thinking, good spirit and being happy will help you succeed/maintain good health. One particular part of the documentay shows a middle aged woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and she refused to have chemo or any type of treatment. Instead, she kept a positive attitude and watched comedies/shows and movies that made her laugh. When she returned to the doctors, they were shocked as the cancer had cleared from her body on its own. Give it a shot, you wont be disappointed!
  6. Theres a guy who lives near my neighbourhood who parks his boat on his lawn. He is perceived as a legend in my eyes ......
  7. My understanding and experience is that the slower you charge your battery, the longer it holds its juice. If you charge it at a higher amperage, then it drains quicker. I have verified this to be true with my own battery. There is a Interstate warehouse near my place and the guy there has over 20 years experience working with batteries and he swears by the C-TEK charger.
  8. Do you have return air vents in every room? Do you change your furnace filter every 2-3 months? I have a musty smelling basement especially in the spring/summer, but yet do not see signs of mold or water anywhere. Although, it is the only level in the house that does not have a return air duct and I'm suspecting it smells musty because of lack of air movement. Any thoughts?
  9. I would take it in and see what happens. If you fail, a good mechanic will be able to look at the etest summary sheet and determine what you should change. Like mentioned above, usually it will be the cat. Be careful though, because for the most part cats only go because the engine is not running properly. If you don't fix what the problem is with the engine, it will continue to burn out new cats. Ask me how I know
  10. We do sometimes, but it takes too damn long to get the money
  11. I bought my led there 3 months ago for 500$ less than what FS/BB were selling it for, not to mention that I used AMEX to pay for it which gave me an additional year warranty for free (3 yrs total). 3 years warranty on a tv at FS/BB is like 400+. If you keep an eye out for the sales, there is very good deals to be had. Me and the wife go weekly. Their return policy cannot be beat either. I have personally seen people bring back tv's with the warranty expired and costco still gave them a considerable amount of money towards a new one.
  12. 1. Make sure you bring it to the e-test facility warmed up. 2. I was always told to give it a good beating as well. If you feel uncomfortable doing that, then drive it in low gear at say 4000 ish rpm. 3. Have also herd you can temporarily idiot the timing. 4. If all else fails, find a greacy mechanic .
  13. Nice fish. Healthy looking too
  14. Last summer I noticed about 90% of pickerel I caught on the West Arm were under the slot, most averaging 12-13", so the statement "anglers are probably catching a lot of small fish" definetely holds true.
  15. I'll second that. Gave my prop her first kiss by a rock. There's a first for everything I guess
  16. My favourite is when they brake hard in the through lane, when they have a turn lane they can decelerate in to make the turn
  17. My girlfriend and friends think im sick in the head for choosing up north over a tropical vacation. It is assuring to know that im not the only one . Although, I did give in this year as were planning a trip for April.
  18. It takes less effort to just signal, as opposed to looking around you to ensure nobody is around so you don't signal. It would be nice if all of our officers would lead by example though .
  19. I can only imagine how thrilled you were to get stuck in waist high snow . Its good exercise ya know
  20. Pleasure meeting you F7, and thanks again for helping me out . Thanks to others as well for providing your advice
  21. I am sure all of us have been told "don't you think its boring". My girlfriend used to like fishing until she realised that the only time we are not fishing while were up north is when we are going into town to get groceries or eating
  22. I want to lay down laminate flooring in my living room but I have a section where the concrete floor is not flat (has a crest) and it is not allowing the flooring to click together properly, nor does it look good as there is a big hump. The room is already painted so I would hate to to get it all dusty from grinding. Is there such thing as a dustless grinder that you can rent? If not, any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  23. I was shovelling the snow the plow had left at the bottom of my driveway last night, when one of my female 35yrs old ish neighbours appears and asks me if I need some help. Needless to say I was rather suprised, considering i'm 25 and not exactly a spring chicken. Something tells me she wanted something else ..... . The wife was indoors, and the nice guy that I am I didn't want her feeling guilty for not helping me, so I declined the offer.
  24. I have Coopers on my 4Runner. Their not that great. Check your PM Gerritt.
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