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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Drove by yesterday and saw nobody fishing.
  2. Go to www.tirerack.com and see if they give any reviews. Never herd of them. I would stick with the known brands.
  3. To put the solar panel profits into perspective, a buddy of mine works for oakville hydro and said that a 3000 ish sq ft house will get you about 800-900$ a month. The solar panel installation for a house that size is probably 70k. It would pay for itself in about 10 years and then it would be all profit. If the system were to breakdown in that time, im pretty sure they come with 20-25 year warranty. I am on a smart meter and my current billing is not that bad as I watch my usage. You would be suprised the difference it makes to wash/dry your laundry and use your dishwater during off peak periods. My off peak usage was 650ish kw/h, which is more than I would use during peak and mid peak times. I have a 2000ish sq ft house with a high efficiency furnace and my last bill for 2 months was $212. I keep the house at 22 degrees when we are home and 20 degrees when not home and when sleeping (they say you sleep better when its cooler btw). I also have a 20+ year old stove and 2 fridges running that are 10+ years old. My previous bill for 2 months that I got before the 212$ one was 300 and that bill had 6-7 weeks of steady AC use to keep the house at 23 degrees. My next purchase will be a gas stove and I bet that will shave an additional 20-30$ off the bill as you usually cook supper during peak times. Watch your usage people.
  4. Thanks for sharing that Jim. Judging by the first pic, Cory looks just like him.
  5. That was last years results.
  6. When I was up north this past summer, I spoke to a young fella who was from Sudbury and he said it was full of mafia and punk kids who will mug you and stomp you out just for the kick of it if walking on the streets at night.
  7. Congrats on the win. What was your total weight? What was big fish of the day?
  8. Thank goodness my Weber bbq is natural gas . Although, it is going to suck big time for camping thats for sure.
  9. I have caught 2 pike this year in Dunnville.
  10. Looks like fun http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/epic-boat-jump/1glojw45g?from=en-ca-hpquad
  11. Considering you did well on the yellow's, you should let the blue one's go. Not too many around these days.
  12. These motors are abused and beat up, as sometimes they are operated by inexperienced individuals. I would be weiry purchasing a resort motor.
  13. A few residents complaining about people having too many cars will be nothing compared to the number of complaints the city will receive if this bylaw is implemented. I bet the city is drooling at the thought of up to $5000 fines.
  14. You forgot to mention the weight of yourself, nevermind the batteries and livewell
  15. I would get the CTEK charger from CT that is on sale right now for 54$.
  16. They sure can, and they can smell it up there from a distance. Your wasting your time putting it in a tree. What about all the people that go camping in a camper? They keep their food in the fridge, inside the camper.
  17. Fishing off a friends dock about 10years ago in the Kawartha's I was casting a 7" perch lure. I was just getting ready to cast the lure back out again, as I just pulled the lure out of the water maybe a foot above water level, a small 30" muskie came from under the dock and jumped out of the water and grabbed onto the lure. It started doing headshakes while out of the water and then spit the hook. Scared the hell out of me as I definetely was not expecting it.
  18. I would rather just spend those couple hundred dollars into a new motor, instead of giving it to a crook to check it over.
  19. Jedi: I will have to try that. bare foot wader: it is used for jigging and trolling wally divers. What boggles my mind is that it does this with even brand new line on (that I put on real tight). My last outing, my gf used it and within 15 min she was having problems on new spooled line. I cut a bunch of line off, as I figured it is just user error, but sure enough after a few casts there is another birds nest.
  20. I wouldn't waste your money. Water test the motor to see how it runs. Does it idle ok without any throttle (in neutral and drive). Does it smoke excessively? How does it run at WOT? Does it take long to start? When checking the motor out be sure to check if the motor has been warmed up before you came to see it. If it has been ran before you arrived, assume the owner is hiding something ie) difficulty starting when not ran for a period of time (which is normal, to a certain extent). If it runs rough, don't listen to the owner when he says "it just needs a tune up". I believed him and spent several hundred on repairs. If your really stuck on taking it to the shop, then have them do a compression check, or buy the tools necessary and do it yourself. CT sells it. Although, for your budget I would expect that you can get a motor with some kind of problem. You will live a less stressful life if you save your coins a little longer and get something newer. Otherwise, you will be spending the money on repairs. Keep your eyes open during the winter, good deals will arise.
  21. I have a Sedona that is about 2 years old, and ever since I have owned it, it has always tangled the 10lb Power Pro that I have spooled on it. Even after cutting the line where it is all tangled up and re-tying my lure the problem persists after a bunch of casts. Any suggestions?
  22. Did the bears actually approach him, or was he just too close for comfort?
  23. Good luck with that one. I bet his cost is more than 11500. You will be lucky if he lowers it to 14000 in my opinion.
  24. If I was you I would keep the 2hp on the boat and buy the trolling motor. It won't be long before you pull your hair in frustration because the trolling motor is too slow. If your using it to navigate around I would go minimum 45lbs thrust and make sure it has maximizer technology.
  25. Go to/call a local gun shop. The shops around my area carry them. Not cheap though, expect to pay $35+.
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