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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Denny use to help me with my pitching technique way back when I use to fish largemouth. Dude was a sharpshooter when it came to putting a bait were it needed to be. Always helpful and a really nice guy
  2. I'm thinking it was Pink Salmon I think I might have read the same book.
  3. One of my fondest memories. My son and I were camping on an Island in the French River area for 10 days. We came out and everyone was like black out and my son and I were hmm didn't notice.
  4. Beauty fish Lew. What lure and what technique were you using?
  5. Your right about the Notty Mike I've caught them up in Angus on Simcoe Day and of coarse the river shakers all come in to feed so its also a good early Steelie river
  6. Atlantics were never native to Simcoe. Same with Chinooks and Coho's. The Ministry is a about rehabilitating existing or former existing fisheries not about experimenting.Those days are long over. I think the last time the minstry introduced an exotic species to an Ontario body of water was the Conestoga River with brown trout. But someone can chime in if I'm wrong. As was mentioned Rainbows,Walleye, and Musky already exist in Simcoe so you have to ask why hasn't the fishery taken off. In all cases its because the habitat isn't suitable or degraded to the point where succesful spawning and recruitment is impossible.In these times of austerity spending money on stocking is not a reality Let's spend our dollars on protection and rehabing of the existing fisheries-Conservation officers and spawning habitat improvement.
  7. I predict lots of marshmallow and flossing.
  8. Me and my MOSS BOSS baby
  9. Yin and Yang Hopefully karma catches up for the loser. Edit -Damn censor I believe the word I used had something to do with feminine freshness.
  10. I don't know which pond it is but you go under a little bridge and its covered in lilypads. Use to be my favourite largie pond.
  11. Just to haunt you remember this 23" came out of there
  12. Chad that river is going to have Brookies rising all over it come blackfly season.
  13. If I could find a brookie in that spot mid summer I would consider myself a God so I'm guessing Smallmouth
  14. Now you'll never know. Welcome to the FISH THAT HAUNTS YOU. I think most fisherman have one.
  15. OMG some beauty fish. I really need to get back there.
  16. I don't have to imagine I've done it many times. Five Gallon pails full of 8 inch catfish.
  17. Cept I'm telling you mud-pout or bullhead are delicious so who's laughing now.
  18. I'm going too go with "alright"grandparents until I talk to the actual parents.Humble much!! LOL Congrats to all involved
  19. A guy catching a nice brown in Norway in a hole in the skeg
  20. I fished it once in October so don't know if the pattern will work this time of year. We fished parallel to anywhere we could find pads and dollar lilies. Used jerkbaits and did well 5 fish for two days. Biggest was mid forties. Did see one fish of 50. The Island right out from the launch was the most productive, outside side.
  21. It could be an 85 lb fish and Ramsell and company would still find a way to disqualify it
  22. I love how the IGFA gets all up in arms when it comes to chain of custody/scales when it comes to musky but sure trout hmmm don't catch many of those here so we don't care about it.
  23. The Bonshaw River is a provincial park and access is easy. Right off 17. This was it though size wise although local told me bigger fish do come in from the ocean
  24. I fished the Bonshaw River while I was there for brookies. Caught lots but nothing big.
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