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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I am shocked and horrified you would suggest giving alcohol to a child......use Nyquil it works better.lol Art
  2. Here is a link to a book that will give you all of the basics and the habits of the fish you hope to catch. http://www.amazon.com/Saltwater-Fishing-Made-Martin-Pollizotto/dp/007146722X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383339273&sr=1-1&keywords=saltwater+fishing+books Saltwater fishing has extra factors than a freshwater trip does not. A few sentences from me will not due justice to the knowledge you need to have a successful trip. The good news is you have time to read the book and then hit the ground running when you get to Florida. Best of luck Art
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to simplify a statement so everyone can grasp a complicated mechanical process and to avoid a wordy explanation. With the wealth of knowledge that Bernie has and shares with the community, given my choice I am sure Bernies answer was sufficient for 99 percent of the members. Art
  4. Hows about the guns that you cocked and puffed out air and a popping noise. You soon found out that you can jam the barrel in the mud and shoot people with them. or The spring loaded BB gun that would barely break the skin if you shot your brother with it from 5 feet away. I remember many a BB gun fight in the neighborhood with "bugbites" as we told our moms. I am sure we didn't fool them but it was easier to let us be kids than to make us come inside to watch T.V. and settle down before bed. growing up memories are the best Art
  5. I guess I should clarify why I change them yearly. I am running a 1989 6 cylinder johnson gt 150 hates to cold start, smokes on the warm up and runs like a scalded dog all day long. The carburetors on theses beauties are 3 float bowl 6 barrel with fixed jets. Needless to say it runs from really wet down low to perfectly balanced as you run up the lake. I need all of the spark I can get for the soggy lower RPM,s. It is a love hate relationship if it gets out of tune it is a cranky pants motor but when it is right it will paint a smile on anyones face that runs up the river with me. Art
  6. I change them yearly and carry the old set in the boat as backups. Art
  7. We tried metric once but them we found out we were to stupid to learn math again. I personally find metric much easier to work with especially when dealing with mechanical repairs. Art
  8. 3 meters thats like what 75 feet right? Art
  9. If anyone really wants financial advise look up Dave Ramsey and get his books/cd's they will guide you using common sense methods on how to get the most bang for your buck. I used his program 15 years ago and he saved my financial life and is making it possible for me to feel great at where I am in my retirement portfolio. http://www.daveramsey.com/store/?s_kwcid=TC|6886|dave%20ramsey||S|e|24478281866&gclid=CKeEtaD6vLoCFUwV7AodHCMACw Art
  10. The price of ammo is going up because of demand. The demand is because people want to buy it before it goes up. The bulk buy is what is effecting this. I buy rounds usually 6000 at a time to save money per round. The Obama scare is making imported rounds harder to get so people are hording them like the .223 and any variety of 7.62 is murder. I am changing the caliper of one of my rifles from 7.62x25 to a 9mm just because I can't find miliary rounds and the civilian rounds are up to .50 cents each IF you can find them. The price of even the common rounds has driven a lot of people to reload which has caused a shortage of primers and powders in my area. Art
  11. Welcome to the board you should have a great time here. Art
  12. First thing I pattern is habitat. I locate where the fish are by using the signs around you. I am a firm believer that if you take the clues that are around you such as wind direction, cover, depth, and bait signatures you will be in the area of what you are fishing for. The old adage of 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish I feel is true. Once an area is found it is important to see what the fish attitude is cold, neutral or aggressive. I try for the aggressive bite using fast moving lures to see if they are in an aggressive mood. If not then I slow down until I get bites and then refine the colors of lures. Most of the time I use colors selected by the amount of light, the color of the water and the natural prey in the water body. One thing that is often ignored by fisherman is cadence of the bait. We all get into auto pilot and we throw the lure then swim it back again and again and again in the same speed with out pauses or interruptions. How many times have you been fishing and untangled a backlash only to find a fish on the end? How often have you gotten a hit while you where messing with the trolling motor direction while you where reeling in? The predator has built in instincts that guides them in other words apply the proper stimulus and you will get a predictable reaction. A pod of baitfish all swimming healthy will rarely be attacked however let a few of them swim in an odd manner and a predator will attack the pod and single out the strange swimmers. Keep this in mind as you fish and you will find your catch rate goes up. Art
  13. Nice trip and yes you did Get to meet one of the people that make this place great. Art
  14. Cliff you make your way to Virginia and you can shoot every one of my weapons in my arsonal. I promise you a smile you can't wipe off your face for a week. Art
  15. I hope that hearts will heal soon and memories will live forever. Art
  16. We have agricultural buildings here a place to store larger pieces of equipment separate from the house. nod nod wink wink. Art
  17. Since you asked there EHG Yea it was as we call them Indians but I am sure that some would assume it was only an American trait. Art
  18. That's an old joke I heard it as an ethnic slur instead of Senator though. Art
  19. Snowblower would leave less hand work than a plow. A plow is heated. Sorry for the Southern input it isn't worth much. Art
  20. Pack plenty of blankets and keep a jug of water and some survival foods....wait never mind my bad I though you were down here near Washington D.C. Art
  21. O.K. I did it and you are correct. Some days a little knowledge is a scary thing bud. Art
  22. Those pictures make my stomach hurt. IT IS TO EARLY for white stuff. Thankfully on the map there is enough distance I will be saved the agony of ice and snow for a little while longer.lol Art
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