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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Glad you are here. Now it is time to convert the rest of the family to the fish side. Art
  2. Good to see that you got the deal you wanted on the boat you wanted. I have always found good quality boats at fair prices down here. Yes there are some people who want to take your money but by and large I found if you approach a dealer and are honestly trying to purchase a boat and offer to pay a small fee for any extra over and beyond questions and requests they will bend over backwards for you. Art
  3. Very nice work as always can I send mine to you and get the official Spiel branding? Glad to see you are finally signing your work. Art
  4. aplumma


    Timing is everything Lew wait till they line up and then you got a two headed deer. Art
  5. Welcome Dave we hope your stay is pleasurable. Art
  6. Don't be scared we have the same run on items when we get bad weather and they tell us the same thing minus the what if's of going to war with Canada. The reason that things are so slow to restock is people are hording the supplies such as survival gear guns and ammo especially. We haven't had 22 ammo available for almost a year now. The factories have geared up to produce the 9mm .45, and other man stoppers for the hoarders to buy at a premium price I might add. A true lesson in supply and demand for those that love to watch people and their reactions to social media events. Art
  7. Sometimes a liberal return policy is not a good thing. I can't tell you how many times people have been burned by returned products that have been "modified" by people who take out good parts and then return it to the store. The victim ends up being not the store but the fellow customers. The store does not notice or worse is not familiar with the product and it goes back on the shelf for the next person to deal with. Where it really gets bad is when you have hired a contractor to install the broken product and it can't be done as it is. You then get to pay me to come back or worse wait since you don't want to take off another day of work. It is not a harmless crime to return items under false pretenses regardless what the legal law of these actions are. Art
  8. I have a thru hull transducer in a 89 fiberglass Ranger it worked poorly until I installed it with this product. http://www.firstchoicemarine.com/p-88825-vexilar-ace-transducer-epoxy-ace001.aspx?gclid=CJSQwJPT9LsCFTEV7Aod-wcAqQ. The back of the boat with the way the water transfers off will be difficult at best to locate a clean spot from the picture I see. I could be wrong though. Art
  9. Put battery in charger, set drill by fireplace pour glass of scotch there everyone is warm. Art
  10. Ya know if you make the round guards heavier they turn into a flywheel with stored energy. Art
  11. On the upriver side of peoples docks on the river they have a piling with a steel wedge going from the top of the post into the upriverside of the water. I had always wonder what it was for and it was explained that as the river thaws the big sheets of ice run into/up it and is breaking apart and keeps it from taking out the docks. Pretty slick in my opinion. Art
  12. Good to see that as the weather warms people shake off the effects and return to their former goodhearted selves. Art
  13. I would print up another printer so I could make them twice as fast. Art
  14. Without a picture here is my idea. Drill a hole into the switch and put a piece of 1/8 inch brass dowel in it and glue it with a 2 part epoxy. Keep the dowel just long enough to flip with your gloves on. Art
  15. Check with a fabric shop they have lots of products or a upholstery shop that does cars, boats ect. Art
  16. You didn't get your drill out and make a fishing hole ? Art
  17. good luck on the boat purchase. Art
  18. unless the heater is equipped with a perfect catalytic converter it is producing carbon monoxide. Unless the carbon monoxide escapes the enclosure before it reaches toxic levels you can die. Darwin awards are handed out all of the time for carbon monoxide poisoning. Art
  19. I think Chris is in talks with Roy to get the backround on what is involved. Art
  20. Nope the power strokes are not the shining star of turbo technology. The units were sequenced incorrectly and the results stressed them out and they blew. I think the flaw is in their design of the motor than the turbo components used. Art
  21. When a big boat company decides what motor to put on their boats other than getting a brand name they go with what company will sell them the motors cheapest simple economics. Art
  22. Both statements are old information and do not apply to today's turbos. Using a turbo allows the computer to adjust to a wider range of driving conditions than a non turbo engine. With a v6 turbo charged driven economically it will save you money in the long run. Ford lied, imagine that a car company exaggeration their fuel economy numbers. bad on them but look at how much metal they are moving down the road. Turbos sized correctly are bullet proof eliminating the main death of a turbo issue the bearing that support the shaft. The new generation turbos use ceramic nozzles that under pressure suspend the shaft in a field of oil elimination the wear associated with the older turbos. They also are now in some vehicles (Ford) are using twin sequential turbos that spool up at different rates one for low end torque and as the 2nd one builds in to supply midrange. If you spool up a turbo to 28 lbs you are at two atmosphere basically you need to add twice the fuel to keep the ratio balanced but it turns 3.7 into 7.4 liter motor. The trick is the computer optimists the ratio so you burn the least amount of fuel possible to keep 7.4 motor running clean and safely. Don't fear the turbo it is reliable and when driven correctly a money saver in the long run. Art
  23. The eco boost is more than enough to tow the boat with. I pulled a fully loaded Ranger boat plus 1 weeks worth of gear and presents for two fisherman 13 hours straight averaging 65-70 mph for a combined MPG of 14.7. The combined around town is 17 mpg without towing. I think the key here is to get a large enough vehicle to tow comfortable in both power and braking so you can control it while loaded. Art
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