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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Solid fuel includes coal or corn or cherry pits, but for most of us that means cord wood or pellets. The rule here is easy and clear. IRC M1801.12 Multiple solid fuel prohibited. A solid-fuel-burning appliance or fireplace shall not connect to a chimney passageway venting another appliance. In other words, only one appliance per flue, period. It goes without saying, I hope, that gas or oil appliances cannot be vented into a flue which also vents a solid fuel appliance. EVERY SOLID FUEL APPLANCE GETS ITS OWN VENT! AS PER USA RULES Art
  2. Good decision I decided to let you work through the issues and decide it among the people who it effects. your family. Art
  3. Since the owners will get yelled at for locking a thread to soon or letting it go on to long we are damned if we do and damned if we dont. I do not moderate for content but whether or not the rules are broken. If everyone keeps a civil tongue and respects others opinions with out cussing these threads could go on as long as the hockey threads. My ability honestly to comment in a political thread about Canadian politics dealing with the Canadian people or facts is severely limited because I dont have a dog in the fight. What I have learned from these threads over the years is the players are different but the general discord is the same both here in the USA and Canada. The best way to get change is one vote at a time.Many great people fought for everyone to have the right to vote please don't throw that away. Art
  4. Well said Doug. To everyone please keep this civil and within the rules so it may continue. Thanks Art
  5. While the owl seems to be a good idea they do not work at the marina so I expect the owl and the car would have the same result. We use a propane cannon at the orchards that keep the birds from the grapes but again the cost and noise are not good in this case as well. It looks like some type of exterior cover is going to be the best answer. Art
  6. Wax and a spray bottle of water to rinse the droppings off before they harden. Art
  7. Very cool thanks for the story and pictures. Art
  8. I drag a piece of chain when river fishing to slow down and it is snag free. Art
  9. Net working the unit from the motor to the hd will give you the same controls as the hand controller. The pinpoint motorguide interface is needed to get them to talk. You can not follow contours from the screen but can plot way points on the screen. The foot petal works fine it does not have the lag of the older units and does not over swing a tap moves it a little and a hold swings till it is released. The useful feature is the heading lock it allows you to set it and forget it. You are not constantly adjusting for current or wind. The anchor feature works very well I give it 5 stars over my older motorguide. I did not bother spending money from the interphase unit. Art
  10. I guess we all are ready for change so get out and vote and hope that it is the man who is best for our Nations wins instead of the man who gives away the most of our tax dollars. Thanks for the debate to all and for keeping it civil. Art
  11. I use a 10ft pelican pontoon and love it for ponds and such. It however is a little bulky to go back country with. Art
  12. Lets get the politics out of this thread it seems to be going down into a series of attacks. that will get it locked. Thanks Art
  13. My views on the president reflect how he has failed us in my opinion. You will find the same comments all over Canada on your political figures. Rarely will you find a man who can make everyone happy. I will not make everyone happy with my opinions same as you will not make everyone happy. Ohio Fisherman has bashed the USA in many posts however he decided to come after me when it suits him. No issue from me his opinion has no infuence on me or my opinions. He is an Obama supporter I am not just that simple. I have had to vote for the lesser of two evils for the last 4 terms same as a lot of people. We all are hoping for a hero and he has not gotten here yet. I will at this time bow out and will not get into a political discussion the outcome of those usually leave good friends not talking anymore. I value everyone who has an opinion here as long as it is said civilly and without malice. Art
  14. I actually said Forum not this thread so I implied that a new thread has not been started. Divulging who i voted for will do little to help change your opinion of my beliefs. A question back to you is Who played Lumpy on Leave it to Beaver? both have the same amount of relevance here........ Thanks for asking though Art
  15. Really you feel that he was as quick on the draw on the flooding and the ship loss? You haven't seen a press conference on either disaster yet. Obama is a puppets head showboating for only the issues that forward his agenda. However my point was to show that we as people want to see the ghoulish news well before we want to read of other tragedies that have cost more lives. Art
  16. Actually Cliff is right on this as he often is in my opinion. The sickness is not the guns but the people who use them incorrectly. Is a man who stabs another any less mentally disturbed than a man who shot someone? We as a society feed on these horror stories. So far i haven't hear word one on this forum of the 33 people on a ship that died in the hurricane or the massive flooding going on in the south. Face it folks we are ghoulish in the news we choose to react to. Even Obama has ignored these two disasters but he sure got up on a soapbox to tell the Nation that guns are evil. Art
  17. To my buddy Lew we have chased this discussion like a dog and his tail while fishing and I always come to the same answer and that is that what you have up North is golden and I hope it stays that way. John how many people have the proper training to have a handgun in there possession the honest answer is very few. There is no requirement for any training to own a handgun. We have required training for hunting with rifles or shotguns. I would support a ridged training course as well as physiological testing before issuing a handgun permit to purchase a handgun instead of the current system to get a concealed permit. The real question the big one of can I use the gun to take a life had better be answered before you ever have to pick up the gun for defense. If the situation is life threatening and you hesitate the gun you pulled might be the gun that gets you killed. Remember we are talking about life threatening, not protect your property or teach an intruder a lesson. Anger has nothing to do with this it is simply the first one to shoot is the one who walks away. Am I happy about this ? no not at all can I change this? realistically no I cant. It falls into the category of one of the downsides of life here but I can honestly say it is a small price to pay to be here in what I consider a great place to visit. BillM I agree if I needed to have a hand gun on my side to feel safe I would move that thankfully is rarely the case. I have a better chance of shooting a bear than I do an intruder. Art
  18. The pencil is to show any object can become a weapon. I can in 10 minutes in your average house make a mass destruction weapon. The scary part is you can do the same using the internet. I am not trying to change anyones mind on guns and I envy Canadas lack of handguns on the street. The issue is once you got them out there gun control will not take them off the street. We are failing as a society all over the world and we all seem to have opinions and disparaging remarks instead of realistic answers. I personally do not have the answer I so far have not read a single answer to prevent man on man violence either here or anywhere I have search for it. This will be a circle discussion that has no answer. Some one asked when would this be locked the simple answer is when people break the Sites rules most often for name calling and general rudeness. Art
  19. Lew it is not the gun that is the issue it is the people who think that killing innocentpeople acceptable. Every person has the ability to not kill thy neighbor you have to over ride that reflex to do those things. You first reflex in any situation is to run from conflict. Say we could get the guns off the street from the good guys very possible do you think the people who have made the decision to use them illegally will turn theirs in? so reality is guns are here to stay in the USA no way around it. The density and the complex life style we have/want is high pressure and is present every where is not as dense in Canada. The Percentages are slated unbalanced people exists every where in the world. If I didn't have a gun and I wanted to kill I can produce a weapon in 10 minuted misusing common products available around the house. Put the blame where it belongs SOCIETY is broken no doubt and it appears up North as well as down here. There is no difference between one man killing another for a reason that is socially not acceptable than a man who kills 10 people. After the first one is killed they are no more crazy than the man who only had one victim. The media however will give excessive coverage on the mass murder because people by nature feed off the news in a ghoulish manner. Look how often the lead stories are of tragedies rather than all of the good things going on around you. Art
  20. I feel pretty safe Bill I have no fear that the country will be over run internally or externally. It is the hands and the mind that make guns evil. I can show you 10 ways to kill with a pencil video if you want. Art
  21. I'm sorry I was not inferring that your info is not factual or incorrect it is that Obama is 3 steps below the junk tabloids and Wiki in my eyes. I have never nor will I hold someones opinions or views against them because reality is in the eyes you look thru and the path you travel thru life. Art
  22. Your down to quoting Obama? He is about to start WW3 with his insane antics. Go back to Wiki I have more faith in it then him. lol Art
  23. There is nothing more devastating than finding you brought a knife to a gun fight. I am tactically trained as well as ex-special forces. I don't think like you do I am the one who will be the first one to apologize and try to walk away from a fight. I will also be the one who when cornered and yes it has happened release maximum force to put down anyone who threatens me. I have not pulled a gun in public however I have used force to neutralize an opponent when they pressed the issue. fighting or pulling a gun is not something that is pleasant far from it. The mindset has to be maximum force to keep minimum damage to ones self at all times. Arm me with a baseball bat and it will have the same outcome I don't hit you in the leg and you will not get back up off the ground. Violence is the last resort I would rather give you the shirt off my back if you are cold. As far as outlawing handguns it just isn't possible down here they are everywhere and the only ones who would turn them in is the law abiding citizens surely you do not thing that the criminals would become disarmed in the same numbers that lawful citizens would be. For Canada my advise is never open Pandoras box keep handguns outlawed allow people to keep all of the guns that can be used for sporting and hunting applications. Having protection that matches the level that a criminial has is just plain good sense. When you go off into the bush you carry the items that you think you need to go there have fun and make it back without damage to oneself. You take the tools available to get the job done easily as well as a mindset and skills to be safe. As I said before I am not trying to change your mind nor justify what we do down South just point out we will never see this eye to eye. Art
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