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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. If it was not for the Chinese bringing opium to the West it would have not been settled. The water was often full of parasites and bacteria that gave true meaning of the phrase "two step", The snake oil industry had one base ingredient you guessed it opium which not only made you feel good but it got rid of the trots, This harmless drug even made it into a favorite snake oil called Coke a Cola which then became a drink that spread across the USA it was not till 1902 it was removed from the formula. This info has been brought to you by me having to do a dissertation for my masters on water treatment and field sanitation. Art
  2. Actually it isn't and it has issues on other sites as well Wayne. The code for IE is restricted and many sites/providers are moving away from it to the open codes that are available on chrome and firefox. If we want to tear down the site again we could get a provider that is more IE friendly however not all of our important information would cross over and could make it necessary to wipe all of the accounts as well as losing the money invested in the past. Kind of a no brainer as to whether it is worth making IE more friendly to this site. Art
  3. Actually codeine constipates it will bind you up faster than cheese mixed with concrete. Art
  4. The outdated IE does not like the code that we have to use to keep this site up. We have an upgrade coming up that we will be forced to do and it will try to address some of the IE issues but it will just trade one issue for another is some unknown areas. It is not an issue of money on the upgrades it is the reformatting of the skins and all of the other plug ins we have to make comparable. The running of a site that is this big is quite a bit of work behind the scenes. Art
  5. I ordered my twistlock male and female from cabelias years ago I am sure they still have them. The small wire is to put an adapter that allows the unit to talk to your lowrance system that then can control it from a touchscreen it is called lowrance smart steer . Art
  6. The grounding wire between should be the same size as the main feed to the trolling motor. Just pick up a ground wire from the auto store that is the correct length to go between the 2 batteries. You can use a smaller one but it is not as effective. Art
  7. Good deal I used a aluminum plate on mine and it is rock sold with no bad pressure on the fiberglass. I am sure you will love the new motor. Art
  8. The short answer is yes it does. I have a 28ft all aluminum boat that lives in a marina and it is very susceptible to electrolysis. It has an electronic galvanic isolation on the boat. It allows any stray current from the boat or water to pass thru the electrical system and out the ground wire connected to shore power. I also have a meter that measures the current passing thru the water and boat hull to monitor if the anodes need to be changed or the EGI is working correctly. Art
  9. I deal with this all the time as a plumber when one condo damages another you are responsible for the damage first off. Contact the people downstairs and see if they want to have their contractor or have you arrange to have a contractor make the repair. After you get prices you can decide if you want to make a claim. You will most likely have to remove the damaged section and have it replaced. Then paint the whole ceiling in the bathroom. The good news is there should not be any mold remediation since it was a one time leak and not a slow drip. This depending on the contractor should be less than $500.00. You can also take pictures of the damage and the end result just in case there are any future questions on the incident. Just a final thought be really nice and apologetic it was you who damaged their property so asking if they will share the cost or see if their insurance (which it won't) will pay for it can be seen as insulting. I have seen in cases that after it is done a dinner gift or coffee coupon would go far in keeping a friendly neighbor. Art .
  10. The beauty of having the right to bear arms is that people think twice before breaking and entering or public assault. I have my property posted so if you are not invited then you are breaking the law. This is a legal move to help in court if you have to take action. When average citizens are armed and the guys don't know who is or who isn't that is a strong deterrent to opportunistic crimes . If it is premeditated bad guys will already have the notion that they will do what is needed to get what is yours. personally I have no problems using a gun inside of the law it is just like a hammer it has it's uses just like any tool. The issue I have with knuckle dusting an idiot is they can come back on you anytime they choose in the future when you are not prepared for them if they know you are armed that second visit will not happen. Art
  11. I like the way the xi5 feeds in the input to turning. It ramps up slowly so it does not overshoot your turn and if you floor it then it will turn quite quickly. Spot lock is on the petal as well as speed and direction. The fob controls direction lock so having the fob hanging on a belt loop is really handy. Art
  12. John the plate has a small lock you can put it on but it has to be small so a boltcutter will easily remove it. The sonar cable is attached to the Sonar and the power to a plug. I ran my sonar cable thru the boat and then out the hole for the motor so they have to cut the wire to steal it. The plate is a special plate that was different from my old moetrguide removable plate it seems to be spacific so new holes will be needed with or without the plate. The motor comes with both a foot petal as well as a fob. I used the fob on a retractable key holder clipped to my butt seat and the pedal to adjust as needed. The foot petal will give you speed , anchor,left,right, on off. The fob will give you heading lock as well as other advanced features. After awhile I sent the foot petal to my back fisherman so he could hit anchor lock when a fish was caught or steer while i was busy. The charge or run time on a set of AGM batteries was all day and still green but I plugged it in in the evening to keep from grinding down the batteries. As far as issues I have had none the stow and deploy has been really improved way easier than the old motorguide. Since I am a lowrance guy i can't ever seeing me with a minn kota again. I don't think the minn kota is a bad product it will never be mated to lowrance. plate assy. http://www.ceshowroom.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=CWR56488&click=2&gclid=CNm_hezgwscCFdYSHwodLUQIpA Art art
  13. good idea wait for the fall sales they will come and by then you will have a little more money saved up as well Art
  14. I fished my new xi5 solid for a week with no issues. I am using the 24 volt 80lb up at Lake Nipissing grinding away for 7-9 hours a day and it was really nice. The biggest thing that I liked was just point it in a direction and you can just fish without having to correct for wind and current. The anchor feture was spot on and it is really quiet both above and below the water. These feature are also in the ipilot from what i understand. The hand fob lacks a screen but it has a very easy whistle up or whistle down to tell you what it is doing. i can't see a screen helping me out. The addition of a lowrance and auto pilot could be added for a few hundred bucks but it really isn't needed. I have it hooked to a hds5 and it is really clear and reads well with the built in transducer. I purchased a detachable aluminum plate to mount it on a ranger boat and really like the way it can be unmounted quickly and moved back off the edge so my travel cover can be correctly fitted. So far if you have lowrance as your equipment they are designing new programs and add ons that will be good additions to any boat. Depending on the size of your boat put in another battery box and go 24 volt you will not regret it. Art
  15. Matt you most likely did not catch snakeheads up North. They are most likely bowfin. https://www.youtube.com/embed/I7urNB0z1Ps" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> [/size] They are a different fish that until seen side by side are easily mistaken. Art
  16. Love the breed and we have had 3 on the farm. High energy they need room to run for sure. They are people pleasers for sure. The more poodle in them the less they shed. You will still get some hair though. Take the time to train them with their high energy they will get into trouble without structure. They are also not outside dogs they need to be living in the house with people or other pets. Art
  17. My best from that body of water is 15.5 lbs and it was delicious. http://potomacsnakehead.com/ here is the link to see some of the tournaments captures Art
  18. Coming soon we have a big announcement. Lots of work went into this hopefully it will make everyone happy. Art
  19. Sorry i only know the codes for the USA but a homeowners permit is legal here but it has to pass according to the local codes governing the area. Pipe sizing, venting, layouts are all dictated by codes that we follow they are easy to obtain and explain what the rules are. Make sure you are correct they can make you tear out anything that is incorrect and does not meet code. They also have places in the project that have to be inspected such as ground works, close in and final inspections that occur throughout the project if you miss one they can require you to remove concrete, drywall or walls to inspect the work. hope this helps. Art
  20. the live target topwater mouse is the best thing since slice bread. The action is soooo sexxy to bass it will outfish frogs at least two to one. I had one that I beat it to death and stitched up with braid and crazy glue to finish the season with. Art
  21. Excellent adventure i am glad not only you got on the fish but you got to see the kids. Art
  22. Tip of a chopstick pegs them really well also Art
  23. The down scan feature is the easiest to decipher showing excellent bottom contour as well as fish swimming bladders. Pay attention to what it is telling you ignore the fishing rods for a little bit and watch a few videos to show you what to set the controls on before you go. The sidescan is an excellent tool it takes a little learning to wrap your head around of what it is displaying. I found that if you drive by a dock or other items that go from above to below the water it will help you visualize what it is showing you. I have spent days prescouting for catfish and found that tuned correctly you can see bladders on the fish in downscan mode. The sidescan mode will show you fish and if you look carefully you can actually see the sonar shadow which differentiates from floating weed clumps and other debris. Enjoy Art
  24. Not sure what is going on here if you want it unlocked sleepjigging PM any mod and approve. Thanks Art
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