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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. I have put eggshells down my holes on Simcoe for years, seems to work for me!
  2. Me too, and all my friends!
  3. I vote Coopers, have seen many hunting my birdfeeder in Pickering!
  4. They have sites that are custom made for this type of discourse.
  5. Congrats sinker on your 1500th post
  6. I prefer Floyd Hales out of Beaverton , I to have used many hut operatore from Pefferlaw , Port Bolster and Beverton including Tim Hales, I just found Floyds to be the best. Always seem to catch fish with them and they are on time to take you OUT to the huts not just coming back in. Some operators say that the time is an 8 a.m. start but we have sat in the parking lot for 40 min. ( with operators other than Floyds) while they try to get a full load. After a 25 min. ride we don't get a line in the water till 915 but the are right there to get you at 4pm sharp. I think that you should expect and get more for your $60.00
  7. Explains why there is a lot of short weak men out there with big wallets.
  8. After forty years fishing in the Kawarthas I have been checked once. Every single time I go ice fishing on Lake Simcoe I have been checked, every single time!
  9. When Bluffers park was just a dump on the water, we teens would gather and party on the beach. the smelts were there in fantastic numbers but we did not care so much because there were girls on the beach!!! OOOHHH the 70's
  10. new cutting blades on sale 25$ also at C.T.
  11. Cost me less than $ 6o I went to Frenchmans bay yesterday to try out my new 8incher It took 23 cranks to go through 10 " of ice , not too bad, we will see how it holds up over the test of time.
  12. Went out today for a walk on Frenchmans bay. I wanted to use my new auger. Tried ouyt my Aqua-view, murky bottom , could not see to far.The only fish I saw was a 4lb. pike caught while I was out there( for an hour,) only 6 icefisherpersons on the bay.
  13. I bought one of the Swede-bore augers today, had to go to two stores to get it. I am going to check it out tomorrow.
  14. What a great read , thanks for posting. Glad your intervention went well .
  15. Does anyone ice fish on Frenchmans Bay in Pickering. How deep is it, what do you catch, on what bait? Thanks .
  16. I have said good things about them, as I have used them with great results on both Muskies and Pics. (in the Kawarthas before anyone asks).
  17. Re-Ditto, as well, again.
  18. No wonder you ended up with a great life, sounds like you worked for it , a labour of love. What a wonderful story !!!!
  19. I also have an Aqua-view and I have had fish come right up to the camera ,with the lights on an give us the FIN.
  20. #5 was a friends homemade chile, a BIIIIG mistake.
  21. For sheapshead the mouth of Duffins creek or in front of the Pickering nuke plant at any time of year!
  22. Dont freeze to many as they count against your 120 possesion limit!
  23. AND, Are you a WITCH!
  24. If you keep your god away out of this fishing site I will keep my tooth fairy, easter bunny,santa out as well!!!!
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