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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. Yes I agree almost any loud noise will get them yelping, then every dog in the neighborhood joins in , it sounds quite spectacular!
  2. True story. I had a Chow Chow ( not very friendly) , and I live on a ravine backing onto Pettycoat creek . When out in the backyard having a " smoke" my dog went to the back fence where it went nose to nose through the fence with a coyote pup. They just sniffed each other and the pup walked away. If I had of had a camera at that time the picture would been a priceless award winner!
  3. This has been nothing but one BIG ad, because of this I don't think that I will be buying any!
  4. I agree with everyone else GREAT fish , from shore? General area?
  5. Wow your old! Good Fishing!
  6. I work in a long term care facility, and I can tell you that the residents here go wild when there is a full moon, that is not a fable.
  7. Lake Simcoe Lakers and Whitefish no question!
  8. On what river was the Gar caught?
  9. you guys are wacked!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thanks I need one, got lost in the backyard last week. Have not cut the lawn in a month, too busy fishing.
  11. Yes I have caught them out of Lake Ontario, at the mouth of the Rouge River.
  12. Your stories always make me smile. they are great. Today was no different , sorry.
  13. as always a great report, thanks!
  14. The bigger the bait the better!
  15. Why o why all the none fishing topics, look on the list its about 50% - way too much don't ya say!
  16. I agree, it was early, and it is over!
  17. Have been out 4-5 times this fall, at night, ( only time I can go ) Nada, Nothing Zilch . Bupkiss....
  18. Well anyone?
  19. Has anyone had any luck recently, while fishing at the mouth of the rouge river.
  20. I would like to suggest that until you have caught a muskie of 36" you are still a virgin with a hand job
  21. I would suggest that unless it it 36" you have still not casught a REAL Muskie. You are still a virgin with a hand job!
  22. Power-Pro, Fireline or Spiderwire? 20 lb. test. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  23. Has anyone fished Rotary Park in Ajax for carp? Any ideas for someplace else close to there?
  24. I have fished at Killbear dozens of times. The best bet is turn off at Fred Dueby rd. on the way in, follow that for a mile and you will come to a wonderfull little lake , name? I always had good luck in there.
  25. Yes I agree, Sturg. or Balsam would be a better bet if you have a choice.
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