I also have a Quad aqua -view , got it for Christmas. Used twice ,once on Simcoe in 22ft. of water for perch and on Scugog in 12ft. for Craps and Pics. In simcoe we would look down the big hole and see nothing and look into the camera and see a couple hundred fish under us that we could not see from above. On Scugog the best thing about it was that we could see if we were fishing in the weeds and how thick they were . The Quad does help as you can see about a 8 ft. circle around the whole camera. The camera is square on the Quad360 and does not look like a fish. It did not scare the fish as they would come up to it and bump into it with thier noses or as my friends say "give you the fin ". The only problem with the Quad is that the battery only lasts 4 hrs. even less if you use the lights( which work very well and do not scare the fish by the way) . On simcoe we would watch perch that would pick up a minnow on a jig and spit it out without moving a very sensitive rod tip, without the camera you would not even know the fish was there. I am going out to deep water on Simcoe Fri. I will let you know how it works on those nasty whitefish that keep stealing my minnows.........