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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. What no mention of the pike? When I say keep all you want ,I really mean legaly of course.
  2. Sorry but lots of us in the Kawarthas do not want that species of fish ( invasive ) in our lakes to eat Pic. fry. Catch and keep all of them you want I say , along with those nasty pike.
  3. Go in and grab them all , put them outside for everyone!
  4. Yes you are , my livewell has a divider to keep the fish separate.
  5. Bingo, We have a winner! Hold your cards.
  6. It does not say No Fishing but no fishing for certain fish, but I would like to see what they had in the bag!
  7. There was one C.O. down at the mouth of the Rouge on Mon. night , he was checking all fisherpersons for paperwork, good job I say! Last year when I was down there( Sept), I saw him( same C.O.) write out tickets to two persons without a licience, he made them leave but did not take their stuff.
  8. SHOOT EM , SHOOT EM,....
  9. YUP, it looks like a lot of them have never seen water never mind a fish, they are cute though. The messier the box the more it is feels used! ( married 26 years)...
  10. Seafoam x2 .
  11. No worries if you are NOT breaking the law, they are on your side!
  12. I think the law reads that it is ill eagle , (sick bird) to TRANSPORT self filled containers!
  13. Thank-you. I too work on the front lines as an adjuvant/recreation sevice assistant. I provide all the "fun" things to do in a home with 250 residents. Bingo, bowling , sing-a-long, toe tapping tea time, hymn sing,bake groups, craft groups and any other group that we can put together. You can be as active as you want to be or not at all. The nursing and food are first class, and all this is provided to people of any age and need , in a city run facility by , here it comes , CUPE workers!!!!! I am proud of the work we do with our long term care residents.
  14. Went out yesterday onto Simcoe with Roys huts out of beaverton, 2 lakers 2 whities caught. Today I am going to play hockey at Art Thompson arena.
  15. I work in a city run Long Term Care facility, ( and have for 29 years), not just seniors live there but anyone that needs constant care . We have many people in their 20s and 30s , that live there. I take offence that you think that they are not treated with Respect and Dignaty.
  16. Cops deal with scum , construction workers deal with inanimate objects that don't fight back. You can refuse to work an unsafe jobsite.
  17. Yes I will go call a contruction worker when I am in trouble .Get real.
  18. I caught a crikket bat in the Rouge river.
  19. Put a ban on 2 strokes would be a start!
  20. I LOVE that show , the wife does not understand why , something like women who do not understand the 3 Stooges.
  21. 10 miles from home and a long paddle against the wind???
  22. I work in a long term care facility, we all make it in to work, no matter what, we have to, lives depend on it. Oh, and by the way, I work for the CITY!
  23. Thanks for that, what a wonderful fishing life you lead.
  24. Parking is free
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