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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Just got my recall in the mail today for my for my 2004 F150
  2. The bows and slamon were in and they were on the bite.Row was the bait of choice mostly. Hope next weekend there will be some water in the river.

  3. Kinda like at the start of of a weather front the walleye go on the feed bag...I think at the beginning of any pressure change whether it be a cold front or bad weather rolling in the fish sense it.
  4. Bingo,we have a winner !!! South west is best North east the least
  5. Chinooks are in and Rainbow soon to follow

    See ya at the river !!

  6. Invite your buddy over for dinner and choke it down over a nice bottle of red wine.
  7. Supposed to rain the rest of the week so we may have a dirty river again

  8. I know of a couple here in London that are chalked full of goldfish...
  9. Welcome aboard Mike !
  10. That right there is one sweet looking trout and on a spinnerbait to boot !!
  11. Be it a coho or a chinny that is one mean lookin kipe on that buck. Your son must of been proud to land that bad boy.
  12. Thats it !! Starting as of this weekend I'm going barbless
  13. I have a wall of shame for my non confidence lures
  14. Lets see a picture of that pole
  15. Mike, There's a lot of different ways to rig presentations under a float. Some guys line the rig with shot starting big on top and scale down to the swivel and so on but for the water I fish I like to keep a stealthy presentation which uses very little split shot weight or none at all relying on the weight of the fly to take it to depth all pending on water conditions and if the fly has been tied with its own lead core or not. Its all about water conditions,silty,deep and fast,deep dead drifts or very shallow.... Thats where your split shot or lack of it will make all the difference in the world.
  16. Like others have said,and so it begins.... Just to add to this reoccurring annual thread a little....If rigged properly fly's can be very effective when run under a float. This eliminates all the horizontal line laying in the river which causes the flossing effect. When I say rigged properly I mean rigged so the fly doesn't drag bottom under the float. When the fly is dragging bottom the float rig is now transformed into a lethal snagging tool so float fishing with a fly or any other presentation for that matter just a little higher than ground zero is a better option when legit fishing for salmon... I guess what I'm saying here is any form of fishing for salmon in the river can be either legit or turned into something very wrong all pending on the individual using the pole. We also got to keep in mind too that every year brings new inexperienced fisherman to the rivers that never fished for salmon or even know what flossing fish means or perhaps don't even own a computer to access all this wonderful information we have to offer so its important to "gently" educate our new river friends when you see this stuff happening. I'm sure you all do already...
  17. Thats the beauty of our site man...Could you imagine how quite it would be in here if we only talked about fishing
  18. Only one reason why you may find a fresh hen laying on the side of the river and if you did I don't think she would have any eggs left in her but thats another thread all in its own. Heres my solution.... Use fly's instead of roe. We always have a few incidental hook ups with aggressive salmon during early fall steelheading. I'm sure this would be more effective if we targeted the salmon earlier in their run. I find bigger fly's get their attention better. Good Luck !!
  19. You can use a mini planer board rigged right to your pole and use a crank bait with a deep diving lip but be careful not to use a crank to big or it may drag the planer board down rendering it useless...
  20. I keep cold beer in the fridge at all times...Fly pole is always in the same place hanging on the shelf over the wood stove and my fly box's in my vest on the coat rack by the back door. What can I say, I like to smell roses....
  21. Dan,that doesn't count...You got to swap spit like in the commercial with the Lg mouth bass.
  22. That a boy Simon. I've been off the butts for 25 years now. Helped my wife quit cold turkey about 20 years ago. Do yourself a favor and keep cut veggies in the fridge like carrot sticks,celery and collie flower. Makes for great munchies when you get the uncontrollable urge to eat just for the sake of eating.
  23. If anything the turtles will be well fed.
  24. Something smells fishy here. I think there's more than just dumping of fish guts going on...You didn't happen to get a head count on the carcass's in the water did ya ?
  25. Don't know of anyone who sells the components other than this outfit. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/lure_molds-index.htm Good Luck !!
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