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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. I spent a week close to port Severn last summer and the water levels were way high. Spots that I never fished in priviouse years were awesome. Scary boating though
  2. I switched from a 7 6" to 8' and in a bass boat it made the difference figure 8ing.
  3. I bought into the go big thing a few years ago and it never worked for me. When I started out I'd throw small baits and muskies were far between but I'd fill my day with bass and pike. 6-8" baits have always been put me on fish. Game changer for me was going from a double 8 bucktaill to a double 10 Handlebarz bucktaill. If I was going with one set up it would be for throwing bucktails.
  4. Abu 6501 is the cheapest, throw a power handle on it for $20 and it will get the job done. Abu Record is a little better with the free spool a little easier to engage as your going into figure 8's. Shimano Curado 301e with a power handle is what I've been using for the last few seasons and loved and I've spent countless days burning D10s all day. Might not fit into your $500 rig though. I'm picking up the Diawa Lexa 400HSL-P this winter. I think it's around $245. Reviewed as the poor mans Tranx lol perfect. Can't help with the two piece sorry
  5. The idea at the end of the day was to keep the reel in tip top shape and burn some time in the winter rather than checking the action of new lures in the bath tub lol my wife thinks I'm crazy. I guess I'll just diss assemble, clean and lube the Stratic and spend the money on the bocas for my bait casters
  6. I have a 7+ year old Shimano Stratic 4000fh that has served me well over the years. I figured I'd give it a little tlc in the off season. I looked up bearing replacement for this reel and Boca ceramic seems like the popular upgrade for this reel, be it the lightning or the orange seal. Anyone have experience with this? What bearings do you recommend, where do you source them and any other maintenance or upgrades you would recommend? Thanks
  7. Awesome video! I might make the drive this Tuesday. The winds are looking good
  8. Just found a fair size nail in my ITP mud lite atv tire. Would any tire shop be able to repair this or should I bring it to a specialty shop? Anyone had experience with a field repair kit? Do the plugs last or should I get it professionally done? Thanks
  9. I spent Sat morning on the DR without a sniff. Moved over to the Thames and nothing going on there either. Saw one fish caught at moon rise and that's it
  10. Just checked again it's 19-24 at 1pm and higher from then on. Looks like an early morning for me
  11. How was the water today? I'm hitting the Detriot on Saturday. Forcast is 15 to gusts of 20
  12. I have been throwing everything with my 301e with a power handle for a few years now and no problems at all. Burn D10s all day. My hand used to cramp holding the C3
  13. I have a older 75lb Motorguide 24v wireless and have had the same issues as Rizzo with the over steer etc. I manually steerfrom the head most of the time when in the shallows to avoid the noise. I paid $650 new 6 years ago and it's still going strong so I'm happy with it.
  14. City X 3. They did great work for me at a reasonable price
  15. If you have $500 burning a hole in your pocket buy a Shimano Tranx. If not spend $20 and put a power handle on you Curado. Check out JBs fishing depot 401 and 427 for Muskie lures. 120lb fluro for every situation for me. Barbless is never happening on my boat lol. I caught a big pike once on a figure 8 but 99% of the time they tail off once they see the boat.
  16. Just went through this myself. Used 5200 as advised by OFC and worked perfect. 5200 has a long cute time. I was down to the hour before my fishing trip
  17. I finally put the boat in the water today to check for leaks. The leak was coming from one of the bolts that mount the engine. My thought for repair is remove the nut and washer from the inside, use a marine caulking/adhesive and return the washer and nut. I figured to not tighten the other bolts so I don't break any existing seal and if they were loose they would leak to. Any opinions?
  18. I've caught a few pike on LSC while Muskie fishing. They all were in the shallow weedy areas probably hiding from the giant muskies in the open water lol. Definitely not a lake that I'd travel to for the pike opener. I'll be up north for hammer handles and beers
  19. Thanks guys! Yes it is an outboard. I'll test the bilge pump and live well today. If nothing I'll drop the boat in the water for a better pressure test.
  20. The last two trips on my Fiberglas bass boat I took on a lot of water. The first time the boat was in the water for a week straight and we had lots of rain so I thought nothing of it. The last trip of the season I was out on the water for around 8 hours and the boat filled up just below the deck. Today instead of driving to put the boat in the water I figured filling the hull with water would have the same effect. The only slow drip I could see came from the plug and that stopped after I cranked it down with a wrench. Could a slow drip leak like that fill the hull in 8 hours or could it be the live well line that for some reason didn't show on my hull test? Anything I'm missing? The hull has a few little nicks and dings but were bone dry on the test. Thanks
  21. When I have something I don't need I give it away for free. hopefully the void will be filled by a charity that does the same. Sorry to hear so many have lost jobs. 200k for a CEO of a company that size is a bargain.
  22. I plow with my ATV and for me synthetic is the only way to go. Past years I've bought 4' synthetic rope from Royal Distributing for $$ and gone through one a season under hard use. This year I got 100' of 500lb test rope from a hardware store for half the price. So far so good but little snow to test it yet.
  23. Looks great! Go on you for supporting another Canadian company.
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