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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. I never mind getting skunked if I can put a buddy on a fish. A nice bday present
  2. I have a 75lb thrust MG wireless that I get 5 mph on my 16' bass boat. I barely run my gas engine but need it 100%
  3. Great info. It's tempting me to grab my fly rod and head out on a weekday. Do the crowed die down after the samlon spawn?
  4. 8s on every cast is just good practice in the beginning. It becomes second nature and you won't freeze up or stutter when a giant is trailing in 2' behind your bait. I've had a few come from under the boat to. Probably one that followed my buddy's bait who wasn't paying attention and didn't 8
  5. Thanks for all the help guys. Much appreciated
  6. Congrats on a beauty fish! Your having an epic season! My season only starts in 7 days. I've got some catching up to do lol
  7. Nice rig man! Looks like you made a good choice.
  8. Wow! Awesome report!
  9. Thanks bud I'll put google right on that.
  10. Lol I've seen that charter boat get into it with a small boat before. Congrats on a great day of fishing.
  11. Hi all, a good buddy of mine is on borrowed time so me and the boys are taking him on a road trip. He can't keep anything in his system for more than thirty mins so we figured renting an RV and parking it on the water was our best bet. Right now he's back with his parents in the Hamilton area and we don't want to drive more than 3 hours in any direction to limit the discomfort of the drive. Any recommendations of a spot we can park close to the water would be much appreciated. Also I've found one or two places that rent RVs but is anyone knows where I can rent real big one that would be awesome. Thanks Steve
  12. Great story! I'm totally jealous
  13. Congrats man! Beauty looking fish. I fished the Rideau few year back for bass. Great fishery.
  14. What waters are you fishing? MH is good for the Kawarthas but I'd go H on better waters. 80lb min on line. You won't lose any $20 baits on false casts with 80lb plus test
  15. I only wear mine when I have my kids on the boat, water is below 60 or bad weather
  16. I joined OFC in 2001 looking for a map of Lake Baptiste as I was heading to a cottage. JohnBacon was kind enough to email me a map that I laminated and have to this day behind my bar. I lurked for the next few years to rejoin on 07. I've learned so much from this site over the years and gone fishing with a few good guys from the board.
  17. This is on all the FB groups and I'm sure it will go all around the community's. I hope we see justice done for this.
  18. BBC- Big Bass Cove
  19. Boat B reak O ut A nother T housand
  20. 3 hours to Windsor if the traffics good
  21. I went from 45 to 5 mins for the last 5 years and I hope I never go back!
  22. That's one crazy looking lake side hotel lol. Awesome fishing guys! I gotta get out there
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