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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. So I’m going to sell my 90’s 16’ bass boat and get something a little bigger. I’ve been really lucky with the 90hp 02 merc that’s on my boat and never had to do any repairs on it. The boat I’m looking at has a 200hp 04 evenrude on it and I’m sure regardless of the compression results that one day I’ll have to sink some money into it. What I’m wondering is what are the ball park repair bills like on a old large motor like this in best and worst case?
  2. Thanks guys. I’m running a 75lb thrust trolling motor on a 16’ bass boat and do alright vertically jigging 8 oz bondy baits in the fall so I should be ok. 20-30km winds this Wed should make life a little challenging but I’ll make it work. 1/2oz is the biggest jig head I have so I’ll probably hit a shop closer to find some 3/4-1 oz jigs. I’ll check out the Michigan licence. Hopefully it can be done on line
  3. Heading down to the D next week for my first attempt at spring walleyes. I have fished Muskie many times in the fall on the mouth of the St Clair but never really explored the river too much. Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Man that sucks! I’ll wait till later in the season to try out the free trial. Looks like they just added on weather and a bunch of other stuff but same maps as before. Frustrating but not surprised.
  5. I bought the Navionics Great Lakes maps like 4 or 5 years ago for $15 or so. Now the app won’t work because it doesn’t have an update available? Anyone else navigate this?
  6. Yep, the launch at Belle island is open
  7. Getting out for the first time this year. I was hoping to get out on the main lake but the winds look like Ill be on the D or the Thames. Im guessing the shad are late in this year with the warm temps. Super stoked!! Cant wait to try out my new handlebarz bumper board!!
  8. What size hooks are you guys using? I've been using much larger than the guy in the video.
  9. City Wide did a shredded pro and a broken skeg a few years ago for me. Great price and the prop and skeg still look new today
  10. The plow would stay on site
  11. The truck and plow will be a business expense but I'm eyeballing a bigger boat this spring so I'll need the truck anyways and it will be my daily driver
  12. I'm looking at 5k + for the contract plus $100 per salt. I paid for my Polaris the first winter.
  13. I'm looking for a vehicle to plow a small parking lot at my wife's business. For the past few years I've been using my Polaris Sportsman and it's been fine but I'm looking to simplify the process. I know 2500 + size trucks are ideal for plowing but I'm not going to be driving around with it all day or working the truck around the clock. It will be a 10 min job pre snowfall. The truck will be my primary vehicle all year round so I really want a 1500 size Silverado or F-150 with a light commercial blade like the Sno-way R-26 or similar. Has anyone had any experience? I don't mind a little extra maintenance and repair but I also don't want to trash a 30k truck either
  14. 5 years!!! Man your stubborn. No better way to break the skunk than a figure 8 Muskie. Congrats
  15. When I fish LSC it's common. Took a while to get used to but now I don't bat an eye. Everyone down there are pretty chill
  16. 6500 is what I used to use. Larger reel size the more line pick up
  17. I'm heading up to Outlet bay/Drag Lake just out side of Halliburton in a few weeks. Wondering if it has Muskie in it or do I need to drive over to Kash?
  18. Muskie fishing hasn't been starting for me till September last few years. Hope to get a few summer trips this year
  19. LOTW muskie trip 10lb bass out of Florida Great Slave laker Fly in spring pike Deep sea marlin Barracuda on muskie gear BC salmon on the fly
  20. Use a steel leader even when bass fishing baptiste. Lots of small pike. White spinner bait around the stumps and logs, Small Zara spook for the shallow rock reefs, silver mepps #2 to cast the shore line and your set. 15-20lb line because you'll find lots of snags. I'll pm you a map that a guy named John Bacon sent me 16 years ago that got me going. Have a great time!
  21. On the pike opener the last guy on the boat to catch a fish goes for a 60 second swim. Water was 60 degrees this year but still painful.
  22. That sucks! ive calmed down over the years but I can't imagine how that pick up would have gone. $4000 hard earned dollars.
  23. Thanks! Works for now
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