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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. Good thinking. Never done that before.
  2. I picked up a set of submersible trailer lights from CT. They provide merits to connect the wires at the lights? Would that not short out the light when submerged? I was expecting to connect the wires at the pug or a different connection with shrink tubs?? Any advise would be appreciated.
  3. Ha ha ha! That was awesome! At first look I thought I'd beer my way on your boat.
  4. Send me your email via pm and I'll send you a 30 video that will show you how easy it is.
  5. Lol. Sorry about that. So your saying that knot tightens its self too much if left over time eh. I've never docked for longer than an over night. Good to know fisherman thanks
  6. Takes 10 seconds to tie, 2 sec to undo, won't come undone and tides up the extra line. My go to for dock rings
  7. Or maybe your looking for the daisy chain knot?
  8. Hey pike slayer, how much for the double 8?
  9. Under Armor has a super light long sleeve with a hood in their fishing line that I'm probably going to pick up. A bit pricey like $60 or so I think. I saw it at BP
  10. Ok, I fixed the mobile viewing issue. Thanks Mike!
  11. LMAO!! You had me going for a minuet!
  12. Really? Or you guys breaking me for music selection? It plays normal for me
  13. Not sure you were watching the right video? Nothing close to being anchored to a marker and I dont think there is any oohs or ahhs? As for talking, I wasnt looking to do a fishing show for educational purposes or selling product. I just wanted to keep it light hearted and document a day on the water. Thanks for the input though
  14. My first attempt at shooting and editing a GoPro video. Good times and calamity as always. Before the internet rips me up, there is one muffled F bomb for those with sensitive ears and we are using a back up net, my Frabill got left behind (we were really hung over lol) Enjoy! https://youtu.be/JpSkY2xmX1A
  15. Nitro 2015 ZV 21
  16. I bought a house few years back, the alarm kept beeping through the night and finally went off in the morning, 10 mins later the police showed up, I told them I just moved in and they left without ID check or anything. As soon as the cops left I ripped the alarm off the wall and cut all the wires
  17. I never understood why navionics haven't cut out the middle man. A lot of people have smart phones and tabs that are probably a lot more powerful than a 3 grand unit and unlimited potential. Seems like the only way to go to me?
  18. 300lb man is probably riding a large ATV. That could be an easy 1000lbs. Glad everyone was ok
  19. I used city after recommendation from OFC for prop and skeg repair. Great job and price, couldn't be happier with the job they did.
  20. Not much of a fishery there anyways. 3rd place was a 2.8 lb walleye lol. Brutal numbers on the results
  21. Great vid! Sign me up! I'm hoping to get my buddy and his drone out next year to get an aireal of a big Muskie follow in clear water.
  22. The 10year old houses in my niebour hood are all needing new roofs/missing shingles. My house is 8-9 years and I'm starting to see break down. My wife thinks im nuts thinking about it lol. I assumed steel roofs were a by-law thing since nobody had one? I'm a big fan of do it once, do it well
  23. I hope to make it this year. I do need a bumper board
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