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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. When I was guiding on Pigeon it was a good day when we got into double digits of eaters. Throw in a couple fish over 4lbs it was a great day. Do not expect a cast and catch fishery on any Kawartha lake, that being said, if the hunt is your thing you've pick a good lake for that. Good luck.
  2. hey, thanks alot for the detailed report! Lyman and Mags, good stuff buddy! May just skip over the Standard Warriors and go with the Mags. right off the bat this year.
  3. Hmm, thanks for the update and temps Darren.
  4. Man, these words hit home for me pal. I watched my Dad slowly fade away over a year. If I could share any of my experience it would be that I began to mourn while he was still here. Wish I would have of focused more on cherishing the time he was... there is lots of time to mourn. Enjoy every moment you can. Positive thoughts your way.
  5. Awesome Dan!! Congrats on this PB, keep at it, there will be a lot more PB's to come if you keep this up!
  6. Good on ya Oakvillebassguy, verty cool.
  7. Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs. If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. Chances are it is a turtle poacher rig. Report the area right away. Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black. Bring in big money in certain markets.
  8. Do contact your MPP and the Minister of Natural Resources. Let them know exactly how frustrated you are and include your examples above. CO's are run thin as it is. I think this is turtle poaching time too if I am not wrong.
  9. Awesome. Will's a great guy and fun to fish with. Have to do something about his hat though....
  10. Usually camp opener, first time missing it in years. Still went up for the day Saturday to see the boys, no fish, didn't even bring a rod.... I was forced to GOLF!!! The horror.
  11. One over 32lbs? Wow, this could be a stellar year on the big pond.
  12. Awesome job Spiel and great shots Brian! Did match the Rod colour to the Okuma raw II on purpose? That is slick!!! I may have to forward some of these shot on if that is ok Brian. Phil
  13. A few guys here have grabbed the Lindy Drift Control socks off me, maybe they can give their opinions on them if they see this thread. I have used them and have no issues. Sold out of the 36" but have one 42" left. More coming this week.. http://www.etackle.ca/drift-socks/
  14. Hey that looks like a D7 chord, I don't remember that in "Brown Eyed Girl". Do you guys play that tune? I love it! Post where your playing in Oshawa Joe.
  15. The seas can be mean - as you know Lew! lol
  16. Odd man out here probably, but I am not much of a dawn/dusk fisherman. During this time fish are roaming and willing to chase to eat, this is why horizontal baits are used to cover water and find these active fish. This also makes them easier to catch hence the "better fishing" I am more a vertical, structure based angler. I like when the fish move to structure and hunker down for the day. These areas change daily/hourly depending on the sun and light penetration. After some time on the water figuring out the techniques and areas they move to you can catch fish all day long. P.
  17. Hey all, just rehashing this for another ad campaign. I am going to be using some more of these shots... If you have some more kissing photo please post them or PM me. They will make you famous... ask Dan. lol Thanks. Phil Here are a few of the others used:
  18. Sat in on a family discussion after Easter dinner(not my side, ha) where a child Phycologist, a child youth worker, an ECE, elementary teacher and a principal were having this very discussion. Very interesting view points from all sides. General census was our youth have to fail at some point and accept the consequences for it. They did look a little awe struck when I asked for their view point on when I should introduce my lil girls to hunting. They were not quite sure how to take that.
  19. Rip Jiggin. I can't wait, have the ice pack and A535 ready. Always sore the eve of walleye opener, but I love getting fish rip jiggin. Will video some of it this year.
  20. That is pretty cool in more ways then one. Thanks for posting that.
  21. It was I who mentioned him heading to the bench, I saw the highlight wrong.
  22. Nice set up Wayne!!! We used Berts for ours and have set a few other guys up with them too with no issues. You can definitley install yourself, but it may be a good idea to get some advice with set ups.
  23. Awesome! Scary shot, but it worked it. I remember my first buck with a bow, I was shaking like a leaf. I understand where some guys are coming from on this thread. I had a nice deer jump the string and once you lose an animal because of a bad shot you vow never to let it happen again.
  24. Difference between Stevens and this hit was Stevens lined you up as you were cutting across or accepting/admiring a pass in open ice coming at him and he took you out of the play, not when you were peeling back into your own zone. Not too long ago when cheapies like this happened you expected knuckles to the nose, now you just get a pile on.
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