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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Sorry to hear Fishgreg, very frustrating. We hear it quite often in my line of biz. Even with USPS you can get dinged Tax and Duties. I hear some folks get it without the extra fees, but mine seldom do. Especailly with a larger item like a rod, they always seem to pick it out.
  2. Could it of been "someone" dusting for prints? lol
  3. I wish they were around when I was a kid. Mom let me watch Bizarre, that explains a bit about me. Congrats and stick with fishing kiddo, there is nothing like it IMO.
  4. Solid fish Aaron, great shots too. Good fish off Port Hope and Darlington starting to really heat up.
  5. Your a good man Gerrit.
  6. I know your a nice guy Ian, but 2 hours! I'd put some rainbow guts on his exhaust manifold. I'm kidding...sort of.
  7. Nice Richard. Great fish, but love the shirt.
  8. Nice Chris!
  9. Some of my customers are pike anglers from NW Ontario and out west (Alberta, Sask). They order up a lot of the Tuf-Leader steel leader. http://www.tuf-line.com/products_Specialty-Lines_20.html
  10. Awesome Fish Rich!
  11. You know it!
  12. Kickingfrog, I hear you on the wood, especially at the end of a long pitch. Saw a small chunk way up on the bank. If you watch close you can see we set at the same time and Rocky almost takes my head off <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yrm1UpvjxQU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Define Awful? lol... And yes you can fish, going to be Myself, Rocky and another Ofc'er. After these fellas again.. Nice shots of Brian Terry! One more sleep.
  14. Hmm, any interest in being a Camera boat Will? lol
  15. In all my years fishing all over Lake Ontario from deep water trolling, nuke plants, weedbeds, marinas I have only seen one musky and that was at the Pickering nuke. It was giant and snapped me off. This was 5 yrs ago or so. I have had them on in the BoQ bass fishing too and fairly close to the gap to lake O. Pretty cool suprise indeed!
  16. I enjoy reading your viewpoints and opinions Gary.
  17. Thanks again to all those who replied!
  18. Brokerage Fees just stink. Plain and simple. Why to things cost more in Canada - in order to get items here to offer for sale you have to pay... Brokerage fees (plus additional fees per shipment), Duties, Taxes and expensive frieght costs.
  19. Smalliefisher, I would of done the exact same as you if anyone touched my girls. No hesitation. Blows my mind the amount of times I have had to hit the brakes in a hurry as a toddler wanders towards the road in neighbourhoods and not a parent to be seen anywhere. I am not perfect, if fact last night I snatched a Frog from my 3 yr olds hands, a Livetraget frog.
  20. Makes me sick to my stomach as a father of a 6 and 3 yr old. We try to be as dilligent as we can watching our girls, but it only takes a couple seconds of distraction and they can be in trouble.
  21. I agree, but these are not new lures. Perch anglers on Simcoe have fished them for as long as I can remember. I admit I just never gave them another thought. But now, especially since I have fished them, I can see how they will be a great new tool to use. If it wasn't for the hype I would probably never given them another thought. Same applies for other biats including the gizit(tube), buzzbait or senko. The hype is based on the Elias win on a deep water fishery. But having used the rig - deep weed edges, breaklines, humps, and weed flats as easily fishable with it and quite proficiently I might add. Hope to get the rig on film this weekend, if I do I'll get the video up. As for fishing matted cover, if you punched the rig on a fishes head you wouldn't need to set the hook, you'd just knock it out!
  22. Awesome, give'm a work out! Yes sir! On route, expedited and with a lil bonus Lake Erie perch killer..
  23. The Okuma Calynn is a popular combo. If your interested in one let me know, I can help save you some $.
  24. Beauty! make sure you use siwash hooks! The arms held up to some nice pike, not sure about a salmon though.... lol
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