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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. If all else fails they are a blast to skeet shoot.
  2. It appears he pulled the trigger himself, must of drove that poor lil fella nuts staring at that hotdog.
  3. HD for sure. Powering a TV like that with basic cable is like runing a 9.9 on a 20ft lund.
  4. I liked the article. eCommerce is a fickle biz model to say the least, especially here in Canada. Lots of leaning curves through trail and error over the few years I've been doing it. As an online retailer I love the challenge of eCommerce and I love competition, it breeds creativity. As a consumer, our family shops online a lot more now then ever. Just got our girls their baseball gloves and cleats shipped to our front door for a great deal and $10 bucks shipping. I like the "Carrot on a Stick" analogy above when it comes to US pricng and products. So true, I hear about it often. Thanks for posting the article.
  5. Had a great time Joe and band sounded great. Nice seeing Will again too. We have to support fellow OFc'ers when we can. Should add "Fish'n in the Dark" to the playlist, ladies love dancing to that one.
  6. I have to send a shout out to Ben everytime I can. When I held my Big Brothers & Sisters fish days Ben let me use his property for BBQ and awards. The township was giving me a hard time for permits, he heard about these events and stepped in. You'd be hard pressed to get a better pulse on what going on with Rice Lake then at BJ Tackle in Bewdley.
  7. Hey Paul, the Muskie Canada guys grabbed up my first order of these I brought up here for trolling. Just got a few more in if you'd like to have an eye.. http://www.etackle.ca/tackle-industries-8-musky-pike-trolling-rod-xh-eva-handle/
  8. I've played to Bauer, we'll see if she trumps it. Hope to make it.
  9. Hey Rob, long time pal. Fished it once during my crazy partying days, hung over as heck. Still had a good day. I hope to get back there.
  10. It is the resposes on threads like this that make OFC more them just a fishing forum, but a true community. I posted in a real haze and you folks help us out. Thank you very much to all who replied and PM'd. I am short on time or I would thank you all individually. Phil
  11. Awesome, guys thanks. I should clarify, it is my Mom. She is on the short list for a lung transplant. My sis is a rock and on the hunt with me. Thanks. I am printing this off to.
  12. Ok, will do. I want it all. Money of course is always an issue, but it comes and goes. Thanks Cliff.
  13. Thank you, on the list to my sis. Getting a Hepa this morning, thanks!
  14. Hi all, Kind of ripping my hair out here, not even sure the terminology to use to describe what we need done. We just got word last night an immediate family is very sick and we need to remove all possible risk of an allergic reaction if possible in her home. (dust etc.) Can anyone recommend or have experience with a service/company we can call in to do this(not even sure what I am looking for, just need it done ASAP). She is located in Durham Region. I've done a bit of research this morning, but to be honest, I am not doing a very good job. Thanks Phil
  15. I have no clue what it is, but I bet carp would eat it.
  16. Hey Peter, check out this gentlemans leaders. http://huskiemuskie.ca/ We've got some great feedback and return customers for them. Phil
  17. Mercman, I'm not much of a spinnerbait anlger anymore, but at one time it was my fav way to fish Smallies, especially on Simcoe. Used to burn 1oz willow leaf blades as fast as we could just under the surface. Smallies would crush them out of 20ft of water. Our ribs would get bruised. singingdog is bang on about the painted blades and Chart/white skirts, hands down #1 smallie pattern. (Simcoe was silver blades, shiner/white skirts) Windy, rainy or choppy days are ideal for spinnerbait fishing. Hard pressed to win a tournament on them (not impossible and has happened, but not very often). Great numbers bait.
  18. I enjoyed that! Thanks.
  19. Sad, one of my favs as a young teen. Paul Revere, first song I knew beginning to end, and still do .
  20. That is good to hear! A lot of my past clients were American, almost everyone would comment on how amazing the resource is we have here. I think alot of us residents take it for granted. Good Luck on your choice! Phil
  21. Geeze, you don't even need to fire up the big motor More beer money!
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