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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Bass fishing paradise. You guys have really dailed in that pond over that last few years! Jealous.
  2. Had one very close call when a guy was unloading his lever action 30/30, caught the trigger and fired a round off beside me. I was buried in a moose at the time but still scared the bejeesus outta me.
  3. Oh come on Lewskie, you know me better then that! You've even ice fished with me.
  4. Oh I figured eighted! I was kind of "slow rolling" the bait early morning, I saw it rise about 20ft from the boat off a weedline. That's when I killed the bait and it turned and sank back down. I tried the figure eight for a bit. Left the area and came back with different baits too. Even jigged the area with a 1oz flipping jig. No go. As sson as I saw it sink back down I gave myself the Homer Doh! to the forehead. Judging by some replies here I shouldn't of killed it.
  5. Was up in the Archipelago area around Parry Sound this weekend for Thanksgiving. Loaded up the tinny in the back of a truck a dropped it in a back lake that is supposed to be good for Musky. I am an experienced angler, but will not pretend I know alot about musky fish'n. Weather started out great at first light as the picture below shows but quickly turned ugly and pushed us off the water. My question - I did raise one giant beast of a muskie who rose behind my bait like a submarine. Water was cold, no exact temp but it hit below 0 over night. I was using a handlebarz inline spinner and I killed it when I saw the fish. I am thinking now that may of been a mistake. With the other species I target that usually gets them to eat.... this fish lost interest quick. I remember hearing/reading/or being yelled at by an experienced musky guy - that you should continue with the retrieve if you have a follow and not Kill it as I did. Are there any opinions on this? Beauty day to start with.
  6. Caught outside Marselle.
  7. Be suprised if you get anything more then a form letter from your MP. I've gotten them from Bev Oda. She has since lost my support and that of family/friends I share this experience with. I'd be happy with a "I understand your concern, but I just do not have the time to care enough about our angling and hunting heritage"
  8. Perfect!!! Thanks. I use them for the different shades and contour lines, not depth anywhow.
  9. Very cool Will, never fished the big water this late trolling for the silvers. ps. I have shirts your friends can borrow, if they dare.
  10. Nice to see shots of you, muskie and your smile again Lewskie.
  11. Ironic? I hope so. My 6yr old was just sent home from school because she had an accident and sharp stomach pains. We bought and ate the meat on the 27th.
  12. Thank you sir!
  13. I do the same Roy, all repackaged. Thanks for the encouragement. I won a gift card for costco, so I wanted to stock up on meat. Of course my girls wanted barbie stuff and a some videos. I won, but after eating some of this beef I wish they did.
  14. Pain is right! We stocked up at costco recently and all the beef is now recalled. They are offering an exchange for any beef I bring them labelled or not. I guess they can verify our transaction history by our membership.
  15. Beauty day! Side question: Did the MNR ask for your PAL or who owned the firearms?
  16. Have had no issues with the Kirkland Batteries from Costco. Referred a few buddies to them as well and all seem happy.
  17. Man, great catch and from shore!! Awesome.
  18. Looks warm! That the plan Lew, that is if it works. Sort of like Fishing, except the boat is the blind and the lure is the corn.
  19. Thanks for the replies. Looking for a short walk!! Cheers. Done Wayne. Same Bat place, same Bat time?
  20. Severe chop? Have you ever stuffed your ranger? I've run bass boats and deep v's across Lake Ontario, Simcoe and other big bodies of water in very angry weather. It really doesn't matter what boat your are in, it is no fun, none at all. Hands down I would take a Deep V in the really rough stuff, no doubt about it. A Glass Deep V is a true rough water gem.
  21. It is not a union gents. It's an association. Chris Lomon - NHLPA.com September 21, 2012 For NHLPA member Dan Winnik, this summer has been all about one thing: communication. A veteran of nearly 366 regular season big-league games, Winnik has been a busy man over the past few months, including his large involvement in the CBA process and a two-week trip to Asia. “I’ve been fortunate to be part of a lot of meetings throughout the CBA negotiations,” said the 27-year-old. “I’ve had the opportunity to speak with a lot of my fellow players, some of whom I’m played with and some that I’d never met until recently.” The level of contact, from NHLPA Director Don Fehr, to the interaction between the players, has been ‘unbelievable,’ according to Winnik. “From young guys to the veterans, teammates or opponents, to Don, the communication is constant,” noted the 265th overall selection in the 2004 Entry Draft. “Everyone is engaged and aware of what is going on at every moment. I’ve talked to a number of guys, either in person, or on the phone, and every player has been brought up to speed. If you have any questions, they are answered immediately. The players are very comfortable in knowing they are aware of everything that is transpiring. Everyone is on the same page.” There’s no disputing the players belief in Fehr. “He has an open-door policy, where every player can call at any time and he’s available,” said Winnik, who appeared in 84 regular season games in 2011-12 between Colorado and San Jose. “We’ve been kept in the loop every step of the way…we have a great amount of respect for what he’s done coming to his role with the NHLPA. We were fortunate to get Don. He’s the best in the business.” With the league-imposed lockout of the players now in effect, Winnik, who starred at the University of New Hampshire for three campaigns, understands the frustration of the fans. “Before any of us played in this league, we were fans, too,” said Winnik, who signed as a free agent with Anaheim this July. “I was at university during the last lockout and it was disappointing to not watch hockey. We know it’s tough for them. They want to watch us play and we want to be out there playing. “But in order for us to get back on the ice, there needs to be a fair deal for both sides,” he continued. “Our goal is to work with the owners to make the sure game is on solid ground, to grow the game and ensure stability. We understand the fans just want to see hockey. But this CBA will affect a majority of the careers of the players. We know the passion the fans have for the game. We want to play.”
  22. Gents, are we still allowed to fish from the City shoreline? If so, below is a shot from my new office for while. Is it worth the walk down to the area pictured and have a looksee for myself for "allowable" fishing water or should I head east/west? And for the CN tower fans, pretty cool view.
  23. We use foam tape. I use my ole stanton in the cold, she isn't the prettiest anymore but she can tell some stories. Great technique for winter pinning!! Good advice Dave. I've punch too many hockey helmets in the past, I am almost 100% spinning now in the winter unfortunately. Brutal "Centrepin Claw" as MJL put it! lol
  24. Nice one!! HA With eTackle I can change what name reflects on the customers credit card statement. I was considering something along the lines of "Gifts for Her" or "MAC Makeup" but thought the single guys may not appreciate it.
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