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Everything posted by Dusky

  1. Congratulations! Don't know why, but this remind me of movie "Cheaper by Dozen" Cheers!
  2. No worries. Personally, I give credit to current provincial government for updating oscillate text on this matter.
  3. That's exactly why I said "support" from professionals. By no mean I am saying they will replace role of parents. As parent, final responsibility is mine.
  4. There are bad apples in every profession. So as we have bad parents. We hear stories about parents sexually abusing their own kids. Does it mean we all fail as parents?
  5. Yes it’s a parents place to educate the kids. But who is going to educate the parents? Things change drastically in last 10/15 years (evolution of internet, mobile phones and what not) let alone 30/40 years. How many of old timers share their nude pics with opposite sex in their pre-teen or even teens? Now with cell phone cameras in kids hand that is more common problem than one can think.. heck they even have a term for that called “sexting”. How many of you participated in cyber-sex chats.. now that is stomping ground for child sex predators to lure the young child’s. That is just tip of ice burg. Sex education in this time and age is not limited to someone sexual orientation but also about educating what is out there and what is good or bad for kids. As father of very young kids, I would rather have support of “professionals” with up-to date knowledge educating my kids rather than myself discussing with them about birds and bees.
  6. Amazing fishing, write-up and pictures. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience.
  7. What a waste of an opportunity. I wish we would be able to question these retarded politicians who are good for nothing.
  8. Why would anyone surprise by Health Minister outraged by SC of C pot edibles ruling? Her professional qualifications are columnist, communication consultant, policy analyst, public policy consultant. Nowhere in her professional qualifications or experience she comes close to medical sciences or science in general per say. But that is perfectly alright for Harper to assign her Health Minister portfolio.
  9. Best card in market pays 2% cash back max. I would really like to know which card is that, that pays that kind of dividend.
  10. Merry Christmas to all you fellow OFNers and your loved ones!!!!
  11. Don't say that... after all she is married to you
  12. Its a pleasure reading your reports, you are an outstanding story teller!!
  13. I had similar issues with my Sony, apparently a bad capacitor on power board. Had to replace complete power board. If I can recall correctly I paid $100 to fix that. Guy who fixed my TV is located at east end Toronto, his website is http://www.lcdmasters.ca/ Another guy I know is in Mississauga, his website is http://torontotvrepair.com/
  14. One of my favorite remembrance day poem. Where Did All The Poppies GoBy: John Rigby Where did all the poppies go? Once worn by people, row on row. No longer seen upon the chest, In Remembrance of those now at rest. This symbol of a Nation’s pride For those that fought and lost their lives Withers now from year to year, Not watered by a single tear. For the Freedoms we protect and love. Were won by those that shed their blood. So spare a thought and say a Prayer Wear a Poppy. Show you care.
  15. Congratulations!! All the very best for your family.
  16. Love the pictures and report!!
  17. That's some serious Bassin
  18. Nice fishing! Thanks for sharing.
  19. Here is an older post on same topic, this may help you.
  20. This might help.. http://www.boatsmartexam.com/en/pleasure-craft-operator-card/
  21. I rented Flex for few days, hauling family of five. I was getting decent mileage on mix highway/city drive. Good maneuverability and no surprise spots looking sideways.Like the space for front and middle rows. Only hick-up was access to third row seat as middle row is not track-able like most modern SUV's. Also, very limited trunk space if you pull third row seat, I had difficulty putting anything beyond a medium size stroller.
  22. This seems more appropriate for federal government.
  23. First Quebec, now Ontario. Federal seems a matter of time for liberals till next federal election.
  24. He sure taking notes from Obama play book, liberals also seen the sucess of same play book in Calgary municipal elections. Would be interesting to see how next elections will shape-up.
  25. Rob Ford is one smart politician, he makes Sarah Palin look good.
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