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Everything posted by Dusky

  1. This is uncle Sam's war and he planned this war long ago. We will be better off as bystanders if don't want to bring this war at home. On a second thought, is USA using Paris tragedy to recover the grounds lost to Russians in recent months? Here is some food for thought from no other than the General Wesley Clark.
  2. This is best dialouge I have seen so far. Bill Maher’s Simple, Poignant Question In Wake Of Paris Attacks: ‘Why Do They Hate Us?’ And here is an old one which still makes more sense about the situation...
  3. Name us one ME country who attacked us (Europe & NA) since WW II... I can give you a list of countries in ME whom we bombed and doomed for no apparent reason.... and still wonder why crap is blowing in our backyard..
  4. Nice fish!! For me 819 km should be a breeze for a fish like this
  5. If we would have prosecuted our own warmonger idiots, west was not in a situation where we are. Irony of situation is, we will do all to bring the culprits (as we suppose to) of these terrorist attacks to justice but will do nothing to bring those to justice who lead us into this situation at first place.
  6. Yup doughnut time... ensuring their lines are tangled somewhere in boat!
  7. That's amazing!!
  8. Good, logical solution. This will give law abiding fisherman chance to enjoy the sport.
  9. Yep, he got quite testimonies and recognation from his peers and commanders, especially from NATO commanders for his work in Afghanistan. http://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/11/04/opinion/you-have-no-idea-how-badass-trudeaus-defence-minister-really
  10. If that's our best puppet, God save us...
  11. I wish that was the case with conservatives. Did anyone remember not too long ago how much conservative government paid to auto companies who were not so vibrant and self sufficient in doing business. Irony is, we did not see same reaction from conservative government when Canadian Nortel or BB needed the help.
  12. That closer Osuna is gold!!
  13. I hope this is not going to be decisive run....
  14. You are wrong here again. Canada recorded debt to GDP of 86.51% of GDP in 2014, which in 2007 we had all time record low at 66.50% (Year conservatives resume power). http://www.tradingeconomics.com/canada/government-debt-to-gdp
  15. A conservative government accuse liberal government of wrong doing by using EI funding in 2008 and did the very same thing in 2015 election year to balance the budget. So, what exectly does this say about conservative "ethics"?
  16. For Canada's deficit under conservative, had more to do with the world wide economic situation. Ontario fiscal deficit under liberal is a liberal miss management? What am I missing?
  17. Pretty interesting that conservatives finds a way to not only balance the budget but put a surplus as soon we get into election year. Something which they were not able to achieve all these years. That too by cooking books, major cuts to vital public services and using $1.8 billion in surplus EI funds in federal budget. Wonder, if ever, how they are going to put this money back in EI funds? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/04/21/ei-fund-budget-surplus-canada-2015_n_7113322.html http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/09/28/tory-budget-surplus-came-at-cost-to-public-safety.html
  18. So all these numbers are cooked by CBC?
  19. In 2006 when Harper get into government Canada had fiscal surplus of $13.8B , by end of 2013 a deficit of $25.9B. Conservatives blew all the good money management done by liberals before them. Here is realty check with evidence. Look yourself how conservatives drive the country into the "RED" in last few years of their rule. http://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/canada-deficit/
  20. Wish this gun debate in south was more rational than emotional. Following article did a good comparison on American vs. European gun laws and how European laws which are evolving with time are more in-tune with time and saving life's. Gun Control (Europe) vs. Out of Control (United States)http://transatlantic-magazine.com/gun-control-europe-vs-out-of-control-united-states/
  21. Nice fish, and truly enjoy reading and learning about native culture!
  22. Titans at Brown, I am picking Titans.
  23. Cowboys fan since my university days (University was next to the old cowboys stadium in Irving, TX). No high hopes for my team as long as Jerry Jones is owner.. but I am hoping they will make it post regular season. About Bills, Rex Ryan will be Rex Ryan and will do same as what he did with Jets, plenty of noise and press coverage with not much result. In the end he will find some Mark Sanchez or Geno Smith to blame his failure. As for super bowl, my guess is Patriots vs. Packers final. Though I would not be surprise if Eagles or 49ers pull off from NFC and Broncos from AFC.
  24. Sorry to hear that. Your daughter was inspiration to many. Though it's never easy, may the memories of her help you and family find peace.
  25. Awesome! Fishing with your elderly love ones.. cherish moments.
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