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Everything posted by Dusky

  1. Brilliant... what a way to catchup with and treat old pal !! I am sure boys will be talking about this for a very long time
  2. Congrats! Must be fun for four generations to be around same time.
  3. She is inspirational. You raise one tough cookie
  4. Seems you were in Bass heaven...
  5. Outstanding fishing & photography!!!
  6. Do you think they had a say in what happen and went to the war knowingly that they are fooled by the civilian political leadership for share politics? Blame politicians all you want, but man in uniform who fought and paid the biggest scarifies deserve utter most respect.
  7. In Markham I am getting around 15 channels on OTA, around six/seven of them are HD. Total set-up cost me less then $70 as I did it myself and now no monthly bill. I second the suggestion to add OTA with your existing service.
  8. Nice keeper:) congrats
  9. Wow... nice fishes!! You are one good brother/nephew
  10. Our usual combination is extra ground beef, sun dried tomato and jalapeno peppers usually on thin crust with four cheese and tomato sauce.
  11. WOW.... that's some sweet -30
  12. Musky god seems very happy with you
  13. Like father like son
  14. A coworker of mine usually get his stuff shipped at some Buffalo business, guys at business charge $5 service charges for each item.
  15. May be some are trying to ride the wave, but labeling all protestors as anarchist or associating them with KKK is not fair.
  16. As usual OUTSTANDING!!
  17. Protest is not about “finding a job” or “handing out money”, it’s more about economic disparity, uneven distribution of money between the workers and financial accountability in corporate world. What happen with the bank bailing out is taking toll on all of us at mass level, but it’s frustrating to see that people who were responsible for this mess didn’t held accountable in court of law, instead they were allowed to continue screwing us with their outrageous salaries, perks and bailout money eventually coming-out from our pocket. Couple of months ago Carol Bartz fired from Yahoo for poor performance, she pulled $14 Million in her compensation package for leaving Yahoo. Can anyone on this board pull beyond six/nine months of salary even if they get a layoff? http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/pda/2011/sep/12/carol-bartz-yahoo Checkout the salaries of top earning CEO’s, does it make any sense? And in tough times when most of us are facing freeze on salaries, their salaries jump by 11% in last year alone. http://graphicsweb.wsj.com/php/CEOPAY11.html http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703992704576307332105245012.html
  18. Your mother will be in my prayers. Stay strong and hope for the best.
  19. Nice fishing story!! Well, their is always second time:)
  20. Sorry to hear about your mother Simon, my sincere condolences to you and your family. May her soul rest in peace.
  21. Fishing, gardening and the quality family time, quite a year you had:)
  22. Big Cliff going to Dragon's Den!!!
  23. Good for you. Family comes way before anything else. Good luck with your decision.
  24. Simply outstanding!! Only you can outdone yourself!!
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