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Everything posted by Cast-Away

  1. How do we know that this is true? I did not see that in the article anywhere?
  2. Careful because the Clear Lake launch is a sand beach.
  3. These are my favourite kind of reports on this board! Thanks for sharing Randy.
  4. Beauty, I forwarded this one on thank Cliff!
  5. My condolences Albert. It is bitter sweet for me because my daughters are both in university and came home to a much slower 11½ year old Golden Retriever. They pitched in an bought Sandie a really nice dog bed and take pictures of her every day saying how cute she is. My wife and I have started doing the same thing and plan to give our girls a hard cover photo album of the dog for Christmas hopefully while Sandie is still alive.
  6. You can't beat the scenery on GBay in the Thirty Thousand Islands.
  7. I call that attrition fishing kind of like joining a gang from Jane & Finch.
  8. I heard on the radio today that it was a meteor measuring up to 1 meter in diameter.
  9. This one is for you Wayne, sorry the video post options don't work on this IPad, so you will have to copy and past the link.
  10. Tell them you moved to Nigeria and need $100,000 seed money to start up a new business that they can invest in
  11. Reminds me of a redhead that I once dated once!
  12. I 3rd the Costco tent. Mine just gave up the ghost last year after 5 or 6 years and only cost me $120. It slept 6 people.
  13. Just go into town, it has that name for a reason! No kidding, I know a story.
  14. I got so sick of all of the chatter that I went to Sirius XM a year ago and never looked back. The only radio that I listen to now is 680 News
  15. I joined a club up my way a few years ago, got my wings and have a blast! I've made a bunch of new friends as well. The whole hobby is moving away from Nitro and Gas over to electric which is much less expensive and cleaner. If you've always wanted to try it most clubs will let you try a test flight with an instructor to see if you like it. You can then join and get free instruction and eventually buy your own plane.
  16. i think that the third neck grab would have been the last if I was in his shoes.
  17. I thought that it was going to be a happy report with all of the !!!!!!! But why the long face?????
  18. You know, I saw that coming a mile away. The first thing that I though of was the ricochet and that the wall behind the target was not on an angle.
  19. How does a guy like that get through the screening process in the first place? He was just a bully and a sadist.
  20. Unbelievable Fish Moose! Wow, that is a lifetime fish for sure. You handled it very well.
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