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Everything posted by Joey

  1. That looks so good G. I have tried many recipes, but my tried and true fave has always been the easy, plain old trout fried in butter, garlic and a bit of salt and pepper. Used to catch them fresh out of the Bow River in the mountains outside of Canmore, AB and just fry them up right there in the pan. I did it with the trout we caught out of Lake of Bays last year too and was still as delish as ever.
  2. Nice and sharp, love them
  3. Joey

    Breakfast time

    Nice Lew !!
  4. Trust me, he has the cleanest butt on earth. I need to buy shares in Huggies baby wipes They're making a killing off me
  5. No, thank you Mike, makes me think of all the crap I put my dad through I kinda feel bad now ha ha ha!
  6. This reminds me of a movie I just watched Mike. The younger daughter of one of the sisters did not eat meat and when questioned about it at the dinner table by her uncle with all family members present (it was a funeral supper) she said she didn't want to eat "fear." She said all animals feel fear and that right before they are killed, that fear goes into their meat, so she did not want to eat that. They made fun of her and she was not impressed. I think you are going to have to let this one go because remembering back to when I was a young gal, when dad said I could not do something, it made me want to do it even more out of rebellion. You can have your beliefs and she will have hers, for the rest of time Good luck.
  7. Ya Blaque, he has a perpetual itchy butt and we do have his glands extracted on a regular basis, but he still seems to have it, so we taught him how to do that to "help himself."
  8. We will be out there B. Paul took the week off so we can go any day we want really. Yesterday was a disaster and today they called for 30 to 35 K winds up there. We're having quite the snowstorm right now and I just walked Ralphie and it's very slippery out there. Almost fell on my tush several times. I caught nothing last year and so far nothing this year, so I'm just hoping for a laker or two (no, not the beer LOL). I hear shallow is the way to go right now from several different people.
  9. That's a cool shot Raf
  10. Yup, he's not a glove man
  11. We had planned on fishing with JP Bushey today, but his toddler got sick and he had to cancel (hope he's okay now JP). So we did our usual BBP fishing and the wind was extremely out of hand. So much more than the weather network and news said it was going to be. I even looked on my iphone as I braced myself in my hut hoping it did not tip over and it said 34 kph, but I'd bet it was at least 50 kph and gusting higher. I took a quick video with my phone as we were packing up. There are other huts out there, but you can't see them because of the "snow devils" that were all around. Kind of cool to see. No fish to be had though We did mark them and had some small chases, but no takers!!!
  12. Awesome B. We're heading out this morning. Hope I can get a few slammer bam bams
  13. Just heard Leonard Nimoy passed away. RIP Spock
  14. Wow, awesome shot!
  15. Cool!
  16. OMG, love the box, that's so cool. Thanks Chris
  17. Well Paul has alot of boat experience and he has always said that, and we have towed several boats in ourselves. Ya, it cut into our fishing, but it was the right and legal thing to do. They were very grateful and we made a few friend along the way
  18. Jeez Dan, the guy in the Ranger was a jerk for sure. Isn't it illegal to leave a person in a boat stranded if you are able to help them????
  19. Nice to hear that Judy is cancer free Bruce. Hope she does okay with the shrunken kidney.
  20. Cuddles or Tink Being a lap/house dog, you obviously took her for walks though right? That's what they seem to be warning me about, Raccoon doo doo on the path or backyard etc.
  21. Thank you Maureen, I will do that for sure. That's the kind of info I'm looking for. I've been up and down about the benefits/downfalls of vaccines for animals for years now. I'm certainly going to research it. He just seems so sensitive to everything I would hate for something aweful to happen either way (getting the vaccine or not). Thanks, Joey
  22. Jeez Mike, that's scary stuff, glad you made it out okay and the couple (who snickered ) helped you. Seems they may have seen that a few times before, or just like we watch TV, they have real life "Survivor" to deal with all the time !!
  23. Okay, Mike wins. I'd like to hear more about the polar bear story
  24. Yep, that would be a looooooong post
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