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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. Beauty scenery out there .. nice score with the salmon
  2. looked like a great day out there .. she must be a Mercer fan for wanting to kiss that fish .. my son still outfishes me almost every time out .. I wouldnt want it any other way
  3. Nice fish .. looks like a badger to me
  4. the silver bass should be in by now .. throw silver spinners .. jigs or minnows under a float ... and post a report with pics when you get back
  5. Thats why it didnt rain .. if you forgot it one day it would have rained for sure .. the sturgeon is on my list of must catches
  6. before YOU call someone a poacher you might want to re read his post Quote from his post "Again a hypothetical scenario for demonstrations only."
  7. Lookin good
  8. you are right .. if the motor is a 9.9 or less you dont have to register the boat
  9. camping at Byng Park in Dunnville .. fishing Saturday .. Sunday .. and Monday .. hoping for some tasty eyes and some monster cats .. maybe even the odd carp mixed in
  10. you have to pay taxes on boat and trailer .. when you buy the package get the guy or gal to write you 3 receipts .. one for the boat .. one for the motor .. and one for the trailer .. the motor being the most expensive of course since you dont have to pay taxes on it .. not sure where to register it in the Barrie area ... you could always call a marina in the area and ask them
  11. now thats what I call a tailgate party
  12. surf and turf any style is good in my books
  13. I use the small cheapie one from wallmart .. i paid under 20 bucks for it and it gets more use then the full size at home .. you will need the adapter hose to fit to your 20lbr
  14. enjoy it .. wish I was in your shoes
  15. easy one .. who's still in the playoffs and who's golfing
  16. size only matters when you are still engaged in fishing... page 9 of your regs
  17. yup I think so too http://www.pcs.k12.va.us/vtrail/pa1.htm
  18. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31848
  19. looks great .. my only concern would be dropping one of them tubes in the drink ... hope you have a spare or you could always use some spray foam so they will float
  20. if you notice the weigh scale he prob brought it to Fishmasters for the tourney
  21. somehow I dont think a CO would buy that story .. but hey nice pike (I would delete the eye and bass pic but hey thats just me)
  22. great report and pics .. I have been trying to talk my son into doing one soon .. hoping in a couple years
  23. probably alot more then the $2.50 for a bag of ice
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