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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. you might want to rethink you forum choice if your complaining and take up knitting .. "no sheep were harmed in the making of these mittens" .. coming to a fishing site and telling people to stop fishing for the beloved smallmouth cause they need time to rest .. give it up and join a P3TA site
  2. Thanks .. I found raw materials in the lure making components section they have Fishing World in Hamilton as a supplier .. might have to take a drive down to see what they have
  3. started using soft plastics for muskie this year and wanted to get my son some things for christmas so he can make his own .. is there anywhere in the Toronto to Niagara area that carries liquid rubber for making baits .. did a quick search and only american mail order places come up .. was hoping to keep it canadian but will go to the states if I have to Thanks
  4. gonna drop by my branch on Monday .. if they dont release the hold I am going to give TD a try
  5. I received a check from my auto insurance company yesterday and deposited it at a different branch then my own .. they placed a hold on the check for 6 days because it wasn't my "branch" ..the guy at the counter said if I drove to my branch there wouldn't be a hold on it (didn't feel like driving the hour) .. is there a bank that treats you like a customer no matter what branch you go to or is this a normal thing with all banks .. I am currently at Scotia and am looking at getting out and going elsewhere .. the fees keep going up and keep getting less
  6. are ya sure
  7. mmmmmmmmmm .. rubber boot .. nothin like a feed of half rotten salmon
  8. First off .. what kind of boat (aluminum or fiberglass) and what kind of deck boards .. I believe pressure treated and aluminum don't go well together ( thats what I have been told anyways) With what you have I would use a thin piece of plywood cut to fit and tremclad the sides, top and bottom .. screw it to the deck boards ( I wouldnt glue it so the deck boards can expand and contract with the temp changes ).. use some outdoor carpet glue and bobs your uncle
  9. those are the ones that got caught .. how may slip thru without getting checked .. my guess .. lots as far as there being no fish left up north .. its gonna take a whole lot more then a few bad apples to fish out those lakes .. besides the MNR now has the extra funding for patrols (if they even see any of the fine money)
  10. Sorry to hear about the store but glad things are working out for you work wise .. must be tough being away from home for so long .. if I ever get that Quinte monster eye I will bring it by to get mounted whenever you get your taxidermy up and running (the way I catch walleye it is gonna take me some time )
  11. I dont think so .. there is an auction on Sept. 12 at 10:00 am ... I would assume its at the shop but you might want to give his store a call to find out
  12. right on ... 2 years in a row for an OFNer to win a weekly prize .. i have to get out there and try one of these days
  13. i have a boat and canoe .. prob just taking the canoe .. species doesnt matter .. just have to keep 2 - 10 year olds occupied
  14. Camping in the park for the weekend .. any reviews on the park .. biking?? hiking?? canoeing?? planning on heading out to the Saugeen for some fishing other then the Saugeen is there any other places close by for fishing ?? Thanks
  15. 8lb test is plenty for the river and on a side note you cant fish with 2 lines at the same time
  16. Havent been there in years but the last time I was there the weeds were super thick .. I had a canoe so finding pockets in the weeds was easier .. not sure how the shore fishing would be but worth a shot .. also have caught crappie, pike (snot rockets) , and tons of sunfish .. the welland river has tons of cats and carp .. the odd bass and crappie to be had also
  17. Big fish get released unless they are eyes from Erie .. then they are on the menu .. have kept some bigger bass because of excessive bleeding and the odd tourney loss fish
  18. never fished the area myself but there was a writeup in OOD in the spring with some locations along the river http://www.ontariooutofdoors.com/Fishing/w...D=87&a=read
  19. and why would anyone have to "prove" anything to you or anyone else????? if you believe everything you read on the net you need to give your head a shake and find a hobby .. try fishing .. I hear its fun
  20. Thats the problem with this board.. ya gotta prove everything .. and god forbid your grammar and spelling isnt perfect ..gotta love all the tough internet bullies .. if you dont have anything positive to say shut up.
  21. I tried the corn thing in the Grand and didnt have a whole lotta luck .. try using worms off bottom and you should get em .. if not the suckers will keep ya busy
  22. Hey Dave .. you have a great show .. your always gonna get the negativity one way or another .. some people have nothin better to do .. dont change a thing ... well maybe one .. get more of those lures run off so I can get some
  23. you got that right Camillj ... how many times has anyone seen minnows swim in a straight line??? .. speed isnt as important as many believe .. changes in speed and direction are way more important IMO .. I try to keep it around 1.5 - 3mph till I get fish to hit then I try to stick with that speed ... a couple years back we were fishing late fall in Quinte .. the reports we read said the slower the better .. we trolled under 2mph for hours with no luck .. bumped it up to 3.5 and nailed 4 fish in a half hour .. coincidence maybe but vary your speed and let the fish tell ya what they want
  24. Fished a small creek this morning with my son .. not expecting more then a few creek chubs and shinners i left my camera at home .. I was quite surprised to catch a nice little brook trout (or maybe a small brown.. not too sure on my trout species) .. around 7-8" .. wish I had my camera with me .. the colors were beauty .. I hope to catch more of them in the future .. gonna have to remember the camera next time .. but then again if I bring the camera I probably wouldn't have caught it
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