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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. most of the small feeder creeks from lake O have trout runs .. the creeks are so small and short (only run a couple miles before they fork off to 4-10 feeder ditches) that the trout are long gone before opening
  2. throttle "start" position means nothin .. I put mine almost at full untill she starts then tone it down .. choke out till she warms up then good to go
  3. it is illegal to transport any live fish (other then baitfish) unless you have a permit to do so .. page 8 of your regs book
  4. beauty boat Lew .. do you plan on adding a 9.9 for trolling or are you gonna use the big guy
  5. I like using the rip .. pause ... retrieve for a couple feet then repeat .. vary the amount of rips and lengh of pauses .. I get alot of hits on the 2-3 ft retrive .. I believe the bass think the minnow got injured by another bass freaked out then started swimming normally and they want to hammer it before it gets away
  6. hmmm ... have some time to kill after I drop my son off at school in the morning
  7. Hey Geo get the seller to give you a receipt for the boat ($1000), motor($7500), trailer($500) separately .. you will have to pay taxes on the boat and I believe the trailer when you get them registered .. good luck with the boat
  8. more fish taken now = more food for fish that are left = bigger shoe leather swimmin up the streams to give that pin a workout
  9. or maybe they just flooded out one too many springs and moved ...but hey nice stereotype cast a line in there when it thaws holdfast .. betcha its full of fish
  10. I always thought they were a scam too until my cousin won a 14' boat/motor/trailer from the sportsmen show .. mind you it was quite a few years back .. if i got the call I would go .. got nothin to lose
  11. I'll second that
  12. I store everything in Plano trays so I only take what I need for the trip .. I open them up to dry overnight or longer if it was raining out when I was fishing .. I also put white rice in all my boxes to soak up any moisture in case I forget to dry them out .. been doing this for years and never had any rusted hooks
  13. some threads are such a waste
  14. thanks .. now I know not to bother goin there
  15. there is a new trailer park (couple years ago) across from the airport that has a launch .. not sure if its any good or not but might be worth a try before you drive all the way back
  16. its easy to get there take QEW Niagara exit Centenial Pkwy (hwy 20) hang a right and go straight (hwy 20 goes left when your on the mountain but keep going straight .. I believe it changes to hwy 56..watch speed limits the OPP were out in full force last Saturday just past Binbrook) at the end of the road turn Left (River Rd) the road will merg into Hwy 3 just before town(stay to the right) go straight thru the light (I beleive the only one in town) take the first right past the tracks if you see canadian tire on your left youve gone too far might see you out there .. hoping to get out for some kitties
  17. did you catch any????
  18. just took another quick run thru the regs .. I remember they used to have a section on freedom from harassment while fishing and hunting but cant seem to find it .. . your best bet is to head over to your local cop shop and find out from them what would be the best way to take care of it
  19. any idea on how many seats since its limited seating.. thanks
  20. Whooo Hooooo .. I used to watch his videos with my dad when I was younger .. gonna be giving the copy to him ... Thanks
  21. All fish whether sport fish or not .. it does not specify "sport or Game" fish. unless they are invasive species they cant be wasted
  22. Bill Mason
  23. you may want to actually read the regs...page 8 right on the last line it is illegal to Abandon fish or permit fish to spoil
  24. Deer .. did someone say deer .. I have a sudden urge to get my hunting licence
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