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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Look at the northern states, the boats you are likely to find there probably haven't been run year round. Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York...... Walleye Central has a good selection of higher end boats, Musky Hunter usually has some nice boats for sale. Google the boat dealers in each state and search their sites. There are plenty of nice boats for sale, all depends on what you are looking for and how much you want to spend.
  2. You've got a 4 stroke, I don't think you'll be needing to be changing the plugs on it after 1 season. I'd check the manual though. Are you going to fog?? Make sure you get the right gear lube for your motor and correct grade of motor oil. You should run the motor for a few minutes to get any junk that has accumulated on the bottom of the oil pan to suspend in the oil so when you drain it, it comes out. It's a new motor so I don't think sludge is much of a concern but that is the way we were taught in Auto Shop back in the '80s and it still holds true for changing oil in motors today. Have plenty of sawdust handy and Good Luck!!!
  3. I'd stick to the northern states for sure. Also, a history of the boat would be helpful. Check with the dealers in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. Just google boat dealers in each state. Walleye Central is helpful and there can be some deals to be had on Musky Hunter's website as well. Good luck, I'm going to be going this route in 2-3 years when I start looking for a new boat.
  4. We wouldn't be on this board if it wasn't for him and his company. Windows and our lowly computer mouse are direct descendants of the original Mac of 1983-4. My first computer was an Apple IIe. All I was able to do was play some games and do basic word processing but it taught me how to use a computer. He was a visionary and was more influential to the computing world than Bill Gates IMHO. RIP Steve Jobs
  5. Definitely do it on the grass. Make sure you do a very thorough job of patting it dry. Put it in the oil very slowly. A Hockey stick through the eye of the hook of the turkey tray works good to keep you away from the hot oil. It turns out great and is moist but not greasy.
  6. SCAM!!! The nitrogen used is between 90-95% pure nitrogen. The rest is good old oxygen and trace gases. The air we breathe is between 78-80% nitrogen so really, I would not pay for it, if it was free, they can knock themselves out.
  7. 3 1/2 mins per pound. You will need 5-6 gallons of oil (veg or peanut). Spice with whatever you like both inside and on the bird (cajun is great). Make sure it's dry before it goes in. Be careful and enjoy.
  8. One of the things that got me to buy my house is the 'real' fireplace that is pretty big in the family room. You can't beat the snap crackle and pop of real wood not to mention the smell of the smoke. I have a gas fireplace in the basement rec room that is nice for a 'quick' fire and to take the chill out but it still doesn't have the ambience that real wood burning provides.
  9. Should be fun. A buddy brought up a 44ft Carver from Lauderdale a few years ago and had a blast. It was a 1 month adventure for him, his wife and 2 teenaged daughters.
  10. We saw that at the RV show earlier this year. Kinda neat, sleep and fish all you want. Definitely for the hardcore ice fisherman.
  11. Stabil Marine Formula takes care of corrosion issues. Leave fuel in the lines change your gear oil, fog and you are good to go. I'm doing my I/O late this month and it aint as easy.
  12. Contact Alumacraft. Get a letter from one of the engineers and you will be fine. DO THAT before buying the boat. Having to mess around to trade for a smaller engine involves potential problems (blown engine or pooched lower) and also the cost to switch. Too many unkowns. That hull with a 90hp would be awesome, plenty of power to get up and go with a full load. A 115hp, even better if the boat can take it. Good luck!!!
  13. That sounds about right. But seriously, an oil change on my car is pricey cuz she takes 8 litres of oil plus the filter. I usually buy the oil and filter and then have it done when I get repairs done.
  14. Nice looking machine!!! Enjoy it. I'm thinking about getting my bike licence and getting back on a bike. I rode as a kid and know every back road and trail from Newcastle to Port Hope and up in the Ganny.
  15. NICE report!! That's some serious fish porn!!! Those are monstrous northerns and lakers.
  16. Nice Fish!!! Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Congrats on the PB's!!!!
  17. My in-laws just bought a winter home down in Arizona and they are amazed at the customer service down there. They bought furniture and within 3 hours, it was delivered, set up and all the packing was taken away with a smile. Here in Canada, retailers have increasingly forgone customer service and they will pay the price when another retailer opens up with great service. It's not just about the price up front, it's also about the service afterwards. I'd call SEARS and ask to speak to a supervisor and I'd wait all day if need be.
  18. NICE!! I've wanted to fish the Larry for a while. It's on my bucket list.
  19. We had a '57 Giesler French River with a 35hp Johnson at our campground this weekend in Honey Harbour. It was in mint condition and had been restored by the owner 2 years ago. Nice lines and according to the owner, it is a dream to cruise in. The fellow's from New York State and was surprised to learn that your family is still building boats. I wasn't able to get a pic before he left. There is a group of 10 fathers and sons that have been coming up to Honey Harbour for over 50 years. Anyways, neat boat and I thought I'd share it with you all.
  20. Nice! You're back on the water and you slimed her first time out! There is definitely a good bunch of folks here. Great little rig for the Kawarthas! Enjoy it!
  21. NICE!!!! And a scar to prove it to boot!!
  22. Oh yeah, the fishing, forgot about that. On Sunday, we had an East wind come in and it quieted things down quite a bit. I got a little dink that was about 20 inches. Yesterday, I was fishing in another tourney out of Green Acres Campground with a bunch of Americans and I had a nice 40 inch class fish hit at boatside, did a jump right out of the water and off he went and that was it for me. 1 for 2. We had a great time, lots of food, drink and merriment. Good to get together with friends.
  23. We went bait fishing today and just jigged on the top end of Big Island. Tomorrow is musky day. As much as I wanted to wash a few lures, I succumbed to peer pressure and jigged for walleye, caught a few but jeez are they ever small.one of our guys tied into a high 40's class fish while pulling a worm harness, the fish broke off boatside. He was devastated, he's a big musky guy from Pittsburgh and didn't want the fish to get away with a mouth full of hooks. Lew, I think I saw you cruising the back end of Big Island in the early afternoon. You were going pretty good. Trolling motor is mounted and works like a charm. Thanks Dax! Defnitely prefer the powerdrive over the all terrain.
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