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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Nice! Good hunting! I'm hoping to go in 2 years out to western Manitoba with the f in law and his buddies.
  2. The lamb was awesome and the beer ice cold but this kid is turning in soon. Gotta mount the trolling motor and get the batteries in place early in the morning.
  3. Rizzo, I'd be happy to catch something for the dinner table or to USE AS BAIT for the big fish with teeth. I like the Hellhound cuz I've learned how to work it, I'm waiting to get out with Lew so I can learn the art of the Suick.
  4. Rizzo, I'd be happy to catch something for the dinner table or to USE AS BAIT for the big fish with teeth. I like the Hellhound cuz I've learned how to work it, I'm waiting to get out with Lew so I can learn the art of the Suick.
  5. Lew, I'm staying at my buddy's trailer at Pigeon Hollow. We will be around the top of the lake. You still have the same cell #?? Prolly not though. Anyways, I will keep an eye out for ya. I'm in my beige Larson fishn ski.
  6. Tomorrow morning I'm off to HH to pull my boat out and head over to Bobcaygeon for our annual Muskie tourney/pig roast/lamb roast. I haven't had a chance to wash lures much this summer so I'm looking forward to a hardcore muskie weekend. Lures for the weekend include a couple bucktails, cowgirl or 2, hellhound and pulling a believer. Let's see if I can tie into 1 or 2. Last year while fun was a skunkfest along with boat damage so this year can only be better.
  7. Ron, keep on trucking bud!! This is total utter Bull!!!! You know you are in the right with regards to this and if another bylaw officer busts your chops, just let him know that you will be seeing him too in court and that you will be filing a complaint with the Cobourg Police Department for harassment. This is nonsense and has me PO'd now to no end.
  8. Good on you Nick for taking out some rookies. I think you've got them hooked now on fishing. It's a wonderful thing to do for a couple. My wife loves to get out and hunt lunkers with me but it doesn't happen too often so every time we do get to go out, we make the most of it.
  9. Deeeelish!!! Looks like a good feed of perch!! You spent a wonderful weekend with your little guy and those moments are priceless. Good for you!!!
  10. For the love of God, wear a PFD!!! Give yourself a fighting chance!! I feel for his family and friends.
  11. Now, was it another financial institution that you opened the second account with?? Why?? Also, a call to CRA is in order, you will find the tax man to be understanding sometimes. Your penalty would be 1% of $2000 for 9 months or $180. Do the math, it works out whether you multiply 1% x $2000 x 9 months = $180. Conversely, 18 000 x 1% = $180. You may be able to get yourself out of this. This is a lesson to all, know what you are doing with your personal finances, don't expect 5 different people whether it's your personal banker or financial advisor to know what you are doing when they don't have all the info at hand. Also, the bank teller is there to do basic stuff, have an advisor for your investments who pays attention to both the big and the small stuff. I have many clients who have told me horror stories about what their bank teller had them invest in during the Tech Bubble. They were lucky to escape with 10-15 cents on the dollar.
  12. LOTW fishing for whatever happens to strike my fancy on any given day. Whether it be musky, pike, walleye, lakers, smallies or bucketmouths and finally crappie. I'll second Lew on his comment that you don't have to leave our Province.
  13. Good to hear that Jen is doing great!!! As for the young lad you mentioned, I hope he keeps on fighting.
  14. Great report. Give up your day job to be a photographer. You have a good eye for framing your shots.
  15. I love taking kids fishing!!! The giggles and squeals of delight when they land a fish are worth the baiting of hooks and performing surgery on sunfish that deep hook themselves.
  16. Put a smile on my face this morning!!
  17. I'm off to Pigeon next week for our annual muskie tourney. Hopefully it will be fun with no mishaps. Cowgirls in 10-20ft was my thinking with a bit of trolling in deeper spots.
  18. Go in and make a report if the damage is more than a grand between all vehicles involved which doesn't take too much. Your insurance co is going to want the report so ave her go into the local collision reporting center to gitter done.
  19. Just another 'tax' grab!! What exactly is the town doing to promote conservation of the resource??? Is the money going into a specific fund or into the general revenue account (where it will definitely get wasted). I'd take my chances and if I were to be cited by a bylaw officer, I would let him know politely that if even convicted by a court of law, I would appeal to the Provincial Supreme Court. As for the mayor (Boss Hogg) mentioned above about having things changed for his benefit, I'd see to it that he was crucified in the court of public opinion.
  20. Way too many doorknobs on the highways positively flying pulling a boat/trailer. I keep it to under 100kph when I pull the boat with the minivan. I can go faster but in an emergency, I need to be able to stop. How do some of these yahoos out there think they can go 120kph+ and think they will be able to stop???? So, Dan, what are your recommendations on trailer tires??? Stick to Marathons or go with something else?? I guess I have to start thinking about it since I'm doing trailer tires next spring. I don't mind a deal on tires as long as they are a name brand. I've had pretty good luck that way and have never gone with off brands, there always seems to be a better deal if you take the time to look.
  21. Check for loose wires or a bad ground. Every post I've ever seen with regards to wiring has always had replies that start with 'check the grounds'. Hopefully it doesn't make you too crazy.
  22. Basic maintenance on a trailer will prevent 99% of the problems experienced. The other 1% is from hitting potholes, curbs and the like. Make sure the tires are properly inflated for the load you are carrying and make sure that there is some grease in the hubs. Aluminum rims tend to leak after a few years so keep that in mind. Check the hubs every couple of hours when on a long trip, if they are hot to the touch (not just warm), it means that there is a problem. Fix it then and there, whether it means some grease, adjusting bearings or even replacing them on the spot. I have the old US Marathons on my trailer and they are fine, they aren't dry rotted and there is plenty of tread left with no bulges anywhere. I'm due for new tires and it'll be done next year after the boat gets splashed for the summer.
  23. Nice!!! Fishing like that can only be had up north!!! Lucky Bugger!!!!
  24. And who says there aren't any sharks in Ontario, look at that monster you caught!!!
  25. Great report!! I was there a few years ago with the then girlfriend (now wife/colonel) for the Labour Day weekend and we had a wonderful time. Lots to see and do. Beautiful old city with a old world feel.
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