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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. I'd go with the Tahoe or Yukon. Solid drivetrain and they last a long time. If you get a bigger boat in the future you have enough room in towing capacity to go big.
  2. My sincerest condolences. I pray that one day, cancer will be eradicated. None of us hasn't been touched by it. Take of yourself and your family.
  3. Disconnect the battery when not in use. Running down an automotive battery till its flat is REAL hard on it. When you have time and a helper, find the parasitic draw and fix it. Chances are its a bad ground. Check your ground straps, any loose ones should be repaired/replaced. I had the same issue with my Aurora, the body to engine block strap was badly corroded, a trip to West Marine for some tinned 4ga and lugs, a scuffed knuckle and a half hour was all it took me. Good luck, hopefully its just a bad contact somewhere. It shouldn't be too difficult to diagnose.
  4. Hang in there bud! I'm fighting my own battle with the devils disease. I'm happy I'm still around. I was in pretty bad shape when I was diagnosed but am doing ok now. Enjoy your older family while you have them. They aren't around forever.
  5. Bernie, I've got a client building a cottage in the Parry Sound area that is going off the grid completely. He has 2 large solar panels with a battery setup that will run everything he NEEDS, not wants. How much power you generate depends on how deep you go into your pocket. As for Hydro, I would give them a REAL hard time over charging you for no service. Call your lawyer on this. They may be trying to just bully you. And I think your fridge at the coTtage is done, they will buy you a new one.
  6. Fishing charters are rarely free. You also need to tip the crew. Talk to your travel agent to get you the details. Bring more cash than you think you will need. I was at the Decameron in Puerto Vallarta last year and it was a very decent place for the money.
  7. Santa has the ability to slow time. It is a little known secret but don't let it out.
  8. Take a cab or have a DD. Its not worth the cost OR worse, the risk to others on the road and to your passengers if anyone was dumb enough to get in the car with you.
  9. I'll get'r done later today. You have a great shop, lots of inventory so we can make our impulse buys and great service. You going to be doing the line clinic again this spring?? I'd imagine its a bit of a pita BUT, last time I was down for it, I dropped over 300 bucks, 50 for respooling and the rest on a rod and a whack of lures and tackle while I waited for my spools.
  10. Good to hear Wayne!! She's grinding it out and that's awesome news. Finish up the chemo, excise what's bad and she can move on with her life. I go in for Round 4 this morning at Credit Valley.
  11. Skip, you are in the plowing business. I just realized that. Bud, I hope you guys up that way get buried just enough in the white stuff. The winter wonderland up your way was a bust last year, we went up too HH to check on our trailer and there was barely a foot on the ground. That was no good for the snowmobilers and the businesses up there that depend on them. But I hope it works out good for you this winter. Cheers. BB
  12. Listen boys, my snowblower has not been wrong for 8 years now. I can say with a lot of confidence that the Oakville area won't get bombarded this winter. As for snow tires, when it is damn ugly out. Stay home or take public transit. It will take the better part of forever to go down the street anyways. Normally, I'd love for there to be plenty of snow, the kids can have a blast tobagganing and rolling around in it. BUT, this year, I just don't have the get up and go to shovel and use the blower. Between my Lymphoma and the Chemo, I'm just plain smoked. Imagine having a low grade hangover that doesn't go away, that's how I feel. So I'm happy with my blowers prediction.
  13. This winter is going to be a bust for snow. Friday night I was puttering around in the garage while frying some fish so I decided to fire up my snowblower which has sat idle since last winter. Gave her a few pulls with the gas and ignition off to move the oil around, turned everything on, primed it and she fired on the first pull. Every time it fires easily, the winter is a bust. Warm and no snow. The times it gave me some grief were the cold winters with lots of snow. So there you have it. Put your heavy parkas away and break out the shorts...... LOL
  14. bigbuck


    Looks like 27 people in total. My sincerest condolences to all the families that are involved in this senseless mass shooting.
  15. Keep at 'er bud!! The days will turn to weeks and then to months. I'm going through Chemo right now and I'm 11 days short of my 42nd b-day. I was never a professional smoker, I'd bum a smoke here or there but never really felt the urge to go buy a pack. Don't go looking for what I'm going through now. It isn't easy and each time you go in it takes more out of you. Those of you that still smoke, PM me and I will tell you about what chemo does to you and what bad reactions to the drugs do to you.
  16. Joey, that's about as good as it gets and that's great mileage for a big pickup.
  17. They are all full of it when it comes to fuel economy. RAM pickups getting 36mpg, which one? The HEMI or the smallest available engine? The TV spot doesn't really make that too clear. If you want to get the mpg numbers advertised, you need no load, only a driver, a/c off, pretend there is a bomb under the gas pedal that will go off if you press it hard and don't go over 105kp/h and maintain a steady speed. I've gotten 30mpg (us gallon) in our minivan coming back from HH keeping to 105kp/h. That's better than the 26mpg that was advertised. BUT I was bored and HAD to maintain a very very light foot on the gas.
  18. Wow, all this rifle talk has me hankering to punch some holes in paper. Bill, enjoy your new piece, may it bring a lot of meat to your table. Those Savages are supposed to be very accurate right out of the box. Let us know how she groups once you've sighted 'er in. Great deer gun and a backup piece for moose.
  19. Same here. Only soft point ammunition. Military FMJ is for target shooting only.
  20. That actually makes sense. I agree with Nick, the 223 is around with a fair bit of steel Cored surplus around. They riccoshet like crazy. I think it is about time to get rid of that obsolete reg or modify it. It should specify the types of ammo allowed to be shot in the given areas.
  21. Reason being is those areas are more heavily populated AND the deer for the most part aren't huge and there aren't any moose or elk requiring a large bore rifle.A Lee Enfield makes for a great deer gun or even moose gun if you are good with it. It has enough punch to put a moose or elk down inside 200 yards.
  22. Ernie, the Enfields used a peocess called Suncorite on the receiver and barrel. Not sure how to duplicate that however the woodwork........
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