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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. However, the fact is the area where we have the MOST gun control like NYC or LA we have the most crime....in areas where you can own a hand gun we have the least crime....GO FIGURE....
  2. Outlaw guns and then only criminals will have guns...so how's that working for you.....
  3. WHY would you abandon your beer for any reason, especially to just recycle beer......things must be done different up there.....
  4. Last hair cut was $2.99 plus a $5.00 tip.....can't beat that with even a Ugly Stick.... :thumbsup_anim:
  5. The problem I have in this world of fishing is there are different rules for different groups...In NYS I can only keep 5 walleyes that are 15" and more during the walleye season....commercial fishermen don't have those restrictions....and don't get me started on what the Indians are allowed to do.....
  6. We have to remember that commercial fishing is a OLD industry on Lake Erie and it provides jobs for many families...not only for those who work on the fishing boats but all the way down to the restaurants and seafood stores that sell the fish.
  7. Return it and get yourself a cable steer Minn Kota Unit...there is a reason the pros use cable steer units. They need something that's not going to crap out on them in a tournament. Power drive units have a long history of problems with the foot control. Bob
  8. I have rented homes in Florida and private cottages in Ontario without any problems dealing directly with the owners via the internet. With that said I REALLY do my homework before I fork over any $$$ for a down payment and even then I am concerned until I am finally resting in said vacation dwelling......HOWEVER, in your case you have a LOT more to lose then the 6-9 hundred dollars I fork out for the week so I would use an agent as already mentioned...then maybe you can build a GOOD relationship with some repeat renters and take over the business yourself. Older couples or responsible families is definitely the way to go IMHO. BTW PM me and if it's a lake I would like to fish my wife and I may be interested in renting it. Bob
  9. If I have some green wood I don't bother wetting my small wood logs.....but most times I just throw some small logs into a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water the day before. If you have bark you can use that instead of logs, chunks or chips.......and don't discount maple for smoking...very good and should be aboundent up your way....I have a large silver maple that has providing a LOT of smoke for various meats and fish.
  10. I wouldn't jump into anything without first checking out some of the other suggestion first.....I know on my 1985 Johnson VRO 50 hp motor I can run two different plugs depending on if I want mostly high speed or not.....my plugs never foul up from trolling and it's seen a TON of that over the years.
  11. Lend......you should never lend out fishing equipment...GIVE IT TO HIM is what I was thinking....
  12. Looks pretty productive for a couple of hours of fishing... :clapping:
  13. Sounds like you still had a grand time....maybe next time the fishing Gods will look down better upon your fishing party.........after what I have read here and many others it looks like I got lucky by not going north this year (first time in MANY moons)and spending a pretty penny for less fish then Erie is giving up this year. Bob
  14. 39 years of installing plugs in various types of motors and I never used a torque wrench....Huh.... Guess I been lucky.....
  15. And these rods/reels catch Walleyes (pickerel) ? ? ?
  16. I rented from Three Bouys Marina back in the mid '80s and that boat was GREAT.....also rented from Egan in 2005 and we had nothing but bad luck with their boat, especially the fridge that wouldn't get or stay cold....they ended up crediting us some $$$ but it still was a bummer for the week always trying to purchase ice wherever we went....if I would do it again I would definitly go with Happydays House Boats.
  17. If for nothing else you Canadians can be proud to say we have the best concentration of mosquitoes in the world...them little buggers especially love me and my O-negative blood. All my proven combative ways to fend off mosquitoes have been defeated by the Canadian Air Force. They can NOT be defeated.
  18. I got rid of the "pro-pain" tank for natural gas years ago when LP went up to $10 and now it's $20....however, at the Res it's still about $10.
  19. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/06/23/1091832/area-rattled.html
  20. 110% MONEY GRAB....always was and always will be...
  21. Joe, these newer water back up systems are a huge improvement over previous systems. This Liberty water driven system pumps out 2 gallons of water for every gallon used to drive the pump at 40 psi and the efficiency improves with more water pressure (we have over 50 psi here). Once installed I tested this unit and it PUMPS at a VERY GOOD rate lifting the water without a problem...almost as good as my electric sump pump. I found the pump here at a local dealer for $125 and with another $65 for plumping parts I did the whole job for less than $200. I looked at the battery back up systems and they start at 3X that amount and UP plus you have to replace batteries every so often. It was a no brainer in my case. Why didn't I replace the 29 year old pump....GOOD QUESTION...I researched my present Wayne pump and it's no longer produced in it's present form....you see, mine is a BRASS pump and now you can only get plastic or cast iron. So I thought about replacing it along with installing the water driven back up system but just decided to do the back up system for now. This way I am covered if I'm away and the power goes out which in most storms it does. I have a generator but that doesn't help if I'm out of town. So for now I'm protected and sometime in the future I will replace Old Faithful with a cast iron pump. Bob
  22. I just finished installing this water powered back up sump pump in my home....my sump pump has never failed me but it's 29 years old now so for a piece of mind I decided to go with a back up system and if the electric pump fails I will then replace it....this way if I'm not home when the power goes out I'm protected. So if anyone is interested in something like this for their basements, it works GREAT and not too much of a effort to install http://store.waterpumpsupply.com/watersumppump.html Bob
  23. Brian, you're my kind of man. I like the way you think. YES drive through Timmy's designed for those of us who tow fishing boats (other boaters not welcome)...LOL.....we'll maybe hunting boats but that's it... :good:
  24. Yes, but here's the thing.....I live less then 15 miles from our boarder and have been to the Great White North hundreds of times. So who's to say that this rack has some Canadian or not in them... Only the consumer will know or will they.....
  25. It took longer than I thought it would....5.25 hours
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