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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. The "Glory"....LOL I'll bet you a dozen nightcrawlers that the Bills have a worse season then the Brownies.
  2. Here in the Buffalo, NY area that fish goes by many different names: * Galvanized Pike * Buffalo Fish * We Be Fish
  3. Never took my TUNDRA in for the Bull gas pedal thingy..... BUT I did something today that I am mourning about...."I" scratch the rear passenger QT-panel pretty bad going for firewood. Estimates are from $350 to $700.......not good. Haven't decided what to do about it....get it fixed on the cheap or spend the $500 and have the insurance company pay the rest for a real good job or just live with it. Or maybe just wait until spring ? ? ?
  4. LOVE this idea....do they make a larger one for Ferrel cats that roam my yard at night.LOL Now how do you handle the P3TA nut cases...
  5. Misunderstanding here I believe. I meant cigs not smoked fish. And I don't hesitate to eat fish from Lake Ontario, smoked or otherwise. As far as cigs, I pray for those who have trouble stopping and for those who that just started.
  6. Many of those who smoke are afraid to eat salmon from Lake Ontario..
  7. From what I have read the French River fishing has SUCKED this year until recently when it has really HEATED up with limit catches PLUS.... If you can afford this place you can't go wrong.....boats with new motors yearly and Indian guides. THE FOOD IS THE BEST you will EVER HAVE. http://sandbeachlodge.com/ Bob
  8. They are GILL NETS.....the fish don't see them and swim into them head first and can't back out because their gills flare open and the netting gets behind the gill plates. Anything usually caught in gill nets are as good as dead. And yes I thought I seen one small walleye plus one white perch in that catch. Bob
  9. I'm quite sure if they had a market for gobies they would target them but at the present time I don't know one person eating them.
  10. About 30 years ago I was fishing the Kinzua at Highbanks during early March before the walleye season closed. The river was up and running pretty good with the thaw and we were casting out minnows while catching the occasional fish from shore. Felt something hanging onto the line and thought another light hitting walleye so I set the hook. After a long dead fight I landed a deer head that someone threw in the river.
  11. Not much more to say than watch this.........
  12. Johnny ole boy you got me thinking.....not in your direction but still thinking......... There are not too many services that government and the private sector compete in but I did think of one......mail delivery of PACKAGES...only packages because here in the USA it's illegal for FedEx or UPS to deliver FIRST CLASS MAIL (gee I wonder WHY)......but anyways there is no comparison here....FedEx and UPS are MUCH better then the USPS delivering packages from point A to point B. Maybe you have a couple of examples in your favor...I would be interested in listening.... BTW the ONLY reason the cold war ended is because the Russians couldn't compete with the USA in technology. Capitalism brings out the BEST in EVERYONE. Bob
  13. Then how do you explain the EXPLOSION of JOBS and DEVELOPMENT in many of the southern states like NC, etc......... BTW if not happy with your private sector job you can always leave Canada and head to Cuba or China where they have your type of socialism but I wouldn't recommend it. Bob
  14. The bugger can't touch my RR Retirement that I have been collecting for over 7 years already...
  15. Where did all the JOBS go over the last 30 YEARS...simple to areas, like southern states and other countries that have LOWER TAXES BECAUSE OF LESS GOVERNMENT....it's that SIMPLE. And WNY has lost a LOT of it's population because of it's HIGH TAXES which are the highest in the NATION. The City of Buffalo alone has less than 250,000 people left and most are either on welfare or have a government job.....SAD ! ! ! Now answer the $64,000.00 question.......do you work a government job or in the private sector ? ? ?
  16. HUH, that social medicine isn't all that free after all...SORRY had to take that shot... They (doctor) tried that here once when our Doc retired and SOLD his business to a doctor not of our choice....had the records sent to our new doctor of choice and called the doctor and told him it would be a cold day in hell before I pay him anything. Never heard from him again (over 5 years ago). This medical record thing is crazy...they should belong to YOU the patient as they always have until recently. But I agree if you can't get them for FREE I would just take on the new doctor and have new lab tests, etc... and start over. The doctors RARELY look over medical records but rather your last appointment/lab test results. Worst case.....give him a bad check for your records and have him fight it out for the money....doctors don't have time for this and will probably just drop it as in my case. Bob
  17. You are not correct in the above statement for several reasons. The WNY area (Buffalo) has been in a recession for OVER 30 years, WAY before China became a player in manufacturing products for anyone. However, we did lose MANY manufacturing jobs here that were the staple of the area, like the Steel Plants, etc......HOWEVER, over that period of time MORE and MORE government jobs have been added by the politicians to pad their side with additional VOTES to stay in their political jobs....AND because of those political jobs our TAXES have SKYROCKETED to the highest in the NATION causing even more businesses to move the hell out of the area which AGAIN raises TAXES even more. The top employers in WNY are NYS, Erie County, City of Buffalo and the School Systems. NONE produce any products or are in competition with anyone to hold down cost. ALL are driving even more private sector businesses out of the area. BTW what do you do for a living. Is it a government job or a private sector job ?
  18. Take some ALL BLACK jigs in 1/8 and 1/4 oz weights. Drifting them along the bottom as mentioned by HIO-Fisherman will produce many smallies and walleyes...sometimes just tipping these jigs with a pinch (1") of a nightcrawler will get them to pick it up on the slower days. Now certain areas of any shoal will often be much better than the rest of the shoal and if the fish are concentrated in that area or the winds are not favorable to staying in that certain area very long don't hesitate to anchor close by and cast and jig back to the boat. Sometimes this is a much better presentation than drifting because you are spending much more time in the productive zone than just drifting quickly by it. REPORT BACK Bob
  19. EXACTLY what I was thinking.... You want WASTE and INEFFICIENCY then just add more and more government. Take my area for example...pretty soon we will only have government jobs here. Then what ? ? ?
  20. I took that 40expensivehighway once and NEVER again...come on, are they NUTS....40 miles each way cost me over Thirty US dollar$ (back when our dollar was at about 30% premium. I always thought our NYS Thruway was a rip off but not anymore when compared to 407...I can go 100 miles on the NYS Thruway and it only cost $5 BTW whoever heard of a government selling a highway to a private firm (I heard it's French) so they can in turn charge the hell out of the citizens without any representation.......makes NO SENSE to me anyway you fillet it. And it's just a matter of time until the crapper tax takes affect.
  21. I now use a FoodSaver unit and it works VERY well but freezing in water blocks also works very well but takes up more room in the freezer. For those using FoodSaver Units, you can save a little money by purchasing your bags (rolls) on Ebay. I started doing this recently and although they are not the exact bags FoodSaver provides, they do work VERY well. Bob
  22. Check for fluid....it might have leaked out prior to parking it in your driveway. Also check for a manual relief valve screw...this is used in many systems to relieve the hydraulic pressure in case of a malfunction of the system and you need to manually raise and lower the outboard. It could be this screw came loose thus not allowing the pressure to build up for raising and lower the outboard. I have this on my Johnson but your Yammy could be different. Hope you find a easy and inexpensive cure. Bob
  23. Lowrance keep changing their units all the time just to make it look like it's New & Improved but sometimes it's not. IMHO I also think Lowrance keeps changing units every 2 or 3 years is because when you have close to $1000 in a unit from them and it's 5 years or older and now it's not working, they will say they no longer have parts for that unit but if you want we can give you our newest unit with a nice discount off the regular price. This keeps money flowing to them and you don't change to Humminbird.
  24. Don't feel bad about being a bit fuzzy....there are a LOT of old NFL QB's that are still fuzzy from being blind sided by Bruce Smith.....he was on the radio this morning talking about the old days here in Buffalo and he wished this Buffalo team luck but tried to say playing that 3-4 defense is a lot harder then most think. I can still remember like yesterday at games at Rich Stadium when it was a third down situation and the opposing team needed to throw the ball for a first down and chants of BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE got louder and louder while he pinned his ears back and made ANOTHER important sack for the defense. He beat MANY double and triple teams to do it but sometimes he needed a little help and Biscuit Bennet ran down the QB with his lighting speed. OH, those were the days, my friend. When my son went on to Cortland State to play middle linebacker is when I learned to watch college football...we follow him and his team all over the country and really enjoy watching him play. But even now I still rather watch college football for various reasons....#1 reason is there is a LOT LESS commercials and a LOT MORE FOOTBALL played.
  25. Blaque, you are correct in saying that the athletes of those days are long gone. Now it's "where's MY money" and kiss my feet. Sorry not this guy. NFL football is no longer in my heart these days as it once was not only because the Bills are not a good team but also because of the THUGS through out the league. The "Network"....wasn't that the club Jim Kelly owned downtown..if it was, my son was playing little league football then and we got to take the team down there and the kids were on TV because they taped a show out of the place. The head coach, Mike Powers new people in high places and got the invite. It will be interesting to see how the rest of history will be written once Ralph Wilson passes away.....I can see the team going to LA or MAYBE Toronto. Time will tell. Bob
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