Actually I drink mine HOT with just a little bit of cream...when I go anywhere and order coffee I ask for cream on the side because I only use about half of what one of those little creamers are.
Stopped using a thermos years ago....maybe I should go back to one.....I have a Stanley around here somewhere.
I like both but I can get Starbuck beans at Sams club...can't buy Timmy beans here......Starabucks is a bit stronger and that's OK with me...
I have a Timmy's one block from my boat garage but none near any of my launches.....
I grind my own Starbucks for the ride to the lake but I would pay $10 for a second cup at the launch so it's PIPING HOT while I boat to my hot spot. I even have Timmy's microwave my coffee (in my mug) for 30 seconds...BTW did you know it cheaper at Timmy's if you do bring your own mug.
How early do you like to get out on the water.....I have friends (I know hard to believe) that don't like going real early...I like to travel on the road before any traffic and be on the water just before light as I think it's the BEST time of any day even if the damn fish aren't biting again.
Now if I could just talk Tim Horton's into building right next to all the boat launches so I would have that second cup of coffee on the water as God intended....
I hate to jinx myself but WHAT border agents are you referring to.....I spend a lot of time fishing on near and over the boarders and NEVER been stopped in over 35 years of fishing Lake Erie waters....and never heard of anyone PERSONALLY being stopped by either country on this matter.
As long as you don't embark onto USA soil you can fish here without checking in with Customs or Immigrations....
BTW you can just run across our southern boarder...LOL
Not sure how the laws are interpreted in Ontario but here in NYS we have MANY times gone to Ontario waters of Lake Erie via Small Boat Harbor and brought back walleyes that were not legal in NYS but we never stopped in NYS waters to fish. SO that's the key.....don't stop in Ontario while fishing in NYS.
The saying we all eat over a pound of dirt a day is from a old RR foreman I had when I was just 19 years here's the thing...LOL
Go outside in the yard and take a bite of sandwich and then look're eating over a pound of dirt are you not....
Been traveling to Ontario via Peace Bridge and Rainbow bridge for over 35 years and have taken EVERYTHING food wise including a case of beer one bottle of rum and one bottle of wine without any problems.
The last time (last June) customs at the Peace Bridge asked me if I had any knives...I said no...while driving away with boat in tow I thought to myself....I have 4 fillet knives in the boat.....who goes fishing without a knife..
IMHO I wouldn't store my boat underground again...not only can that cause rust on your trailer but also on all electrical connections within you boat. Bad electrical connections because of corrosion can give you head aches like you never imagined.
Things are a bit ahead of normal but each lake has it's own quirks and must be addressed differently.
One old saying is "it's never the same as last year and never as good or bad as they say it is".
Tow it down to a 'do it yourself car wash' and use JUST the WATER ONLY fantastic....Don't use the soap as I did once because it takes forever to get the soap out then......while doing it turn on the billage pump and watch the crud come pouring out.