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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. If this is the lake I am thinking about which is also referred to as Aba and you need to fly in from Nakina then just 1/8 or 1/4oz all black bucktail jigs or black twister tails will catch all the walleye you will ever want....we had 8 guys and caught 1080 walleyes plus 243 pike over a 7 day stay.
  2. Logging Ontario bass To monitor unexplained declines in Lake Ontario bass populations, the Department of Environmental Conservation will begin a Diary Program at the start of statewide bass season Saturday. Anglers interested in recording bass caught in Ontario waters this season can enter a name, address and e-mail address at [email protected]. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/06/12/1080275/outdoors-notebook-springville.html
  3. I can't beat the deal....why no one can, even with a Ugly Stick....But I did get (3 years ago) a brand new Minn Kota Edge cable steer with 52 inch shaft from Cabela's because it was on sale, free shipping and using my Cabela's CC points it only cost me $74.00....however the first time I used it, the prop turned backwards because the wiring on the foot pedal was wrong from the factory (where ever that is now) Bob
  4. For my personal use I found out over the years I need 3 different grills on my deck to satisfy my needs..... Smoker/BBQ (wood or charcoal) Wood/Charcoal fire pit (note the grill part on top of the unit that swings out for cooking) Ducane Natural Gas Grill (for when I feel like a Nancy Boy... ) What more could a man ask for....
  5. It's OK for smoking but not for BBQ.....I would keep looking if you like to cook on charcoal or wood....I have one that does it all. Mine is something like this but older and much heavier steel plus the smoke box is directly under the BBQ part. But the results will be the same. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=&q=new+braunfels+smoker&rlz=1B3GGLL_enUS366US366&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=7293576543605130927&ei=TRUQTJrNLsX6lweDg-3mBg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDEQ8wIwAg# Bob
  6. Isn't there a TV station or newspaper that likes these headlines in your area.....if so I would WRITE them a letter followed up by a phone call. Good Luck, Bob
  7. If it's gummed up already....a mechanic in a can (sea foam, etc...) has a slight chance of helping you out, otherwise you need a carb rebuild job. If it's NOT gummed up then nothing until the end of the year (last time out). Then you should add Sta-Bill fuel stabilizer and make sure you run it through the carbs and then run the carbs dry...And then foam the cylinders, change the lower unit oil and have a beer. http://store.tackleandrods.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FLT&Product_Code=SBFS&Category_Code=MOTOR Bob
  8. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your Mom......I lost mine in 1984 on Mother's Day....it's tough no matter how and when. Bob
  9. A fellow volunteer firefighter called me and asked why I wasn't on patrol at the flooded viaduct on the main rd.....I said, I couldn't because I had my own problems here with water and was just about to run to the store and find a oscillating fan to help dry out my basement. Pete replied, don't bother I have two and I'm on my way over....keep them as long as you want... So I'm back in service for the next emergency call and with the forecast it could be tonight...
  10. John, my God, you have done some homework here, there and everywhere......and without saying I am confident that everyone here appreciates your efforts. I didn't have to read beyond this statement in the Sellers Agent section: "A seller’s agent does not represent the interests of the buyer"as this is what I was referring to previously.... I only purchased 2 properties and sold one in my experiences but I will have to say that "HERE" I had bad experiences with PART TIME Real Estate Agents...I felt I did much more work then they did and yet they collected commission$ because of my efforts....but that's another story in itself......what's important here is that Cliff's children problems are resolved and that heavy burden on their shoulders are lift...But I have a feeling you have the situation under control and they are already sleeping better since you have gotten involved...God Bless You. Bob
  11. For those who have been praying for rain in the Nipissing area......I think we got your rain by mistake. We got a little water in the basement this morning through a crack in the cellar wall but nothing a little wet vacuuming and mopping couldn't handle....but in 29 years here that the most I have ever seen in my basement. However, the Nation Weather Service reports 2.72 inches in the last four days and more coming.... ...wish it would of went north to you guys or did you get some also... http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/06/05/1071935/raucous-storm-drops-heavy-rain.html Bob
  12. if by the time anyone gets to the house you've had a lock on them for a good 15 seconds with the rifle, YOU COULD BE A RED NECK.... Thought this thread could use some humor... Hope everything works out well for all parties involved. Bob
  13. I also have Colitis but I think I am much more fortunate then others as it was diagnosed in it's early stages and now have it under control with the use of Colazal...http://www.salix.com/products/colazal/about.aspx It started out about 10 years ago with my left eye bothering me until it got so bad I couldn't stand ANY light...went to a eye doctor for 2-3 weeks getting drops, shots in the eye and finally steroid pills to clear it up...I had a Iritis....http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/iritis... they tested me for everything under the sun and finally I was sent for a colonoscopy where they found I had Colitis. I wish your daughter well. Bob
  14. Irish, I know you're interested in aircraft so I thought you might be interested in the Wright Paterson Air Force Museum in Ohio......spent 3 hours there last year and didn't see half of it so we are going back later this month. This museum has EVERYTHING that has flown under the USA colors including the intercontinental ballistic missiles standing upright INSIDE the museum. The place is HUGE. This year I want to see the I-MAX show they have there...they do charge for that but the rest of the museum is FREE (my favorite 4 letter word)... http://www.nationalmuseum.that other site.mil/ The Doolittle Raiders Goblets are also on display there. Bob
  15. It may very well be different in Canada but here in the states the real estate agent legally represents the SELLER of the property even though you may of hand pick someone to help find you a home...after all the SELLER pays the commission to the agent not the buyer...again it may be different up north......but many here think just the opposite.
  16. Thanks Dan....You're the MAN.....
  17. 25 years ago my Tenee Trailer came with bunks made from pine (NOT TREATED) and of course carpeted....5 years later they were rotten so I made new ones using pressure treated 2X4's and carpeted them for my aluminum Grumman.....three years ago I had to replace the carpets but the pressure treated wood is still VERY GOOD after 20 years...... Tip of the day: get yourself a can of silicone spray and soak down the carpet ONCE a year at most....works GREAT. Bob
  18. Very Good Dan....but I'll see you one and raise you one... <object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>
  19. And where do you think they learned it from....from their southern cousins of course...
  20. Lew, it looks GREAT...did you get the glass inscribed ? Here's what ours looks like.... One load of Hickory read to be unloaded and stacked...grrrrr.... ANY VOLUNTEERS.....
  21. Actually the U.S.A. is the best country....after all 20 million illegal aliens can't be wrong...Eh...
  22. The DRY heat wood presents is GREAT for my RA....
  23. So what have we all learned here.....Search and SURVEY is IMPORTANT....much more than title insurance. Good Luck Cliff, hope it all washes out in the kids favor but I think they will have many sleepless nights until it's over. Bob
  24. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/06/04/1071049/lake-erie-fish-deaths-called-natural.html
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