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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I understand.....not quite the same....but different... You work your butt off trying to showcase a fishing day with someone who "should appreciate" the circumstances and or success (or sometimes failer) and instead belittles the effort put forth.... Not much you can do with that........Thank God they are far and few in-between. Bob
  2. GERMAN ! ! ! Dam I'm half German...you would think I would know that....LOL...(and i should know a lot of other stuff also)... On the other stuff..(minutes per $)...I concur...
  3. I concur...........lol
  4. Please speak English....don't understand French...LOL..eh
  5. You are correct to say that Celebrex has to be taken with caution.....since I have Colitis, Celebrex is the only prescient drug that is strong enough and doesn't bother my stomach. I take it as needed and not daily as prescribed......My oldest son is a Dr so I confer with him on what I take.....for some, Celebrex may not be the correct treatment for them, depending on their personal circumstance. But for those with stomach/intestine problems, Celebrex is a God's send... Bob
  6. Celebrex works VERY well for me.
  7. DITTO......but I'm about to leave in a few minutes to get TRY to dip some minnow and go perch fishing on Erie...we can't buy emerald shiners in NYS because our DEC is STUPID.
  8. Back in the late or early 90's I was fishing the Southtown Walleye Tournament and went west out of Dunkirk......found a LOT of dead smelt on the surface over 90 FOW.....we trolled stick baits that went down only 10 - 15 feet behind the boat because we couldn't get them hooked up to the planer board mast because by the time we had 100 feet of line played out a walleye was already on....BEST walleye fishing I had ever experienced in shear numbers but no fish over 6 lbs. BTW fish die offs in Lake Erie is normal for VARIOUS reasons. Bob
  9. My cousin Don = BAD and as bad as that sounds his witch...errr wife is worse.
  10. All good responses.....and after pondering these I have come up with another idea....I know what you're thinking...but anyways.....how about a surcharge for excessive time, say 7 minutes or whatever to keep the traffic moving...eh.
  11. When I had my bait shop I did pretty much what you did here but you don't have to freeze them, just refrigerate and they wouldn't get mushy and will keep for months. Also non iodine salt is best.
  12. One technique that has worked for me during a hatch is to use a Lindy rig (3-3.5' leader) with a worm (crawler) but you have to blow some air in the worm so it will stay off the bottom....simple but effective. Bob Relish these days because before you know it, that white puke will be landing upon us again.
  13. It's all a matter on how fast you can run....and you asked "how fast do I have to run from a polar bear" .......answer "just faster than your buddies"....LOL
  14. Are you giving us all rides.... Just two more words to add........ SWEET & JEALOUS
  15. If no rifle I would opt for Pepper Spray...good on poo bears and intruders. Good Luck and report back with your catch. Bob
  16. I would...you rent vehicles by time don't you....
  17. You can't help someone from the lake side when you can't get to the dock while they set up their boat, wait for someone with jumper cables because their battery is DEAD, motor wouldn't start because they never started it after a long winter, make another trip to the truck to get the cooler then someone yells they forgot their cell phone in the truck, put on suntan lotion on each kid and then all their life jackets, set up their sails...yes I have had that experience and MANY others in the last 39 years of launching boats. I have even seen them launch their boat and shove it off like a pro, except no rope was tied on so I had to go get it as it was drifting off into Buffalo Harbor. Evidently you haven't fished many major tournaments for 12+ hours only to find many, many boats hovering around the boat launch with only a fraction knowing what to do next. One of the biggest reason I have up fishing tournaments in the Buffalo area... You may have the pleasure of not having a LOT of "boaters" in your area....but in the more populated areas it's a zoo at peak times.
  18. After reading the Boat Ramp Comedy it got me thinking....if ramps charged by the minute rather than by the launch then some of these boat ramp HOGS would get out of the way and let us fishermen go fishing.....not to mention allowing us to go home on time...
  19. Having fished that area, I wouldn't tent up there unless my trusty Savage rifle came along for the ride.....think Bears and I'm not talking Poo Bear but rather hungry Black Bears.
  20. yes but make sure your not too deep also
  21. Looking at their rates you better be saving a lot of money.
  22. The one BIG advantage of heating with wood is when the power goes out you are not freezing as most furnaces need electric....in 2006 we had a huge snow storm in OCTOBER that destroyed a lot of trees and of course power was out just about everywhere....in my neighborhood we went without electric for 7 days but the house was nice and warm unlike may others that were cold and damp for many days. Bob
  23. Same thing is happening here in WNY.....not good. Wood prices will SPIKE.
  24. I have used Air Ivanhoe in Folyet at it's first class...if you do decide on this choice call George (owner) and explain to him what kind of fish and accommodations you prefer.I have also heard good things about Wawa but haven't experienced them myself "yet". Whatever you do don't go to Gogama Lodge and deal with Dick...most of his fly-in HUTS should be condemn.Great fishing but a tent would have been cleaner to sleep at night. Bob
  25. I have been heating with a wood burning stove for about 7-8 years now and I have to agree with Cliff that it is a LOT of work. However, my house is nice and warm with temps in the mid 70's unlike most homes here that use natural gas and their homes are best at 68 degrees. Since I'm retired I have the time to bring in the wood, etc....... As far as wood prices here in WNY......in the Buffalo area they are getting between $80 - $125 per FACE cord with delivery "available"....if I had to pay this much for wood I wouldn't heat with it....I have been getting my wood for the last 5 years at $50 per FACE cord but I have to haul it from 23 miles away. However, it's 80-85% hickory, some ash, some sugar maple and some black cherry. It's always CLEAN, dried and split properly.I go through just around 6 cords per year. If you have the room I would buy twice the amount you require and let the extra dry some more...for a good wood burner the drier the better IMHO as you can adjust the air flow which controls the burn rate. In use to have a website saved (before computer crashed) that gave the BTU's from each kind of wood....with Locust being the best. The fireplace will cost you a LOT of BTU's as it will cause a draft and draw out the heat from your home...heating from a fireplace is near nil. After a year or two you will see for yourself that a fireplace is nice to look at but not to heat one's home. Bob
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