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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. My condolences to all as well, i lost a close friend last week and it hurts bad.
  2. If you like bass fishing, bonefish fishing, and anything related to fly fishing then this is the station for you! I have had it for years and probably watch it once or twice a month max. Im kind of picky though so i imagine some people will like it just dont expect to like it all.
  3. Still ice in the holland, usually no snow or ice before i get em
  4. I always do this, even as i am crappie fishing ill throw my chum all into one area and will watch for the telltale signs of them feeding, if i see signs i switch to my big rod.
  5. For me it is haha, i was surprised to see rich clemens report last year that was in early april if i remember correctly. I think if you can find open water its worth a shot but there are some serious carpies on here that i imagine will chime in. Normally i start getting them about a week or two after the crappie start in my backyard
  6. I got a text from a friend this morning with this Document included, had me going for a few minutes. Although i wouldnt mind paying more for my licence if it went somewhere helpful(yeah right)
  7. Yea its pretty unpleasant, people leave garbage everywhere drag anchors through spawning beds cast over your line constantly and generally have no idea what etiquette or respect means.Not to mention the aggresive poachers that are keeping way over their limit and or blatantly poaching bass out of season. Im sure you catch a lot of crappie on that 7 in rapala buddy? However on the couple days before the crowds show up it is nice to sit in a lawn chair in my backyard having a beer and docking some slabs.
  8. Ya, every year more and more people cram boats canoes rafts and just about anything that floats into my canal, fish gunwale to gunwale and dock to dock for panfish in my canal. Not to mention anything else they catch. At least mnr has been by a couple times to ticket and arrest some of the worst offenders.
  9. I am looking forward to this episode as well, i love the show and it beats anything on tv for me. As for giant pike my favourite " story" is that of an old farmer in ireland that killed a 90+ lb pike with an oar because and i quote "it was stealing his livestock including goats from the shore" Haha awesome, id love to see the gut on her.
  10. I can have a look on my way by tommorow
  11. While im at it if this bozo isnt from canada then he should be shipped out to rape his home waters wherever they are. Its a priveledge not a right.
  12. So snagging bass out of season then re hooking them to fight them for tv isnt what happened?Id sure love to know the "inside" scoop on that one!
  13. Nice work, im also looking forward to the backyard beating on some crappie.... Not so much the wall to wall inflatables i gotta cast through though?
  14. I probably wouldnt do it until you upgrade to a bigger boat, maybe you will have a different vehicle when you do upgrade.
  15. I personally havent fished nip, but i found this to be horrible, such a waste. Im happy to see that they were caught.
  16. Thats a cool video, i havnt seen the first one before and that was awesome.
  17. X2 on proper release tools, truly a difference maker in my opinion.
  18. Thats good to hear wayne, i hope the good news keeps coming.
  19. I have fished near matachewan and chapleau a few times and chapleau definitely has the edge on walters for sure, the montreal river system can be a tough go at times for more than just pickies. As for farther south im personally not familiar with any real consistent spots which is why i keep going farther north for my fish.
  20. It is the responsibilty of the seller to deal with their own plates. They are the ones who stand to lose if someone uses their plates for no good. If they dont care about the plates you are good to go
  21. I do look forward to your ice out updates, nice pics as always!
  22. Congratulations! My girl just hit 6 months its a riot.
  23. We always keep the boat in gear as well but slow it down, i find it helps revive the fish if you hold it boatside at a slow speed. Ive never been on a charter so i cant recommend one. The biggest fish and the best bite for us always seems to be the evening bite, the magic hour before sunset.
  24. There is 1-2 feet of slush on cooks bay right now and ive heard that willow and virginia beach are the same, im guessing a lot of the lake is like that now. Their should still be lots of ice underneath but its rough travelling
  25. Ive never fished it during winter, i guess you might be able to get perch or pike but i think there are better spots to try.
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