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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Mind the pink shirt i was golfin till 100pm?
  2. Title speaks for it self, broke a 43 hour carp skunk today with 3 decent fish, 2 buddys caught 4 between them as well. My biggest was maybe 8 lbs nothing special but they were fightin hard today which was nice. Caught em all on good ol corn
  3. Nice slabs bunk! I love the really dark colour on them it makes their patterns jump out at you.
  4. Nice shots, that would help me lol
  5. Sounds like a good week, congrats on the pb!
  6. I have rarely ever seen the cops on lake o but when i do the experiance is pretty straight forward. One time they had mnr on the boat and they pulled beside while we trolled and she read our licenses with binoculars, the only other time they did the same thing and had us show them safety gear and boaters card as well.Frankly i wish it was like tgat on simcoe as opposed to the gong show it usually turns into.
  7. I keep a waterproof flashlight and whistle in my tackle box at all times. Even my big boat only barely hits 20 foot but i carry flares, throw rope in a bag, fire ext, compass, anchor, whistle, flashlight etc... Only thing i dont have is a radar reflector. Better to be safe then sorry.
  8. Thanks for the kind words fellas! If bunk is jealous then i must be doing something right?
  9. Good conduct fellas! And some nice pike to boot, you are the bigger men i wish i could compose myself as you did ?
  10. I agree with kickinfrogs statement.
  11. Well unless its from the long long ago i hope he didnt catch it in couchiching.... They are having a hard time getting them to stick there for some reason?
  12. Sweet deal man! Nice haul
  13. Your dog was lucky to get away in one piece! Id probably rather deal with a small bear than a badger.
  14. Maybe so guys arent overnighting fish in their livewells???
  15. We were at a campground with a tiny launch and a boat full of idiots had launched their boat and left the truck and trailer backed in with no intention of moving it, they were still within earshot so i gave them an earful they would never forget which prompted them to come back and move their truck out of the launch. Probably a good decision on their part and definitely better for my blood pressue. Also, x2 on sailboats on lady o these are some of the most dangerous encounters ive ever had. Ive never had to try so hard to avoid being hit by someone who wasnt even at the helm of their vessel...smh.
  16. Ill stay off the big water in the big winds but other than that its go time. I love getting a long drift going in a nice pike chop, at least i dont have to be on the trolling motor.
  17. Awesome! My buddy who has it has tackle in his box that is older than him, i doubt hes gone to a bp or sail in 5 years his tackle box is a time capsule lol.
  18. Wow that slab is a slob,thats the biggest crappie ive ever seen!
  19. Yep, the old school daredevil with the little face on it lol, we joke that it looks like a buddy of ours...
  20. Some really cool shots, beautiful scenery.
  21. Nice fish man! Im looking forward to my first outing.
  22. Awesome stuff man!
  23. 6" jakes, double jointed rapalas, and an x rap did the damage for the most part. The red devil and a couple other spoons helped out too.
  24. I just got back from my annual pike fishing trip and it went well, the fishing was definitely slow at times especially early mostly due to a cold front early in the week. Everyone managed a nice sized fish but the way it happened for us was kinda strange. We had entered a bay on day 4 with the only decent fish so far being the skinny one i had gotten on day 2 and the middle man in the boat hooks a monster, he protests that its just a baby but watching as it hugs bottom on the way in we know better. We slide the cradle under after a brief fight and its our first truly nice fish of the trip. . She was a little worse for wear on her tail and dorsal fins but a pretty fish nonetheless, she was quickly released and we continued fishing. Not 5 casts later the bow man appears to get snagged near the shore so he starts dragging the boat towards the "snag" about 30 seconds in however it takes off to his right and the fight is on. This fish had a couple good runs in her but was also in the cradle in good time. So after releasing this long beauty we head to the top of the bay on the opposite side to start a new drift, we had all been a little down due to the rough start we had but had completely turned around and were through the roof with excitement after these two fish back to back, well dont i fire my first cast of the drift off shore and hook into something that feels pretty heavy, could we catch our 3 biggest fish in a 15 min time frame back to back to back? The odds seem astronomical after 3 3/4 days with only 1 nice fish to show. After a nice fight and an unfortunate struggle in the cradle causing me a sliced thumb and the fish a good couple hook marks we had fish number 3. At 39 1/2 in it was a touch shorter than the one i caught early but she was a bruiser where it counted. This trip definitely made us work for it but our perseverance paid off allowing us something to think about until next years foray into the bush, Thanks for reading here are a couple more pics. My entry fish at just a hair over 40" Its amazing how much smaller it looks than the bruiser with her sleek build. Silly whitefish, spoons are for pike Always nice to get a nice mid range fish Another little piggy 1 more for the road. Until next year... Tightlines fellas.
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