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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Better than its tail lol
  2. You guys ever notice the last line in that paragraph? Ive seen it before in the regs where it says invasives like round goby must be immediatly released or destroyed? I thought you were not allowed to return invasives to the water???
  3. Wow, just fantastic all around! Those walters with the blue tinge look pretty cool
  4. Sorry for the hijack, but i cant find any of the river monsters new episodes, just old smash ups. Are the new ones on a different channel?
  5. I say plausible, looks more like a bite and a yank of the leg, headshake would cause more side to side damage. Unfortunately im all to aware of how an esox bite looks with or without the head shake.
  6. Beautiful fish! Good job on the pb.
  7. Cute little fella aint he?
  8. Good to hear wayne! Hope she keeps gettin stronger!
  9. Nice fish man!
  10. Very scary stuff, i hope for a good outcome but i fear the worst. my heart goes out to his family.
  11. No numbers,thats a fun ticket...
  12. Nice work d! Ill help you get some pics up soon
  13. Thats a sweet blade and a nice mess of walters, Beautiful all round!
  14. Try corn, when they are jumping a lot i find they are hard to catch. It seems before and after spawning is great but during its hard to trick them. I will throw two cans of corn in before my first cast and i will throw a small amount on top of every subsequent cast. I ve also chummed with dog food cheese bread boilies you name it but i like corn the best. When i hit a dry spell i changed line, used smaller hooks or weights, different baits anything to get a fish. Lastly are your hooks coming back skunked or still intact? The bullhead seem to be able to chew baits right off some days.
  15. Its about time i seen your intro big d! Devins a good buddy of mine who i helped get into some real fishing so try not to hold it against him? Although he has been far outfishing me for carp this year his uppins will come in the salmon derby.
  16. Its unfortunate that it went down as it did but it is what it is, maybe if we had a few more co,s and they were better equipped to handle these situations than it wouldnt come to this. Id imagine most people would be quick on the trigger if a trapped scared bear decided it had had enough. If you dont believe that try it sometime and see how close he gets before you shoot.
  17. My money is on bunk, thats the biggest ski ive ever seen
  18. Bills right on there, im not a big bass guy but smashing 4+ lb smallies in october is still a good time in my book.
  19. I know, i run a concrete pump im part of the problem. I wish my wife was a little more open to moving farther away
  20. Great, now ive been lumped in with toronto and have to look for a new place ?
  21. Im all over that!
  22. Wow awesome story and some beautiful gators! Looks like the trip of a lifetime.
  23. Yea i do love living here in the spring, lots of slabs and slob carp to go around until i start esox and salmon fishing.
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