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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Mike I very sorry to hear that your Dad passed away. He is at peace now and looking down at your family with love in his heart. Please accept our families condolances to you, Dana, your mom, Jade and Mikey and the rest of the clan.
  2. Happy B'day my friend, glad you enjoyed the "surprise dinner"!! 65 years young and going strong!!
  3. Nice fish Brandon!! I guess that I was at the wrong end of the lake on Friday
  4. Wow what a cutie pie for sure and the dog ain't bad looking either
  5. Some nice fish there boys!!! Always great times when you can get out and fish with friends and brothers.
  6. Sincerest condolences to you and your family.
  7. Sorry to hear about the loss Brian. I totally understand what you are going through.
  8. During a presentation by a MNR biologist at the Muskie odyssey a couple of years back the topic of bait size came up and he explained that there 8 pound walleye found in the big girls bellies so I would say that they do eat big baits.
  9. 14 inch Gramma works fine for me Mike.
  10. OK Mike hope to see you out there you need a "brake"
  11. Thats too bad Mike, you will get back out again for sure. I will call you when I am on the water Friday morning.
  12. Yes we did!! Nice to meet you too Mike. Like you said, muskies are hit and miss
  13. Lew and I had an awesome time!!! Can't say enough about the weather we had, just amazing. Another successful fishing trip. Couple of scrapes but all in all a great trip. Now off to Lake St.Clair to catch me a big lady.
  14. Great report Rich!! Really nice fish there, love the bear hug hold!!
  15. Really nice fish there Mike!! what a fatty, hopefully we can put one or two in the boat this weekend!!
  16. Nice to get out though. We will put some in the boat this weekend
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