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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Glen.... the word that's actually a link thingy when you wish to place a link in your post you click on the symbol just to the right of the smiley face, a window will appear asking for the link....after you put the adress in, click ok another pops up and asks for a Title, type whatever you want to call the link and select OK ( b i u AA ) Glen
  2. Tools at the top of the page 2 options Before you type the words you would like to bold....click on the b Two of these will appear.... type the word or words in between the symbols You will not see the words in bold until you preview or post it. Or Right click and highlight whatever word or words that you want to bold, then click the b Italics, underline etc work the same way
  3. Something to try for the existing commercial relationships....Sample phone call.. Hello, Mr or Mrs X. I am sorry, he/she is unavailable, may I take a message? No, this is just a courtesy call, we'll call again (or some version of this) I am Mr/Mrs X's personal assistant, unless you talk to me, you are not going to talk to Mr/Mrs X. Please leave a message or do not call again" They rarely leave a message..if they do, I usually respond with something like.....Thank you, I will give Mr/Mrs this information and if they are interested, they will call you. They usually don't though. This has stopped quite a few calls and for the ones that have not listened, I phoned the company and inform them that I feel their sales staff is harassing me and should it continue, I may need to look elsewhere for the service they provide.....haven't had a phone call from Rogers, Bell, or the banks in ages Another standard response one might get when calling my house.. I am sorry but due to the high incidence of identity theft, we do not conduct business over the phone unless we initiate the phone call. Hard for them to argue with that one. Works well on the door to door people also
  4. Appreciate the info Wild.
  5. Beautiful Ski Chris! Reminds me of trib fishing Good job on the guiding Brian!
  6. Thank you everyone!! I must thank my net man also....if it weren't for Cliff, the battle may have ended differently! I haven't a clue how to keep a fish like that still but I do have an excellent camera man I lifted the fish maybe 18 inches and realized there was no way I was going to be able to safely hold it with my arms alone, it was resting on my legs for the picture. The power was amazing, I cannot even imagine fighting a fish like that in it's prime. Not likely Still have so very much to learn Bill, I'd be happy to trade that salmon for some of the gorgeous brookies that you catch We share many things but that is not one of them.....my polish is strictly off limits to him Thanks Rich, that fish was caught off a pier in about 15-20' of water. I tried the trib a couple of times last year for salmon and didn't care for it. Prefer the piers, using the canoe in the harbor or wading out into the lake for them.
  7. Float suits rock if you have one. Layers are my friend. I purchased my rain gear larger than I needed so I can add at least 2 layers underneath, thermal and fleece. Gloves.....I carry several pairs..one gets wet, just grab another.
  8. Great report! My stomach hurts just thinking about that food LOL Fall fishing.....I love it!
  9. Welcome. Enjoyed the pics...look forward to more
  10. Welcome Laker272......good luck on the weekend!
  11. Nice job Stan.....way to stick with it
  12. Monique....you looked simply smashing in the new duds....the gun is a very nice accessory lol TJ...going to have that monster pike mounted?? hehehehehe
  13. Very Nice!! Congratulations to Andy! I am looking forward to your next report already
  14. Glad to hear that you are back safe. Hard not to have fun at Lakair with such a great group of people! Sorry that I missed it, hope to see you in June
  15. Thanks for sharing your days off with us! Beauty smallies!
  16. Thanks Reef. The snap ring Cliff was referring to is the split ring on the spoon, not the snap on the leader, that held just fine lol Time to find some better quality rings.
  17. Hey Forrest, I was born and raised in Michigan and haven't a clue lol Will ask a few friends and see if they know.....
  18. Bummer about the service Rick. In regards to no longer doing business with Future Shop The Best Buy Canada subsidiary operates most stores under the Future Shop label. They also operate/ own Geek Squad, Magnolia Audio Video, Pacific Sales.
  19. Welcome to the board Steve and congrats on getting your first Musky...41" eh...Nice!!! I also boated my first this year, smaller fish but will always be remembered. I have not made many solo trips in the boat so I haven't much advice to offer.....for pictures, some of the others here use camera mounts, I am sure someone will chime in. Congrats again!!
  20. Don't fish tea stained waters often but have found brass/gold spinners seem to outfish the silver variations. Have a a great trip!
  21. One fish, two fish Red fish, blue fish... Sorry, the striped hat taking me back to my youth lol Gorgeous looking Musky...Congrats on the new PB!! Looks like it was a great weekend!!
  22. Evening Rizzo This might seem like a silly question, but is the original tire still on the trailer with the boat on it? When I purchased our spare tire and rim, it also looked to be about an inch bigger, checked the size, was correct, measured the rims, they were the same but being me and not wanting to take any chances, jacked up the trailer. Tires are the same size.
  23. Combo for under $200 that I am happy with.... Fenwick HMXS 7 Medium $80.00 PFlueger Trion GX-7 4740GX $40 Should leave you enough $ to fill both spools We have 3 of the Pfluegers in the house and they have been used for just about everything. If you are interested, here is a link to some reviews on the reels. Pflueger Trion
  24. Thanks Rick.....I now know way more about GPS time than I did and my head hurts LOL Example.. GPS time is given by its Composite Clock. The CC or "paper" clock consists of all Monitor Station and satellite operational frequency standards. The system was previously referenced to one of the Monitor Station's operational frequency standards and switched from one station to another as needed. The GPS epoch is 0000 UT on January 6, 1980. GPS time is not adjusted and therefore is offset from UTC by an integer number of seconds, due to the insertion of leap seconds. The number remains constant until the next leap second occurs. This offset is also given in the navigation (NAV) message and your receiver should apply the correction automatically. As of January 1, 2006, GPS time is ahead of UTC by fourteen (14) seconds. After reading this and more, my question to you is....which time are you using for accurate..local..UTC or TIA?
  25. Have fun and be safe! Look forward to reading about your adventures when you return
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