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Everything posted by Bly

  1. ummmm yes lol
  2. 1pm Meet, greet and Bleep 8.9% does it still count?? lol forgot to add the percentage
  3. Welcome home Rick! Sounds like you have learned a good lesson.....now remember it!
  4. Tested the fuel version and the stick version last year and concur with the prevailing opinion. The fuel ones get nice and hot but ONLY when given proper air flow and yes, they dry up when not in use. The stick versions need a minimal amount of air flow, heat up well and the replacement sticks are not pricey. I considered the battery style but after estimating how many batteries I would use in a roughly 2 week period......to costly for me and not very enviro friendly.
  5. Great report Joey! I had to laugh though........You know you are Canadian when you head NORTH in the winter for a getaway.
  6. Excellent and Congrats! Definitely a purty fish
  7. If I understand your post.....the zipper teeth are fine but the sliders are damaged? Replacement sliders (single or double sided) can be purchased at your local fabric/sewing store. When a zipper is closed there are tabs at the end to stop the slider. To replace, snip off the tabs, pull off old slider, replace with a new slider, attach new tabs (usually in package). If there are not any replacement tabs in the package, they can also be purchased separately. Good luck!
  8. Nice work Brian! I have tried to purchase a few dressed replacements and have not seen any as nice as those. Have fun and may they help you catch the big one or six
  9. WOO HOO Jaden!!! Good for you!! Sooo what are you getting her to show her just how proud you are TJ?? lol
  10. Bly


    Brian, Sounds like you are all set for now and if you follow some of the good advice posted here you should be ok. If for some reason you are still having trouble and really do not want to upgrade your comp, let me know, I might be able to help. In the past few months I have dealt with more than one version of these lovely rogue programs/viruses on different machines. What works on one machine does not always work on the next. My personal favorite was dealing with a real nasty known as Vundo, an amazing piece of software, too bad the writer is using his/her talents for such purposes. I would recommend the back up anyway, as it is always a good idea. Just a note to anyone that happens to run into AntispywareXP 2009 (2008), Vundo or others like these.......be very careful what you download while attempting to remove it. These programs and many other like them will hijack your browser, when you search for the removal programs you will often be directed to pages that look and read legit but are in fact more malicious software.
  11. Congratulations! Best wishes to all of you and as many have said, good people at Sick Kids.
  12. Thanks Bernie. Back to being creative....I will let you know how it comes out in case you want to try it for your larger negatives in the future
  13. Best of luck to you! I will second Lunkerbasshunter's advice. Magnetawan Bait and Tackle is where I would start, friendly and helpful the times I have been in there.
  14. Great pictures! I have been attempting to scan a few of the negatives that I have but they are large and our scanner only does 35mm unless one gets creative. Curious if yours will scan larger negatives and if so, what is the make and model
  15. May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness From this day forward Congratulations!!!!
  16. Was wondering WHO was going to say it ROFL!!!
  17. gorgeous Mike! It is so gorgeous are you sure that you actually want to use it? lol
  18. You are very lucky to have all those papers and pictures. There are some great programs out there to help when you decide to put it all together, I am sure that your kids and their kids and so on will treasure it. Thanks Joey. Everything is good, hope to be getting out soon! I talked to any living relative that would talk to me lol Although most that I talked to gave me the same family names...who was married to who, the kids and so on for the first few generations, each person had different stories to tell. The stories can be key even if they are not complete or totally accurate. One of my great aunts kept telling me about a relative that was in Andersonville Prison (civil war) and was released in 19XX, trouble was, the Prison had not yet been built in that year. I set aside the information. A few weeks went by and while looking for another person I stumbled across the story of a young man who had lost an arm in Andersonville Prison etc. Contacted the person that submitted the information and learned it was about the man my aunt had told me about, she just confused his capture date with his release date. There are many great sites online now that are dedicated to genealogy. These sites allow you access to public records and to other individuals researching the same family names. Terry, thanks for the great edit! I have about 200 more if you are bored LOL Thanks to everyone else also for you kind words and for taking the time to read and post. I am far from done but I am very happy with what I have so far. If you even think that you might ever want to do something like this, start making notes now and identifying the people in family photos,, even if you don't do it, your kids might want to and will appreciate it. Thanks again!
  19. Nice report Joey, loved the cocoa shot. Haven't got a cat but if anyone even looks like they might be preparing something in the kitchen, Harley is their best friend hehe
  20. "mangling my thumb not unlike a baby Muskrat on meth would do!!!" I do so enjoy your unique way of describing things! You were out on the water on a nice day and caught fish..I am feeling just a wee bit envious! thanks Glen
  21. LOL Mike You are welcome to be barefoot
  22. Congratulations!! I hope you have many hours of fun with it!! I agree with Wayne...wouldn't paint it, you'll only stress about future scratches etc...besides, it gives it character like the carpet in Cliff and I's boat hehe
  23. Ummm........No I might perhaps attempt to get Cliff to wear a kilt more often though
  24. I have really been enjoying it. I have been able to speak with relatives all over the US and even been in contact with some very distant relatives. Amanda has been very interested in it and is now attempting to research more about her father's family.
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