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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Splendid news! Best wishes to all of you!!
  2. Nice looking bass! Ahh boating and manners. Things like this are going to happen. Cliff and I recently experienced this phenom for the first time. We pulled back slightly, let the guys go on and then resumed catching fish. I choose to remember the experience with humour.....we were getting steady hits while we watched them work the area over and they never did seem to boat anything Karma
  3. Excellent report Tj and Monique.......Sweeet Pike!!! Camp Jiggy Jiggy looks great, you guys deserve it Wondered how well that water heater would work...thanks for that. Nice write up on the lures, I am hoping to get out this week and try out the top waters now that bass is open. I haven't had much success with Bass, hoping to get an edge with the new lures hehe Thanks for taking the time to put that all together to share with us
  4. Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!
  5. Great write up Alex! Way to show the family spirit, stuck it out and landed some nice ones!! Hope dinner was excellent...
  6. It is ok Kemper, you are just a fish snob LOL Nice thing you did for the g/f...looks good on you
  7. WOO HOO!!! A man in a kilt fishing and catching musky Does life get any better than that?? Think I will withhold my thoughts on the plastic pants lol Thanks for sharing those Roy and of course Marc and Pete
  8. I haven't ever seen it but there are limited carp supplies in our area, some of the TO guys might be able to help. Looked it up and it does look interesting. Will keep an eye out for it in my travels.
  9. Welcome to the Community!! Excellent first post Hope you have a great time this summer and welcome back to fishing!!
  10. Thanks everyone!! Was definitely a nice surprise to pull that one in We use spring feeders with ground bait and a sinking boilie on a hair rig. We have experimented with different presentations but the feeders and boilie are the most consistent.
  11. Too much work and not enough fun For the record.....Cliff caught all of his own fish and although we may have been equal in numbers (didn't count) he definitely had better quality fish!
  12. I think your knot questions has been answered lol, so I will just add a "good fishes" to you this summer, look forward to seeing some pictures and reports!
  13. Thanks for posting all those pictures Glen....love the fires lol Glad to hear that you made it home safe. Hope to see you again soon, always a pleasure.
  14. Definitely! Been working away taking care of the camping gear, fishing gear and boat and the one thought that keeps entering my mind.........Wish I was prepping it all to go back.....
  15. Rick, Excellent summary! Always a good time seeing everyone again!
  16. Hmmm let me see if I can't help clear this up a bit....... Looks like it was before
  17. I like to believe there is a special place in heaven that has been reserved for all of our faithful companions, complete with favorite treats and toys. Please accept our condolences in the loss of your beloved Amy. The memories you created will always be with you. Cliff and Carole & Harley
  18. First Picture is real but the story is not. "Her neighbors in Bar X Ranch had been telling them they had seen a giant alligator in the bayou that runs behind their house, but they dismissed the stories as exaggerations. "I didn't believe it", Charles Rogers said. Friday, they realized the stories were, if anything, understated. Texas Parks and Wildlife game wardens had to shoot the beast. " Original caption under the picture Joe Goff, a game warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, walks past a 13-foot, 1-inch alligator that he shot and killed in the back yard of the home at the Bar X Ranch on FM 521 near West Columbia. Photo was taken by Val Horvath. Information on the Second picture (with more pictures) deer shots
  19. Congrats on your first voyage and at least you got fish slime in the boat Learning to fish from a boat feels like learning to fish all over again....at least to me anyway lol Many more trips and pics in your future!!
  20. A half century of marriage Deserves a celebration; Your 50-year relationship Rates major acclamation! Congratulations to you both On your durable rapport; Happy 50th anniversary, And may you have many more!
  21. Thank you for sharing that Lew, really enjoyed it If I can't catch em at least I can enjoy your reports...thanks again!
  22. Welcome to OFC! Nice catches, I am envious, Scugog hates me lol Oh and don't mind TJ, he just has trouble telling the difference between Sander vitreus vitreus, formerly Stizostedion vitreum vitreum and Pickerel....
  23. Aww Glen, you will be fine. A few shots of the recipe and you won't even notice the cold
  24. Jumla definitely! Cliff found one like this to be effective last year
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