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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Wayne Really cool about Leah's family!!!
  2. Like many others, it varies... fish on! got em! oh yeah! here we go! (usually reserved for hard running species) right about know though....I think I would yell "it's about time!"
  3. A short while ago, Cliff and I finished up our fall season. Usually there is a bit of early winter fishing to be done before all freezes up and we wait to make the trek to Simcoe for our one ice fishing outing a year, the Tyler Event. This year, due to a variety of circumstances, I have been unable to get out. I knew in early December that my fishing time was going to be extremely limited if at all. I was going to need something to keep me from going totally crazy during the evening hours. Growing up, I loved fishing and hunting. I can remember spending hours with my brother ALEX planning trips , the miles that we covered on our bikes riding to some of our favorite spots and the challenge of acquiring gear and keeping what we had in good working condition. Although our father took us out a few times (hunting and fishing) and we did some fishing with our maternal grandfather, there was no one that took us to tackle/hunting shops or taught us to fish, it was just the 2 of us. I have always wondered where we got our love for fishing and adventure. I also always wondered about "who" our family was and where we came from. I never knew my father's family but there were many tales told of ancestors on my mother's side. I wasn't going to be out fishing, decided this was the year to start researching. I started with a few names from both my parents and of course the stories. My goal was to see if I could track my family back to the first people that came to the United States. My Father's side was fairly easy. My 2 sets of gr grandparents were born in the Netherlands, moving to the US in 1889 and 1913. Added bonuses, I was able to gather names and such for the Vanderlaan ancestors back 7 generations in Holland and was able to reconnect with my only paternal uncle. I hope to be able to build a relationship with my uncle and maybe gather a few family photos. My mother's family history has been interesting and a lesson in US history all over again. I had always heard that "we" had been in the US longer than the US was it's own country. A few interesting relatives I have found along the way.... Stephen Hopkins (1582-1644) Mayflower Passenger, was a merchant and tanner by trade who came across the ocean on the Mayflower, signed the Mayflower Compact. 12th Great Grandfather Edward Winslow (1595-1655) Mayflower Passenger, served as the governor of the Plymouth Colony. He also signed the Mayflower Compact. 11th Great Grand Uncle. Glen, Art and Joe, you may appreciate this.. Col. Richard Lee I, Esq., “the Immigrant” (1618-1664), The original Lee of the famous/infamous Lee family of the South. cannot seem to find the exact number of greats at the moment but a grandfather. Family papers/letters referred to Robert E as "cousin Bob the traitor".....no disrespect intended, just thought it was interesting Also discovered..... Susannah North Martin, hanged as a Salem witch, July 19, 1692 Harmon Dick, a Scottish lad who moved to Hesse Castle Germany due to the turmoil that Scotland was in, then pressed into service as a Hessian soldier, shipped to the US to be captured by George Washington during the famous Delaware crossing. Harmon joined up with Washington and they became friends....... Henry Getz. Gatesburge Pennsylvania is named after Henry. I have yet to find when a few of the bloodlines arrived in the US but I think I found the hunting, fishing, adventure loving relatives.....The Richardson's. The information I have tells me that they came from Scotland, spent some time in Maine as farmers, cod fisherman and pirates. They moved all over the US, some of the time they were gold miners, teachers, bankers, farmers... They are considered to be some of the earliest Pioneers of Arizona. My Gr Gr Grandmother was told to be an excellent shot and a force to be reckoned with. Found many relatives that served in the Armed Forces in a variety of ways...grandfather trained with the original glider pilots in WWII, gr grandfather was part of the original marine ground forces in WWI, many fought in the Civil War and in the American revolution. One relative was a captain in charge of a fleet of vessels in the French and Indian War...an early French Canadian connection... I have been fortunate enough to also have found many documents....Wills, Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses and pictures.....here are a few.... 1886 An Uncle who died when he was 10 in a wagon accident my grandmother taken about 1924 Gr Grandmother and her little sister... about 1914 gr gr grandfather, gr gr grandmother, gr grandfather and gr uncle 1902 5 generations.....my mother (6 weeks old), her father, grand father(Harold Dean), great grandmother (daisy) and gr gr grandmother in 1945 Daisy and Harold Dean about 1904 My grandfather 1940's Great Grandparents first car a set of gr gr gr grandparents Not sure when this was taken...both passed about 1916 Just for fun.....1972/73 A little bit of fishing history also.......found these while digging around in my mother's basement and garage....some of the old gear that ALEX and I used as kids...... An old Johnson Reel The Olympic 2000 that was on an ice fishing rod A Jorgensen Cub X-79 There were a few rods, a Zebco, Abu Garcia and Berkley Spartan.... Hope I haven't bored anyone to tears, just wanted to share a bit of what I have been doing to occupy myself. Thanks for taking the time to read it
  4. Sang, Snag, Snag, you are one funny guy! Love the post, I am sure that I will laugh every time I see a seagull for many years to come...now if I can just get ccmt out from under the bed
  5. Wonderful Bernie! Over the past few weeks I have been tracing and attempting to complete a proper family history. I have most of the names, dates and details and over the holiday my grandmother was able to provide with photos. I have spent several hours working with them and have many more to do. There was also an envelope containing very old negatives. My scanner will turn negs into photos, cannot wait to see what and who they are. Managed to scan at least a few that date back to 1886 or so. Thanks for sharing your pictures Bernie and enjoy the history that comes with them!!
  6. In the 1980's I was often told my earrings looked like fishing lures......maybe I should see if I have any left and try em out
  7. Bly


  8. Nice! Curious, were you using that worm with a jig? I usually see people "wacky" rigging them.
  9. A few thoughts for you... A great thing about Labs, they love to please, so you may have success with the boots. Be sure to take her with you to size them Another great product, Invisible Boot (I purchased it at Pets Plus) Harley loves to be out in the snow and experienced similar troubles but was having nothing to do with the boots. Tried a few different things with limited success until IB last February. Apply to the feet, making sure to get between the paws. Helps protect and condition the paw pads and reduces/eliminates the ice/snow buildup between the pads. Continued use seem to actually help toughen up his paws while keeping them healthy. 100% Canadian product and no worries if the dog licks it. Hope you all have a great winter season!
  10. Thank you Mike. I awoke this morning to sub zero temps and dreary skies, knowing that I would again be staying home with a sick little one, your report was the perfect way to start my day. For a few moments this morning I wasn't sipping coffee in my kitchen, I was drifting along the Big M in my home state chasing steel. Look forward to your next adventure.
  11. Nice Glen......showing all that lovely warm sunshine and fish.......you are just cruel Good looking spots and it appears that the outing was a success.
  12. Nice and about time too, was beginning to think you didn't love us anymore lol Ever try one of those folding nets?
  13. Bly


    Topic suggestions welcome
  14. Welcome to the community! I hear there are nice fish in Scugog, look forward to your reports
  15. LOL Thanks for that Bernie
  16. Can't be certain Glen, but if you are fishing with Will, it might be on Demo mode....eh Cliff?
  17. :angel:
  18. Welcome
  19. Excellent!! Love seeing all those pictures of walleye and happy faces!! Terry, so happy to hear that the sheepies left you alone this year!!
  20. Welcome to the Community! Look forward to seeing some of your pictures and getting to know you. 25 lb musky for your first? Way to set the bar!! Congrats!
  21. Awesome Lexx!! Congratulations Glad to hear that even with a few Uh-oh's, all things ended well.
  22. Ummm Tj.....There are no fish at the Comfort Inn
  23. Woo hoo!! Lemme grab my wellies and shorts and I'll meet you....when and wehere???
  24. ROFL! Good for you!!!!
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