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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. beauty! Happy to be back on the water I am sure!
  2. you guys are awesome. As a person of dutch decent I just keep a garbage bag in the boat. Tear a head hole and some arm holes and away you go. The best part is you don't even have to throw the bag away, can jam it in a boat compartment and then next time you already have your rain gear ready to go. ps...yes my arms, legs and head do get wet.
  3. Terrace Bay sounds far...and they are north of that? Sorry, never heard of any of these places. That means it must be great!
  4. good for you! My second musky ever was a true beast (of course all of em look like a beast when you are new to muskies!) but I also figured I was a part of the 50" club...I did not measure it either. When they are that big, you just know. My buddies did razz me about it, so when I did catch another over 50 I made sure to measure it and make it official. Congrats on an awesome fish
  5. wow $6? Couple places a round here it is $3.60 taxes in (when I am too lazy to catch my own for the kids I will "splurge") Better keep that price quiet, don't need my worm purveyor jacking up prices to match the competition
  6. hmmm...I just do the 10 pm thing, never needed any more than darkness and a bit of moisture on the ground to fill up a few containers. Good luck and hopefully one of these gimmicks pays off! Sometimes I backwash the pool onto the lawn then I catch a few dozen mid day!
  7. beauties! especially the 3rd one. After fishing almost exclusively for muskies the past 20 years I gotta admit, a bit of a salmon obsession is creeping in on me now as well
  8. Wow what a report. Some amazing fish and adventures and the boat shined up real nice!
  9. quote from the article: “it was the biggest brown trout I have ever seen.” um considering it is a world record...no kidding Ridiculous fish. I am sure what sounds to be a very busy fishery will now be busier
  10. so hopefully yes. Otherwise there has been a lot of paddling the last 3 years
  11. I guess we are in an age of no multi-tasking. Why can't the tether have 2 purposes? For the fishing I do, the tether would have far more usefulness to let me get back into the boat than protecting others. Most often the days and places I fish there might not be anyone around for kilometers. The notion that my runaway boat would hit something or someone would be pretty unlikely. Having said that, their are some who fish in more crowded environments...in those cases the prevention of a boat ramming someone might be more relevant. Seems to me the tether has at least 2 good functions!
  12. Great report...man that fish posted by Chuck is a SLOB. Sounds like an awesome time...better to fish in some tough conditions than not fish at all!
  13. oh ya I went through that around 8 years ago. I sold my Princecraft to a member here because I needed something heavier to fish great lakes and lake St Clair. But man I loved the boat and felt kinda bad about it for a bit. Luckily I know Rob continues to enjoy that boat and occasionally see the odd picture here of it. The good news is, the boat I bought to replace it has also been great! That certainly helped get over the blues of selling it! Hope your new ride also works out great.
  14. Congrats on the boat! For the record, my vote was Crestliner as well
  15. makes sense. Just looking at it I would have done the same...opened the green one when filling!
  16. did you have both the yellow and the green open when adding the gear oil?
  17. on my fishfinder my waypoints 4, 17, 18, 21, 25 and 27 are all spots you can find bass. Hope you get into some!
  18. After a few years of so so openers, I have decided to wait a couple weeks before venturing out. My plan is to catch all kinds....especially big ones (we will see how that goes!)
  19. For me: Early season is slower. Mid season is the "quickest" action, multi fish days would be the norm. Late season not as many numbers but fish are heavier. So yes...go in mid season! Only thing to watch out for is the water temps. Once water gets around 80 or warmer best to lay off the fish as mortality will be much higher
  20. wow what a beauty! I only ever went after brookies once and the fish I caught were the size of a middle finger, nothing like that one! Truly gorgeous fish though
  21. how did it go? I opted for pike on a small inland lake instead...got enough snotrockets to last me a season
  22. ...just checked again...winds not as bad as predicted. Why do I make my plans best on the weatherman?
  23. I was planning to go too, but forecast said 20 k north winds. Tip? Have a bigger boat than me
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