I guess we are in an age of no multi-tasking. Why can't the tether have 2 purposes? For the fishing I do, the tether would have far more usefulness to let me get back into the boat than protecting others. Most often the days and places I fish there might not be anyone around for kilometers. The notion that my runaway boat would hit something or someone would be pretty unlikely. Having said that, their are some who fish in more crowded environments...in those cases the prevention of a boat ramming someone might be more relevant. Seems to me the tether has at least 2 good functions!
oh ya I went through that around 8 years ago. I sold my Princecraft to a member here because I needed something heavier to fish great lakes and lake St Clair. But man I loved the boat and felt kinda bad about it for a bit. Luckily I know Rob continues to enjoy that boat and occasionally see the odd picture here of it. The good news is, the boat I bought to replace it has also been great! That certainly helped get over the blues of selling it! Hope your new ride also works out great.
After a few years of so so openers, I have decided to wait a couple weeks before venturing out. My plan is to catch all kinds....especially big ones (we will see how that goes!)
For me: Early season is slower. Mid season is the "quickest" action, multi fish days would be the norm. Late season not as many numbers but fish are heavier. So yes...go in mid season! Only thing to watch out for is the water temps. Once water gets around 80 or warmer best to lay off the fish as mortality will be much higher
wow what a beauty! I only ever went after brookies once and the fish I caught were the size of a middle finger, nothing like that one! Truly gorgeous fish though
5 years ago? maybe fewer? They had a big bin of them...no wrapping, no packaging, just a whole bunch of these pliers in a bin. Maybe it was a one time thing where they got an awesome bulk deal?
I am aware all those lakes you list have musky, but I have never targetted them there. You can add Sparrow L and Gloucester Pool to that list as well. Personally, I would drive a bit ang go to Kawarthas
my buddies go there and get pike, perch and walleye....but it is hit and miss. From what I have seen the best fishing is far from access points...you would want a snowmobile
ya easy to get off. For me the hardest part is getting the dang cotter pin out in the tight quarters. After that just turn the nut counter clockwise and should be able to slider her off. Definitely don't use that prop as it is motor will vibrate like crazy and you may damage something else!
I used to jam a hook in there too...until I discovered that split ring pliers were $5 at my local tackle shop. Forget the $40 one you saw, they can be had for waaayy less. Pretty sure I got mine at Natural sports in Kitchener.