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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. Well. I finally bought a Muskie setup (Okuma rod and reel) and about 5 lures. I am heading to a Kawartha lake next weekend for the weekend with some pals. So far, I have only been catching trees in the yard as I practice my casting. Just like the trees, I plan to be a catch and release kind of Muskie fella. I need to stay out of tackle shops. This could get expensive!
  2. Congrats and good luck Rick.
  3. I almost peed just reading this thread! lol
  4. There is some good advice in the thread. The only thing I can offer is don't sign anything you don't understand, haven't thoroughly reviewed or perhaps even had a trusted, skilled source provide an opinion on. Hopefully nothing happens to you and you have many more good years with your employer assuming happiness is your baseline before / after the company purchase.
  5. Heading to Stoney Lake on Thursday. Can't wait!!!!

  6. I am happy for you bud. You and your family will create great memories at that honey hole. Fishing ones included.
  7. My Dad used to take me and my two brothers fishing about 2-3 times a summer when we were quite young ( < 12). He would stop by Crappy Tire to pick up line and very few terminal tackle and we were off to find a trout stream in rural New Brunswick! He always seemed to find a great spot easily back then. My brothers and I felt like true outdoors men finding our own branches (poles), stringing them up, finding worms under a rock/log and being successful at catching a pan fry. Anytime we had a shore lunch, we talked about it for days after. Thanks for triggering that memory!
  8. I was called bruh just last week by a hipster 40 year old. I shake my head and move on.
  9. I agree with you Roy about many well brought up kids come from good parents and not places.
  10. I am pulling for ya buddy. You have a good heart and attitude even during trying times.
  11. Whichever GM engineer designed the placement / assembly of the 2.2 L ecotec thermostat deserves a kick in the lug nuts.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bigugli


      That's how you make real money

    3. Freshtrax


      Don't get me started I changes a starter for a buddy last week in a garage with minimal tools and no ramps, took me 4 hours. Would have been much faster and easier to unbutton the cx arm and pull axle.

    4. misfish


      When I seen I had to take apart the whole driver side of the Avenger to change the battery,I traded it in for a truck.LOL

  12. I will be cooking (and cleaning up after) a nice meal for my darling wife and 5 year old daughter. They are excited. It will be a break from the everyday. I don't do it often enough due to work commitments but they absolutely love it anytime I take / make the opportunity.
  13. I bought a Netgear and am quite happy with the purchase. http://m.bestbuy.ca/defaultpage.aspx?lang=en#/catalog/productdetails.aspx?ajax=true&sku=10227107&lang=en-CA
  14. OFSC site is certainly where to go for official trail status. In the past, I would review trail / trip reports on the forum at "Ontario Conditions". Google it. You'll be glad you did. Happy trails.
  15. Which service providers are folks using for streaming (beyond Netflix, YouTube).
  16. I have only been blessed to occasionally find inner peace. Sadly, it was lost when I went back to work.
  17. I have been using the same gloves from Marks forever. I don't put anything on them and easily get 5+ years from a pair.
  18. Leaping Lanny the standing dropkick king!
  19. Same here but I did enjoy watching Killer Karl Krupp finish 'em off with the Iron Claw.
  20. Appleton Eggnog for dessert tonight. Sure. I'll second that and go for seconds!

  21. Aced the ROC (M) exam tonight! Time to shop around for a DSC radio...

    1. Fisherman


      Excellent. Remember to get a quality antenna.

  22. I just order a new safety razor set-up. Smooth move? I'll know more over time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. i2cool2fool


      Thanks for the tip. I ordered from these folks -> http://www.fendrihan.com/ they seem promising.

    3. BillM


      Yeah about the only place in Canada to order. Definitely get a sample pack. Gillette 7 O'Clocks, Astra Superior Platnium and Shark Super Chromes are my favs.

    4. i2cool2fool


      Got my first shave in and feel like a new fella. No major mishaps. A new Merkur 34C will change your life!

  23. I "think" you are quite a knowledgable, experienced, seasoned, and always maturing multi-species fisherman. I also "think" I am one jealous dood and can't wait for this trip report! Enjoy your trip. The countdown continues... (don't forget wire)
  24. Lest we forget. It's hard to even imagine the experiences our brave soldiers had while protecting our freedoms. My Great Uncle Doug didn't discuss his service much but whenever he did I walked away with an incredible feeling of pride and thankfulness towards him and his comrades. I am fortunate to have the day off tomorrow. I plan to attend the assembly at my daughters school. Afterwards, there will be a veteran or two having a drink or two on my tab at my local Legion. I want to hear their stories. http://vid134.photobucket.com/albums/q97/i2cool2fool/public/ABAE11B9-DCAB-422C-9C32-CAB9D70ADDE7.mp4
  25. What kind of wire? Just joking.
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