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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Ya it's a good show tonight in bobcaygeon !!! Been up since 3am as usual and have seen at least a few dozen !!!! Awesome to see when you are in total darkness
  2. Seen a few decent ones last night in bobcaygeon at 10pm northeast direction ... They are really moving fast too .....
  3. I have the latest technology on my boat and I still use marker bouys fairly often and you should not have touched it they are very effective tool and ya they may be old school but they work but yes the guys went way to far with your little one being present and was not cool !!!! I have had people pick mine up as well and some just drive over to it and look but most avid fishermen know what they are and do not touch it
  4. My deepest condolences Wayne to you and your family I have like many followed jens fight since the beggining and she fought to the very end she is an insperation to us all !!!! Take care Shawn
  5. Wow !!! Awesome trip guys some very nice toothy critters for sure !!!!
  6. Ya another board member and myself almost had to go to court over a planner board !!!! Ya the cops didn't know what it was and wanted to fine me for it !!!! They almost ran over all my lines and everything !!!! I was shouting at them as well profanitys included !!!! Ya just unreal most if them don't know squat !!!!!! I have way over and above my safety requirements including full fire extinguisher VHF radio everything you name it I got it !! And they didn't know what a planner board was !!!!! I have been through thei many times !!!! Most cops that do marine patrol are barely old enough to shave !!!!! Typical ... But as long as you have the equipment you are good to go !!!!!! And about a month ago I got stopped on a northern lake and the police boat just barely made it over a shoal that was unmarked and they didn't even see it !!!! I told them about it and what they just drove over and they pretended that I was not even talking !!!!!! They missed the rocks by about 10 feet and didn't even know they were there !!!! Hahaha that would have been awesome ...... Me rescuing a police boat ... It's about the only kind of boat I have not yet rescued !!! Lol .... Unreal eh.
  7. Well it would help if the people who own the million dollar homes don't fertilize their lawns 10 feet from the waters edge !!! See it all the time on all the kawarthas not just sturgeon .... Lots of reasons why including the insane boat traffic
  8. Looks like railway slag ??? I have seen them look like that before !!! It's the slag rock they use to line the railway tracks I think ?? Hmmmm where did you find it
  9. Wow !!! Looks good & strong for sure ... Some nice work and well thought out !!! Great idea
  10. . Shane my buddy lives 1 minute from the boat launch in view lake on lake scugog and his property got smashed a few massive trees down in his yard the nieghbors boat smashed on shore and a few docks ripped out it was bad all over !!! Here on sturgeon lake I just made it back too and a few boats with serious dock rash and a few smaller tinnies were sunny as well as docks damaged too but could have been worse I helped a guy get his boat from under a dock yesterday it broke loose and floated a few docks down & got wedged under a dock it damaged badly from dock rash & the tiller handle was bent gas line ripped off but in bad storms on sturgeon lake here on the thurstonia side it's very common as the cottagers don't listen to us locals and tie their boats up right or put them on boat lifts as this is the windiest part on the lake !!! I see it a few times every summer !!!!! But nobody was hurt and just lawn furniture & stuff from people's docks all in the lake as usual !!! He even got his fishing rod back as it was in a rod case and floated 1/4 mile down the lake and we found it washed up on shore !!!!! Lol
  11. It's a matter if preference and there's several kinda if topwater frogs and some go across pads easier than others some last longer some have better hook positions as well !!! For color I try to have a few and to me the bottom color is more important and on dark overcast days I use a black frog as they seem to see the dark profile better and will get more accurate strikes on it !!!!if I'm fishing it over grass & wild rice I go with the leopard frog white & brown belly !!! I find the RIVER 2 SEA frogs sort of have a hull design on them and they glide better and are not as prone to flip over on the pads and do not get snagged as much !!!! I have done a lot of experimenting with frogs the last few summers and took many hours to really find if it all matters and it does !!!! I think the profile of the frog matters more and some even sit in the water better than others for sure !!!! And on most frogs I do give the legs a bit of a haircut !!!! And a tip if you cut one leg a little shorter than the other the frog will tend to almost walk the dog and turn to the side with the shorter skirting !!!! On a jerk & pause ... It will turn while it's gliding before it comes to a stop !!!! Also I believe I was fishing a frog too fast as the experts say most people do !!!! Brown black and natural belly Colors seem to work the best for myself and try to get a frog that will sit slightly on an angle when it comes to a stop !!!! I have also been trying to use frogs in open water for big smallies and have had some success and that's when you need to have the details all figured out as I have seen some BIG brown tanks following my frog 2 feet below it and watching it very closely in open water 20ft deep !!! It is an awesome sight but have not got any big smallies yet on an open water frog but lots of 2lbers witch is still great but !!! Smallies sure know how to destroy a frog !!! And at $10 a piece and more you can see how it adds up !!! Lol ... I am also going to experiment with sinking a frog and using it for big smallies as well !!!! With putting some weight inside the frog to keep it somewhat level while it sinks !!!! Sorry for the long post !!! I have spent lots of hours really increasing my frog skills and it's paying off !!!!! Cheers & fish-on
  12. Wow !!! Lots of awesome info guys about both android & iPhones !!!! Thanks cliff about the iPhone info I do have an iTunes account too and I do have a few payed apps so it might be easier to go with a iPhone 6 Been fishing a lot and have not had much time to do this yet but the info is great in the meantime. Thanks guys keep it Comming. Cheers. Shawn
  13. Split ring off and a cross lock snap !!! The best way or just tie direct without the ring !!!! Using a rapala knot !!! Bulletproof
  14. yup full on citiot invasion is on full blast in cottage countrycops are out too harassing everyone and traffic is crazy,one more long weekend after this and it will be over for another year.....the lakes will be insane as usual too living in cottage country sure sucks on the long weekends .....fun wow...lol
  15. As stayed above lake trout when they are on the feedbag will eat almost anything including frogs and even dead fish !!! They are opportunistic feeders at certain times and at other times can be frustrating ... Sometimes you have to get very creative and try some freaky different things for them .... Salmon flies work great too as well as leadcore And spinners !!! Yes worm harnesses .....
  16. thats sad really,it shows how easy it is for people to transfer invasives....how long till one of those bait buckets contain a few baby asian carp ???? or a host of all the other nasty critters that are on their way here...and thats only one blitz imagine how many they didnt get
  17. most marinas carry a mildew remover,and i believe i seen some in canadian tire?
  18. alot of the lake nip walleyes as well as bay of quinte walleyes are taken to montreal,and new york cities !!! for sale in restaurants and markets.....both the legal and illegal walleyes and yes the member above said right as well $14 to $20 dollars a pound...... kinda easy to figure out why the nets are getting more numerous and bigger all the time,like i said both legal & illegal big money big profit,lake nip doesnt stand a chance...
  19. and it will continue to happen...these as just the ones that make the news....it goes on everyday,and will till there is no more to illegally net....
  20. Nice holiday fishing trip/report cliff !!!! Nice area too .... I fish that lake pretty regularly and it was really slow to get going this summer .... You have to put the hours on to figure them out there .... Thanks for sharing ... Looks like a good time had by all !!!! Cheers
  21. Well trophy fish don't always come from large bodies of water !!!! A small lake may not support huge nber a of big fish but may support a true trophy !!! Know what I mean ... The biggest bass I have ever seen but didn't catch ... Spent 3hrs trying to after I seen him was in a lake no more than 1/2 mile long and 1/2 mile wide tops !!!!! So don't ever underestimate a smaller lake or river cause you think it has to be like lake simcoe to support huge bass ..... It depends on lots of factors including bait availiable spawning sites fishing pressure and water levels to name a few. I regularly fish 10-15 different lakes every summer for both smallies being my fav and for buckets and those lakes variy in size a lot !!! Some lakes have good numbers of fish but not big ones other lakes have a lot lower numbers of fish but for sure have produced me 4-5 lb fish !!!!! Sometimes going a little off the beaten path and finding a few lakes that people seen to just drive right by will produce the fish of your dreams !!!! Something to think about !!!!
  22. wow !!! another epic fishing trip mike...great report & pics of the young lads having a blast...sure looks like paradise up there ...man im jelous thanks for sharing
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